The Affordable Care Act is not so Affordable Now

The ACA tripled the cost of my health insurance in less than a year....
Yup. That’s under republican administration. Good point.
You suck at math and reading....
Tripled the cost of insurance ? i guess you were expecting Mexico to pay for it. Were you expecting it to be free ? You gop Humpers are a bag load of free loaders. You want everything for nothing. What did you expect after the gop dropped the mandate so only sick people have insurance through the ACA ? Low cost insurance depends on healthy people paying their share. It’s Trumpcare now. After 4 years under gop admin, you get just what you deserve. Thousands dead and a big recession. pray Trump doesn’t get re-elected, you Humpers are fucked. All dumbass people will be.
And Joe Biden does understand this? Those who tell him what to say are stupider than he is! Trump has nothing do with why the ACA is no longer affordable. The Insurance Companies s have been dropping out for some time. Some states have very few of them. The Insurance rates are going up because theirs cost keeping going up. They have been increasing Deductibles and Copayments every year. Get educated and stop thinking as a delusional Democrat!
And Joe Biden does understand this? Those who tell him what to say are stupider than he is! Trump has nothing do with why the ACA is no longer affordable. The Insurance Companies s have been dropping out for some time. Some states have very few of them. The Insurance rates are going up because theirs cost keeping going up. They have been increasing Deductibles and Copayments every year. Get educated and stop thinking as a delusional Democrat!
Who has been in charge while the costs go up ? Republicans foolish.
The ACA cost for one reason. It’s expensive forcing for profit companies to insure people with preexisting conditions. It’s not rocket science. Every other free nation has universal healthcare and believes in AGW, while repugs only believe in recessions. They are frauds, they cut taxes and still want free stuff from the govt. they are useless.
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The ACA tripled the cost of my health insurance in less than a year....
Yup. That’s under republican administration. Good point.
You suck at math and reading....
Tripled the cost of insurance ? i guess you were expecting Mexico to pay for it. Were you expecting it to be free ? You gop Humpers are a bag load of free loaders. You want everything for nothing. What did you expect after the gop dropped the mandate so only sick people have insurance through the ACA ? Low cost insurance depends on healthy people paying their share. It’s Trumpcare now. After 4 years under gop admin, you get just what you deserve. Thousands dead and a big recession. pray Trump doesn’t get re-elected, you Humpers are fucked. All dumbass people will be.

Oh look, another ignorant kid.

U.S. health insurance coverage estimate for 2019. CBO estimated ACA/Obamacare was responsible for 22 million persons covered via exchanges and Medicaid expansion.
YearNumber Uninsured (Mil)Uninsured Percent
2013 (Pre-ACA)44.316.6%

And Joe Biden does understand this? Those who tell him what to say are stupider than he is! Trump has nothing do with why the ACA is no longer affordable. The Insurance Companies s have been dropping out for some time. Some states have very few of them. The Insurance rates are going up because theirs cost keeping going up. They have been increasing Deductibles and Copayments every year. Get educated and stop thinking as a delusional Democrat!
Who has been in charge while the costs go up ? Republicans foolish.
The ACA cost for one reason. It’s expensive forcing for profit companies to insure people with preexisting conditions. It’s not rocket science. Every other free nation has universal healthcare and believes in AGW, while repugs only believe in recessions. They are frauds, they cut taxes and still want free stuff from the govt. they are useless.
You got that right.
The ACA tripled the cost of my health insurance in less than a year....
Yup. That’s under republican administration. Good point.
ACA is a Public Law. Only Congress can change it. The Supreme Court can make it Unconstitutional.
The ACA tripled the cost of my health insurance in less than a year....
It's like that when your plan is guaranteed and is not a scam like your old GOP plan... Yes the problem is the cost s which are twice as high as anywhere else absolutely ridiculous. time to do something about that instead of trying to go back to the old scam.
My old plan wasn't a scam dummy...where do you get this
In my humble opinion, Obama Care is Unconstitutional:
Do I have the right to have or not to have Health Care Insurance?
Can the Federal Government demand what types of coverages I have to have?
I have no children or they are well passed infancy. Why do I still have to have
*Maternity and newborn care and
Pediatric services (including dental and vision)
The reasoning is we have to pay for other peoples health care needs.
Sounds like Socialism to me.

Obama Care was designed to fail and force everyone one into a big government run VA hospitals.
You idiots put your faith in a scam. How to do you feel?
And Joe Biden does understand this? Those who tell him what to say are stupider than he is! Trump has nothing do with why the ACA is no longer affordable. The Insurance Companies s have been dropping out for some time. Some states have very few of them. The Insurance rates are going up because theirs cost keeping going up. They have been increasing Deductibles and Copayments every year. Get educated and stop thinking as a delusional Democrat!
It’s not rocket science for educated people. Maybe republicans don’t know how private insure works ? The only thing that keeps profits up and cost down, is to include healthy people on the same roles as sick people. Dah. Cutting the mandate drops the enrollment of healthier people. Everyone left, pays more.

BCBS is in nearly every state of the union..
insurance companies drop out for one reason only. It’s less profitable. Private insurance company decisions are driven by profit. Is this a new revelation ? The overhead for Medicare is less then 1/4 that of private insurance. Why ? It’s non profit. That’s a new revelation.
You suck at realism. Republicans always fk up the economy, healthcare and the environment.
No they don't...even during the Bush years we had Pelosi and Read doing everything they could to slow down growth....and Obama/Biden were unable to bring us took a businessman to do it....and Trump will bring us back again...remember Trump is only a mini republican...he is not like the grand old party of yesterday....if you vote for Joe you will be voting for a lesser existence for your future....

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