Swastika-palestine Mob led by SJP's Muslim Brotherhood in (court doc.) plan to Islamize America (Not about the "Palestinians")


Platinum Member
Nov 13, 2023
* "Protest" and support for Hamas on October 7.

* The Islamic "terrorists in suits" who ignite the hatred - financed by terrorist elements.

* SJP's Muslim Brotherhood 100 year vision to Islamize America.

* The propaganda machine of Hamas and Iran has been working for years.

* They don't talk about the "Palestinians"
but ONLY AGAINST Israel.

Swastika found drawn on USC campus fence post.
By FOX 11 Digital Team. Updated May 1, 2024 3:53am PDT.

As protests continue on college campuses across the US, a viewer sent FOX 11 a picture of a swastika tagged on a fencepost at the USC campus.

LOS ANGELES - A swastika was found drawn on a fence post at the edge of USC's campus Tuesday, as pro-Palestine demonstrators continue their camp-in protest at the university.

The protest in the USA and support for Hamas on October 7: "They are close to Tel Aviv".
The harsh testimonies of the Jewish students and the secret messages in the closed groups behind the demonstrations on the campuses leave no doubt - they are very far from innocent. The "terrorists in suits" who ignite the hatred for Israel - financed by terrorist elements. "The propaganda machine of Hamas and Iran has been working for years - and they don't talk about the Palestinians at all, they are simply against the existence of Israel." Exposure of N12 magazine: the correspondence of the activists on and after 7.10.
Hagar Amgar| Assaf Rosenzweig.
May 3, 2024.

Back on October 7 itself, when in Israel they were still trying to understand the magnitude of the disaster and react, far across the sea they already started to rejoice. A Muslim student wrote enthusiastically that same day: "By the way, the freedom fighters pushed back the occupation forces, they are so close to Tel Aviv now" - and won hearts and sympathetic reactions.

This is just one of the correspondences of the extreme student cell Students for Justice in Palestine, nicknamed SJP, at the American BU University from 7.10 and after, which came into N12 magazine and are now being revealed. The merciless messages sent during and after the massacre showcase the extreme and anti-Israel positions of one of the most prominent bodies in the protests sweeping the US.


James, one of the activists in SJP, wrote in the debates: "The only permanent solution to this whole situation is for the State of Israel to collapse and be replaced by something truly democratic." In another conversation, one of the members claimed: "Every time I think that Israel can't be more evil, they prove me wrong."

A lively discussion took place in the group regarding the possibility of additional countries entering into a conflict with Israel: "Does anyone know if Lebanon and Egypt are going to respond? I know that the Sudanese government will join if they get money from it," noted one of the activists, "I wonder if North African countries will join - Alj Yaria talks a lot but does nothing, Sudan enters every war for the money, the Egyptians flex their muscles with their army but without action, so will anyone ever join in?". Another student added: "Egypt will not do anything unless there is a coup in the army." Another student accused: "Why are only the Shia countries and entities working against Israel? Iran, Hezbollah and now the Houthis."

Later, after the issue of the abductees came up for discussion and became a sign of protest, a student named Harlin was outraged by the "Zionist posters in the dorms" and said that she was ready to go over and tear them down. A student named Massa replied, "If they have the right to hang them, we have the right to take them down, carefully. I saw some and took them down." in group shares...


The correspondence in the group indicates consistent positions that support the violent Palestinian "resistance": as early as 2021, the group's activists spread messages that read "Long live the intifada" and glorify the first intifada. In another case, they covered a stone that stands in the center of the university and was painted (with approval and according to tradition) in blue and white colors on the 29th of November, in the colors of the Palestinian flag and the inscription "Long live the Intifada. Students from the Jewish organization Hillel returned the blue and white colors, which were repeatedly covered with hate messages. By the way, an email to the dean of students did not help, after he clarified that the caption falls under the definition of freedom of expression.


