The dirty truth about inner city schools


Diamond Member
Jul 8, 2020
The simple truth is that one ethnic group is immune to criticism and most especially any sort of intelligent govermental action to address the problem....which cannot even be talked about unless you are willing to labeled a you and i do not have to worry about that....but a way will he sacrifice his career by telling the truth.

The simple truth is that one ethnic group is immune to criticism and most especially any sort of intelligent govermental action to address the problem....which cannot even be talked about unless you are willing to labeled a you and i do not have to worry about that....but a way will he sacrifice his career by telling the truth.

That group is whites.
But I'm ^^^^^ NOT a racist. LOLLOLLLLOLLLL
How is it racist to expose the inner city schools as the abject failures they are? What with graduation rates below 45% on average, to say nothing of the fact many of these graduates need remedial math and reading during their Freshman year at university because they couldn't read beyond a 6th grade level. Now, the emergence of Charter Schools have brought about hope for these students beyond the zoos that the district schools have become. Tighter standards and better discipline are the two key factors here. Plus bringing these schools in is actually good in that it forces the district schools to compete.
How is it racist to expose the inner city schools as the abject failures they are? What with graduation rates below 45% on average, to say nothing of the fact many of these graduates need remedial math and reading during their Freshman year at university because they couldn't read beyond a 6th grade level. Now, the emergence of Charter Schools have brought about hope for these students beyond the zoos that the district schools have become. Tighter standards and better discipline are the two key factors here. Plus bringing these schools in is actually good in that it forces the district schools to compete.
Maybe inner city schools should get the same funding as suburban schools. And really, who in the hell is Wesley Yang?
The simple truth is that one ethnic group is immune to criticism and most especially any sort of intelligent govermental action to address the problem....which cannot even be talked about unless you are willing to labeled a you and i do not have to worry about that....but a way will he sacrifice his career by telling the truth.

And the irony is that the very same people who become enraged at anything they even INTERPRET as racism are busy defending the antisemitism now rampant on college campuses - and cheering on the importation of even MORE antisemites.
doesnt matter how much you spend......California proved 5 to bottom ten......and they spent way more than that....
Absolutely.....throwing money at the problem has not worked.....just money thrown away...the so called war on poverty cost us trillons and not even to mention such foolish liberal policies has degraded us as a nation ....if all that money had been used intelligently...we would be far advanced from where we are....which now is little more than 3rd world status.
According to the Cato Institute, a libertarian think tank, since the Johnson Administration, almost $15 trillion has been spent on welfare, with poverty rates being about the same as during the Johnson Administration.
The simple truth is that one ethnic group is immune to criticism and most especially any sort of intelligent govermental action to address the problem....which cannot even be talked about unless you are willing to labeled a you and i do not have to worry about that....but a way will he sacrifice his career by telling the truth.
1. That is the purpose of Internet discussion forums: to let us little people blow off steam.

2. Of course, many things we say here cannot be said publicly, lest you lose your job.

3. Yes, most public schools in urban settings are full of violence and vandalism.

4. What can an individual do about it? NOTHING.

5. But if you happen to have a loved one who is thinking of going into secondary education in an urban setting, you can beg him/her NOT to. (That person could be seriously attacked or even killed.)

a. The media, of course, will ignore or give short shrift to the DAILY violence and vandalism of public schools in urban settings. (The people in a certain Southern city have just received permission to secede from that city and start their own city so that they can have schools where students act in a civilized manner.)
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Another lie and false excuse. Spending per pupil in DC is $24,000 a year, while Fairfax County spends $19,000 per year.
Washington DC is majority black including elected officials
Washington DC is majority black including elected officials
P.S. It isn’t really majority black, although its elected officials are. It’s about 50/50. The reason you might think it’s majority black is because it is the majority black districts where all the crime is, so that’s what you see on the news.

Lovely neighborhoods in NW and Georgetown, and quite affluent.
P.S. It isn’t really majority black, although its elected officials are. It’s about 50/50. The reason you might think it’s majority black is because it is the majority black districts where all the crime is, so that’s what you see on the news.

Lovely neighborhoods in NW and Georgetown, and quite affluent.
Georgetown is not DC, is it?

Which blows up IM2 ’s excuse that inner school fail fue to lack of money or the political powerlessness of black people
….which is why I pointed out that per-student spending in DC is much higher than in affluent Fairfax next door. It’s just another of his excuses for black failure.

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