The False Comparison of Jan 6ers to The Pro-Israel Protestors


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
We've recently seen the fake trope comparing the J6 berserkers to the righteous pro-Palestinian protestors.

There's just no comparison.

First of all, let's look at the reasons for their protests, one was for a fake stolen election, the other is for stopping the killing of innocent civilians.

Then we can look at the actual events, one featured Confederate flag carrying thugs, pummelling any law-enforcement officer in sight, the other features young students outraged at the American involvement in the ongoing destruction of Palestinian people.

To sum it up, one wanted to usurp the change of power from one President to the next and one wants America to divest from the slaughtering of innocent civilians.

Absolutely no comparison.

Yet the white Establishment media, and many on the right, are lying about it.

Here's a great video addressing the entire situation very succinctly....

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We've recently seen the fake trope comparing the J6 berserkers to the righteous pro-Palestinian protestors.

There's just no comparison.

First of all, let's look at the reasons for their protests, one was for a fake stolen election, the other is for stopping the killing of innocent civilians.

Then we can look at the actual events, one featured Confederate flag carrying thugs, pummelling any law-enforcement officer in sight, the other features young students outraged at the American involvement in the ongoing destruction of Palestinian people.

To sum it up, one wanted to usurp the change of power from one President to the next and one wants America to divest from the slaughtering of innocent civilians.

Absolutely no comparison.

Yet the white Establishment media, and many on the right, are lying about it.

Here's a great video addressing the entire situation very accurately....

Tell us about the very fine people at your Hamas rally.
We've recently seen the fake trope comparing the J6 berserkers to the righteous pro-Palestinian protestors.

There's just no comparison.

First of all, let's look at the reasons for their protests, one was for a fake stolen election, the other is for stopping the killing of innocent civilians.

Then we can look at the actual events, one featured Confederate flag carrying thugs, pummelling any law-enforcement officer in sight, the other features young students outraged at the American involvement in the ongoing destruction of Palestinian people.

To sum it up, one wanted to usurp the change of power from one President to the next and one wants America to divest from the slaughtering of innocent civilians.

Absolutely no comparison.

Yet the white Establishment media, and many on the right, are lying about it.

Here's a great video addressing the entire situation very accurately....

When your style caused me to lose my train of thought, it's time to consider it.

You likely have a message worth hearing?
We've recently seen the fake trope comparing the J6 berserkers to the righteous pro-Palestinian protestors.

There's just no comparison.

First of all, let's look at the reasons for their protests, one was for a fake stolen election, the other is for stopping the killing of innocent civilians.

Then we can look at the actual events, one featured Confederate flag carrying thugs, pummelling any law-enforcement officer in sight, the other features young students outraged at the American involvement in the ongoing destruction of Palestinian people.

To sum it up, one wanted to usurp the change of power from one President to the next and one wants America to divest from the slaughtering of innocent civilians.

Absolutely no comparison.

Yet the white Establishment media, and many on the right, are lying about it.

Here's a great video addressing the entire situation very succinctly....

There is no comparison

Those on January 6th did not celebrate the massacre and rape and torture and taking of American hostages that were women and children.

In fact, an unarmed woman was shot dead in the "House of the People" on January 7th, with no investigation as the police officer was instantly heralded as a hero.

Nor did those on January 6 sit around singing gas the Jews or anyone else for that matter.

Hamas does not even have any Vikings because they suck.
The January 6th riots have been so mischaracterized by our Leftist Media and politicians, and it is difficult even to remember WTF was going on that day.

HALF OF THE COUNTRY was convinced that the election had been stolen. There were (and remain) abundant reasons to believe that. And yet the Courts were running away from the issues and problems that were raised, tossing out cases on procedural grounds, left and right.