In the conversations held with Daniel, Gabi and Afik in preparation for the article, all three of them young men in their 20s who were involved in pro-Israel activities during their studies on the various campuses, they emphasize the same point: they did indeed see such a situation approaching, they fought against it for years in the universities - but there is no doubt that such an event they did not expect. "The propaganda machine of Hamas and Iran has been working for years," says Afik, a graduate of BU in Boston who is currently completing his doctoral studies. "Their activists are not at all interested in talking to us, there have been many attempts. The funniest thing is that they don't talk about the Palestinians at all - they are simply against the existence of the State of Israel," he adds.

And they say it openly? How did you first get exposed to them as a student?

"I had already heard of them before, but I thought they were a group that supports the rights of the Palestinian people. In the first week on campus, you are exposed to a lot of student cells on a variety of topics that invite you to join. I went to see how they present themselves out of interest, and I immediately understood the magnitude of the problem. There is no interest in the Palestinians there - All their leaflets only present a distinctly anti-Israeli image that is full of asymmetric messages. And they have no problem admitting that their call is mainly to boycott everything related to Israel - including us Jewish students. I personally contacted one of their leaders to talk , to create a dialogue between the parties, to learn the conflict together - and in response he blocked me from every possible place"...

You mentioned that their events are full of hate, how does that manifest?

"In addition to the fact that they do not recognize Israel and accordingly they have no goal of normalizing with Israel, certainly not to mention the other side - the Zionists. For them, anyone who does not support their idea is part of the problem. They know how to present that if you do not support the idea of a boycott of Israel - you support 'genocide' and you are a bad person. They have taught the American audience that they are sensitive to the issue of human rights and they press hard on this point."

You were a very involved student, you knew many non-Jewish friends - where are they today?

"I had a boyfriend since the age of 12, several friends from school, some of them very close who took down a stalker after October 7. By the way, everything I posted was mainly calls for the release of the kidnapped, is that why you cut me out of your life? How brainwashed can you be? Some tried to talk to me but some simply deleted and didn't talk to me anymore. At first I was very hurt, it's terrible to deal with the fact that you are cut off because of a part of your identity, but later I realized that it shows their values. If they delete me because I present my Jewish identity, It shows who they are."

"Besides that there is also a bright spot," Afik emphasizes with a smile: "Besides that I also receive support from some non-Jewish friends, I feel that since October 7th the Jews have united here. It used to not be like that, and now I receive messages and I myself have sent messages to childhood friends and all A Jew I knew almost if he is okay and if his family is safe. There is a feeling that we have united and we have each other's back, that is the most beautiful thing in this whole mess."

The SJP organization - led by the Muslim Brotherhood.

The largest and most central body that drives the demonstrations almost without exception on campuses across the US is indeed the student cell SJP - a distinct branch of the Muslim Brotherhood movement. For more than two decades, the SJP organization has become one of the most prominent and dominant movements throughout the academic institutions in the US . Even though most of the students and partners in the protests now are not Palestinian, and not even Muslim, they are definitely driven by an arm of the Muslim Brotherhood, the parent movement of Hamas.

The Muslim Brotherhood operates additional branches throughout the US, but the SJP is responsible for the activity with the students. "There is the easiest way to generate mobilization and social change quickly," says Dr. Kobi Barda, an expert in American history and politics and geostrategy, the Incubator for the Study of Religions At the University of Haifa, in a conversation with N12. "What we are seeing now is an event that has been slowly and patiently built over a quarter of a century - which is now reaching its ultimate maturity."

"Since October 7, the Jews have united here." Afik Zaroor

On October 8, a day after the terrible massacre by Hamas terrorists in the Gaza Envelope, one of the senior lecturers at the prestigious Berkeley University in California appeared and praised the atrocities of the terrorist organization Hamas. Professor Hatem Bezian, a Palestinian born in Nablus, a researcher in the Middle East Department at Berkeley, hit the crowds that came out to celebrate the terrible massacre. "The Palestinians are now experiencing the birth of their resistance, since the British arrived and gave Palestine to the Zionist colonialist settlement."

