Temporary Zone 1 for Israel/Palestine

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Why can't people in the Middle East just chill?
On a previous site, they finally just had to close that forum down. I don't even like to talk about it.
Tell that to th Muslims who break into your home, rape and torture your wife and daughter then shoot you in the head
Not sure if mods (excluding the vehement anti-Isrsel ones) have taken a look recently at the Israel/Palestine forum. It has descended into such a hotbed of slurs and hatred against Jews - often cloaked in the code word “Zionist,” but dripping with such utter contempt and double standards the meaning is clear - that it seems to have become a refuge for Stormfront users.

The attacks are so vicious - almost Nazi-like at tImes - that a civil discussion is not possible. I wonder since a Zone 1 thread was set up for a specific black poster to discuss racism, could we not TEMPORARILY at least afford the same protections in this case?

The forum has become a venue for complaints about Jews (NOT Israelis), and even people I thought were decent are crawling out of the woodwork with demeaning remarks about Jews. With Jews removing mezzuzim, having to hire military to stand post at synogogues, Jews being warned not to wear their Jewish jewelry, does USMB really want to be part of spreading the Jew-hate?
Threads and replies in the I&P area of the forum that violate the rules need to be reported.
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