NOBODY wanted to "overturn the election." This is Leftist bullshit. What was wanted was a DELAY in certifying the results, pending an honest, factual analysis of what went on. How did states get away with changing the voting rules in violation of law, at the last minute? How did Zuckerberg get away with spending FOUR HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS harvesting votes in exclusively Democrat precincts.? How did the 51 liars get away with claiming that the Hunter Biden Laptop was bullshit, when manifestly it was legitimate? Why did the Democrats in Atlanta shut down counting of ballots, send the observers home, and then continue counting ballots? WTF?

There is no rational basis to compare the current anti-Semitic riots with January 6th, or with the George Floyd riots for that matter. The January 6th rioters were PATRIOTS who knew they had just been screwed; the current rioters hate America and everything it stands for. They are all Democrats. 'nuf said.
I hope Jews in America are watching democrats pander to Nazis calling for their death.

If you're a Jew in America and you vote for democrats, you deserve what you get if they win.

Democrats side with Hamas

^^^ Democrats
The January 6th riots have been so mischaracterized by our Leftist Media and politicians, and it is difficult even to remember WTF was going on that day.

HALF OF THE COUNTRY was convinced that the election had been stolen. There were (and remain) abundant reasons to believe that. And yet the Courts were running away from the issues and problems that were raised, tossing out cases on procedural grounds, left and right.

NOBODY wanted to "overturn the election." This is Leftist bullshit. What was wanted was a DELAY in certifying the results, pending an honest, factual analysis of what went on. How did states get away with changing the voting rules in violation of law, at the last minute? How did Zuckerberg get away with spending FOUR HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS harvesting votes in exclusively Democrat precincts.? How did the 51 liars get away with claiming that the Hunter Biden Laptop was bullshit, when manifestly it was legitimate? Why did the Democrats in Atlanta shut down counting of ballots, send the observers home, and then continue counting ballots? WTF?

There is no rational basis to compare the current anti-Semitic riots with January 6th, or with the George Floyd riots for that matter. The January 6th rioters were PATRIOTS who knew they had just been screwed; the current rioters hate America and everything it stands for. They are all Democrats. 'nuf said.

We've recently seen the fake trope comparing the J6 berserkers to the righteous pro-Palestinian protestors.

There's just no comparison.

First of all, let's look at the reasons for their protests, one was for a fake stolen election, the other is for stopping the killing of innocent civilians.

Then we can look at the actual events, one featured Confederate flag carrying thugs, pummelling any law-enforcement officer in sight, the other features young students outraged at the American involvement in the ongoing destruction of Palestinian people.

To sum it up, one wanted to usurp the change of power from one President to the next and one wants America to divest from the slaughtering of innocent civilians.

Absolutely no comparison.

Yet the white Establishment media, and many on the right, are lying about it.

Here's a great video addressing the entire situation very succinctly....

this is the truth.

We've recently seen the fake trope comparing the J6 berserkers to the righteous pro-Palestinian protestors.

There's just no comparison.

First of all, let's look at the reasons for their protests, one was for a fake stolen election, the other is for stopping the killing of innocent civilians.

Then we can look at the actual events, one featured Confederate flag carrying thugs, pummelling any law-enforcement officer in sight, the other features young students outraged at the American involvement in the ongoing destruction of Palestinian people.

To sum it up, one wanted to usurp the change of power from one President to the next and one wants America to divest from the slaughtering of innocent civilians.

Absolutely no comparison.

Yet the white Establishment media, and many on the right, are lying about it.

Here's a great video addressing the entire situation very succinctly....

^^^ supports the domestic terrorists attacking Jews at colleges. Chants from the river to the sea...
We've recently seen the fake trope comparing the J6 berserkers to the righteous pro-Palestinian protestors.

There's just no comparison.

First of all, let's look at the reasons for their protests, one was for a fake stolen election, the other is for stopping the killing of innocent civilians.

Then we can look at the actual events, one featured Confederate flag carrying thugs, pummelling any law-enforcement officer in sight, the other features young students outraged at the American involvement in the ongoing destruction of Palestinian people.