23 years ago, Hatem Bezian was one of the founders of the SJP organization, who worked and cooperated over the years with the BDS organization - which calls and preaches a financial boycott of the State of Israel. "Hatem Bezian is one of the greatest Islamists, who don't look like Islamists," says Dr. Dina Lisnansky, a researcher of Islam at Tel Aviv University and the Shalem Academic Center.

"He incites students in a very controlled way to think very specifically about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. He really talks to them about the conflict in an unequivocal way - with ideas like 'Jews have nothing to do in Israel' and 'Israel has no right to exist.' He opened a parallel university in California which teaches Islamic studies, and where he hosts the most serious Islamists, he is an example of a lecturer who raises generations of students who are influenced by his positions."

"There's something big behind this thing"

The feelings raised by Afik correspond with the line he leads in Zian and, not surprisingly, Gabi Sarah also tells of a similar feeling. The 27-year-old studied at Hunter University in New York and currently works for the Stand With Us organization, which is known for its pro-Israel social activities, but its main work is "supporting Israel and fighting anti-Semitism with the help of education", as she notes. "The SJP's policy is crazy, they really refuse to talk to anyone who knows there is such a thing as Israel," she says.

What else do you know about their agenda?

"They are mainly concerned with finding holes, literally loopholes, in all kinds of university laws in order to apply sanctions that are ostensibly to support the ideas of human rights for the Palestinian people and against the 'Israeli occupation', but directly harm the Jewish students. They tried in academic ways to make us a group that does not belong - For example, the confiscation of food coming from Israel, on which the Hillel and Chabad organizations, which are active on behalf of Jews and Israelis on campuses and are committed to kosher, are mainly based.


"There is an anti-Semitic angle here." A pro-Palestinian demonstration in the USA | (Photo: Reuters)

"If the Jewish cells cannot purchase food for their events or buildings in general - this is a direct attack on the Jewish students who observe kosher and there is an anti-Semitic angle here. We have been dealing with these things for years, Jewish students have tried to shout for years about the injustice done to them, but they are smart and they do the It is in an orderly manner in the votes in the student councils after they present their biased narrative."

How does all this happen for so many years in the biggest universities?

"It's clear that there is something big behind the scenes. If I start it might sound like a conspiracy because it's hard to put all the pieces together. But one important thing should be noted, because they are a non-profit organization they don't have to report where their income comes from and a lot of it is terribly mysterious."

Dr. Shai Har-Zvi, former Acting Director General of the Ministry for Strategic Affairs, knows the SJP well from the time when it fought the call for a boycott and delegitimization of Israel. "They were one of the most prominent boycott organizations back then," he says. Several Israeli publications, including "Terrorists in Suits" and "Behind the Mask" dealt with connections between Hamas and delegitimization organizations, and also drew a link between BDS and anti-Semitism.

He explains the expression "terrorists in suits" as follows: "We revealed that in the world, including in the US and Europe, a deep campaign is underway by a network of civil society organizations, some of which have ties to declared terrorist organizations - Hamas and the Popular Front," he says. The terrorists acted to take advantage of those civil society organizations in an attempt to whitewash their activities in order to promote their ideology against the State of Israel, and possibly also with the aim of taking advantage of the legitimacy that those organizations enjoyed in order to raise funds."

Har-Zvi, who currently serves as a senior researcher at the Policy and Strategy Institute at Reichman University, explains that "the delegitimization and boycott organizations used classic and modern anti-Semitic motifs and expressions to promote their campaigns against the State of Israel, while trying to present themselves as legitimate human rights organizations." In 2021, the Ministry of Defense declared several Palestinian civil society organizations as terrorist organizations because of their activities in favor of the Popular Front: Har-Zvi points out that some of them had extensive connections with elements in the international arena as well.

"Affinity with declared terrorist organizations - Hamas and the Popular Front". (Dr. Shai Har-Zvi).

The green-red alliance.

One of the main factors that is reflected in the anti-Israel demonstrations on campuses in the USA, as well as in various centers in Europe, is the "Green-Red Alliance". It is a combination of forces of radical elements from among the Muslim Brotherhood and the Marxist current. On the face of it, this connection may be surprising For many, since these are two camps with a huge ideological chasm gaping between them.

The members of the Muslim Brotherhood, on the one hand, promote a very conservative and violent agenda, while on the other hand there are many who seek to support a liberal set of values. "These camps build ideological intersections between them," explains Dr. Barda. "Many times here we laugh at Queers for Palestine, and fail to understand how members of the LGBT community support and side with the elements associated with the terrorist organization Hamas."

A combination of two opposing movements - the Muslim Brotherhood and the Marxist current.

Dr. Barda explains that the main argument for them is that different minorities with different positions can promote each other's agenda together, even without agreeing with all the things. Minorities - and in fact formed them into the mother ship, which is the Democratic Party. What has changed over the years? "They (the Green-Red Alliance) really began to persecute one of the main factions in the 'Big Tent' - American Jewry," Barda says. "Basically, they have become cooperative players - predators, the idea for them is to control the narrative."

The Muslim Brotherhood in the US works on many and varied levels to promote their agenda and influence what is happening in the public and political arena. You can see a synchronized system that works well on American campuses, but not only with an emphasis on the students, but also exerts heavy pressure on the lecturers and university administrations - Often with the help and funding of the Qatari government, which itself is a clear supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood. Along with the struggle in the universities, there is also an extensive effort to act in the local authorities, to promote council members and of course also in the Congress in Washington...

The 100-year plan for "Islamizing America"

One of the best examples of the Muslim Brotherhood's long-term effort to gain control and a real foothold in the United States is the Holy Land Foundation affair. For many years, it was the largest Muslim charity fund in the United States, which collected large sums of money, and its official goal was "to find and implement solutions practical for human suffering through humanitarian programs that affect the lives of deprived, disinherited and displaced peoples who suffer from natural and man-made disasters."

"The Muslim Brotherhood does not hide their intentions."

In 2008, the federal court in Dallas, Texas, discussed the case - and many of the fund's people and many of its people stood trial for economic crimes of tax evasion and money "laundering". Dr. Breda points out that in the US it is very common to donate to various associations and organizations in order to receive tax refunds. While many do donate to "innocent" industries, from sports and art to welfare and charity, in this case it turned out that the donations were transferred directly to the Muslim Brotherhood in the USA.

"The Muslim Brotherhood actually raised money under the guise of charitable purposes - and transferred it to activities to promote terrorism," says Dr. Barda, "either directly to Hamas and its affiliated parties, or to American movements." America". The plan, which was presented as a written document of dozens of pages, describes, among other things, the plan to introduce Islamic institutions and content into the USA - until Islamic rule is established there, and in other countries in the West.


"This is the explanation that they are planning to take over the West in the next 100 years, to invade and rule the West and establish an Islamic government over the whole world," said journalist and political activist Brigit Gabriel, an American of Lebanese origin who is known for her right-wing positions and the fight against radical Islam. "In the section of the program about the role of the Muslim Brotherhood in the US, it is written that 'the process of settlement is an evolutionary process of jihad, with all that implies. The brothers must understand that their role in America is to carry out Jihad, which will help destroy and eliminate the West from within."