To sum it up, one wanted to usurp the change of power from one President to the next and one wants America to divest from the slaughtering of innocent civilians.

Absolutely no comparison.

Yet the white Establishment media, and many on the right, are lying about it.

Here's a great video addressing the entire situation very succinctly....

You are trying to spin the fact that your party got busted for everything it said in broad strokes about the Magas that protested on Jan 6.
Example: AOC speaking about peaceful protesters at the campuses inadvertantly admits it had a different spin during Jan6 which had peaceful protesters wrongfully associated with the non peaceful ones which were also outsiders some antifa, notice the same outfits and orchestrated techniques aa in the campus take over seiges, these are instructed trained agitators like on Jan 6 bundled with maga for the leftist agenda blame game.
But the campuses are many times worse because this time the commentary and acts of many so called peaceful students are truly terroristic and insurrection inciteful and threatening even when bot violently pusging or attacking anyone. Furthermore they illegally without authority have detained people which is a crime and part if their terror and threats which never took place on Jan 6.
So Omar talking to a known terrorist and supporting and financing a terrorist uprising is herself a known terrorist & is financing terrorist threats including death and takeover to america=insurrection. Why is she still allowed in congress=they only want to renove Rep members and keep their forbidden Dem members merely for the seats not the good of the Nation nor law.
They should be protesting Iran not Israel, the fact they protest American Jews is racist pure and simple vile hate mongering terrorism. You support that because we already established many times that you are one of the prejudiced types on this board who selectively reacts based on prejudices not rational thought.
You are trying to spin the fact that your party got busted for everything it said in broad strokes about the Magas that protested on Jan 6.
Example: AOC speaking about peaceful protesters at the campuses inadvertantly admits it had a different spin during Jan6 which had peaceful protesters wrongfully associated with the non peaceful ones which were also outsiders some antifa, notice the same outfits and orchestrated techniques aa in the campus take over seiges, these are instructed trained agitators like on Jan 6 bundled with maga for the leftist agenda blame game.
But the campuses are many times worse because this time the commentary and acts of many so called peaceful students are truly terroristic and insurrection inciteful and threatening even when bot violently pusging or attacking anyone. Furthermore they illegally without authority have detained people which is a crime and part if their terror and threats which never took place on Jan 6.
So Omar talking to a known terrorist and supporting and financing a terrorist uprising is herself a known terrorist & is financing terrorist threats including death and takeover to america=insurrection. Why is she still allowed in congress=they only want to renove Rep members and keep their forbidden Dem members merely for the seats not the good of the Nation nor law.
They should be protesting Iran not Israel, the fact they protest American Jews is racist pure and simple vile hate mongering terrorism. You support that because we already established many times that you are one of the prejudiced types on this board who selectively reacts based on prejudices not rational thought.
Provide a list of physically harmed Jewish citizens from the events of these protests.

Don't worry, I'll wait.
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The qualifying dif on J6 people is that they tried to throw over the lawful, peaceful transfer of power.

They will never forgiven in history for that treason.
Provide a list of physically harmed Jewish citizens from the events of these protests.

Don't worry, I'll wait.
every single one emotionally.
the lady stabbed in the eye, And I saw others harmed on broadcasts.

NOW ANSWER THIS: why does the MSM ask the IDF about the
" human shield" 7-10 kids killed in Gaza but not interview Iran military or spokespeople about the Arab girl they killed in Israel during their rocket and drone attack?
Isn't that equivalent to MSM ignoring Black on Black crime but selectively race baiting a selective white on black incident?
Logic says this double standard is used to incite race divisions therefore the MSM is baiting these terrorist inciteful behavior & violent protests (once again)-same show different masked cause.

Now the balls in your court: list all the names of the NON VIOLENT PROTESTERS who did not break any tresspassing, illegal camping, littering, vandalism, breaking and entering, threats, and that captive law I taked about.
Jeopardy theme song playing in the background
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