"This is a long-term plan, in which the Muslim Brotherhood does not hide their intentions - and, among other things, on the basis of it they are convicted," Barda adds. The five main convicts in the case were sent to a cumulative sentence of 165 years in prison. "This is to clarify how severely the court viewed their actions," he says. The connection between the people who were convicted in that high-profile trial and the SJP organization whose people are currently leading the huge demonstrations against Israel and in favor of Hamas on campuses in the USA is clear - and it remains to be wondered how many of the demonstrators would have agreed to their country being converted to Islam and changing its face.
[N12 - המחאה בארה"ב והתמיכה בחמאס ב-7.10: "הם קרובים לתל אביב" Mako]
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"Protest" and support for Hamas on October 7. The Islamic "terrorists in suits" who ignite the hatred - financed by terrorist elements / SJP's Muslim Brotherhood 100 year vision to Islamize America. The propaganda machine of Hamas and Iran has been working for years / they don't talk about the "Palestinians" at all.

The protest in the USA and support for Hamas on October 7: "They are close to Tel Aviv".
The harsh testimonies of the Jewish students and the secret messages in the closed groups behind the demonstrations on the campuses leave no doubt - they are very far from innocent. The "terrorists in suits" who ignite the hatred for Israel - financed by terrorist elements. "The propaganda machine of Hamas and Iran has been working for years - and they don't talk about the Palestinians at all, they are simply against the existence of Israel." Exposure of N12 magazine: the correspondence of the activists on and after 7.10.
Hagar Amgar| Assaf Rosenzweig.
May 3, 2024.

Back on October 7 itself, when in Israel they were still trying to understand the magnitude of the disaster and react, far across the sea they already started to rejoice. A Muslim student wrote enthusiastically that same day: "By the way, the freedom fighters pushed back the occupation forces, they are so close to Tel Aviv now" - and won hearts and sympathetic reactions.

This is just one of the correspondences of the extreme student cell Students for Justice in Palestine, nicknamed SJP, at the American BU University from 7.10 and after, which came into N12 magazine and are now being revealed. The merciless messages sent during and after the massacre showcase the extreme and anti-Israel positions of one of the most prominent bodies in the protests sweeping the US.


James, one of the activists in SJP, wrote in the debates: "The only permanent solution to this whole situation is for the State of Israel to collapse and be replaced by something truly democratic." In another conversation, one of the members claimed: "Every time I think that Israel can't be more evil, they prove me wrong."

A lively discussion took place in the group regarding the possibility of additional countries entering into a conflict with Israel: "Does anyone know if Lebanon and Egypt are going to respond? I know that the Sudanese government will join if they get money from it," noted one of the activists, "I wonder if North African countries will join - Alj Yaria talks a lot but does nothing, Sudan enters every war for the money, the Egyptians flex their muscles with their army but without action, so will anyone ever join in?". Another student added: "Egypt will not do anything unless there is a coup in the army." Another student accused: "Why are only the Shia countries and entities working against Israel? Iran, Hezbollah and now the Houthis."

Later, after the issue of the abductees came up for discussion and became a sign of protest, a student named Harlin was outraged by the "Zionist posters in the dorms" and said that she was ready to go over and tear them down. A student named Massa replied, "If they have the right to hang them, we have the right to take them down, carefully. I saw some and took them down." in group shares...


The correspondence in the group indicates consistent positions that support the violent Palestinian "resistance": as early as 2021, the group's activists spread messages that read "Long live the intifada" and glorify the first intifada. In another case, they covered a stone that stands in the center of the university and was painted (with approval and according to tradition) in blue and white colors on the 29th of November, in the colors of the Palestinian flag and the inscription "Long live the Intifada. Students from the Jewish organization Hillel returned the blue and white colors, which were repeatedly covered with hate messages. By the way, an email to the dean of students did not help, after he clarified that the caption falls under the definition of freedom of expression.


In the conversations held with Daniel, Gabi and Afik in preparation for the article, all three of them young men in their 20s who were involved in pro-Israel activities during their studies on the various campuses, they emphasize the same point: they did indeed see such a situation approaching, they fought against it for years in the universities - but there is no doubt that such an event they did not expect. "The propaganda machine of Hamas and Iran has been working for years," says Afik, a graduate of BU in Boston who is currently completing his doctoral studies. "Their activists are not at all interested in talking to us, there have been many attempts. The funniest thing is that they don't talk about the Palestinians at all - they are simply against the existence of the State of Israel," he adds.

And they say it openly? How did you first get exposed to them as a student?

"I had already heard of them before, but I thought they were a group that supports the rights of the Palestinian people. In the first week on campus, you are exposed to a lot of student cells on a variety of topics that invite you to join. I went to see how they present themselves out of interest, and I immediately understood the magnitude of the problem. There is no interest in the Palestinians there - All their leaflets only present a distinctly anti-Israeli image that is full of asymmetric messages. And they have no problem admitting that their call is mainly to boycott everything related to Israel - including us Jewish students. I personally contacted one of their leaders to talk , to create a dialogue between the parties, to learn the conflict together - and in response he blocked me from every possible place"...

You mentioned that their events are full of hate, how does that manifest?

"In addition to the fact that they do not recognize Israel and accordingly they have no goal of normalizing with Israel, certainly not to mention the other side - the Zionists. For them, anyone who does not support their idea is part of the problem. They know how to present that if you do not support the idea of a boycott of Israel - you support 'genocide' and you are a bad person. They have taught the American audience that they are sensitive to the issue of human rights and they press hard on this point."

You were a very involved student, you knew many non-Jewish friends - where are they today?

"I had a boyfriend since the age of 12, several friends from school, some of them very close who took down a stalker after October 7. By the way, everything I posted was mainly calls for the release of the kidnapped, is that why you cut me out of your life? How brainwashed can you be? Some tried to talk to me but some simply deleted and didn't talk to me anymore. At first I was very hurt, it's terrible to deal with the fact that you are cut off because of a part of your identity, but later I realized that it shows their values. If they delete me because I present my Jewish identity, It shows who they are."

"Besides that there is also a bright spot," Afik emphasizes with a smile: "Besides that I also receive support from some non-Jewish friends, I feel that since October 7th the Jews have united here. It used to not be like that, and now I receive messages and I myself have sent messages to childhood friends and all A Jew I knew almost if he is okay and if his family is safe. There is a feeling that we have united and we have each other's back, that is the most beautiful thing in this whole mess."

The SJP organization - led by the Muslim Brotherhood.

The largest and most central body that drives the demonstrations almost without exception on campuses across the US is indeed the student cell SJP - a distinct branch of the Muslim Brotherhood movement. For more than two decades, the SJP organization has become one of the most prominent and dominant movements throughout the academic institutions in the US . Even though most of the students and partners in the protests now are not Palestinian, and not even Muslim, they are definitely driven by an arm of the Muslim Brotherhood, the parent movement of Hamas.

The Muslim Brotherhood operates additional branches throughout the US, but the SJP is responsible for the activity with the students. "There is the easiest way to generate mobilization and social change quickly," says Dr. Kobi Barda, an expert in American history and politics and geostrategy, the Incubator for the Study of Religions At the University of Haifa, in a conversation with N12. "What we are seeing now is an event that has been slowly and patiently built over a quarter of a century - which is now reaching its ultimate maturity."

"Since October 7, the Jews have united here." Afik Zaroor

On October 8, a day after the terrible massacre by Hamas terrorists in the Gaza Envelope, one of the senior lecturers at the prestigious Berkeley University in California appeared and praised the atrocities of the terrorist organization Hamas. Professor Hatem Bezian, a Palestinian born in Nablus, a researcher in the Middle East Department at Berkeley, hit the crowds that came out to celebrate the terrible massacre. "The Palestinians are now experiencing the birth of their resistance, since the British arrived and gave Palestine to the Zionist colonialist settlement."

23 years ago, Hatem Bezian was one of the founders of the SJP organization, who worked and cooperated over the years with the BDS organization - which calls and preaches a financial boycott of the State of Israel. "Hatem Bezian is one of the greatest Islamists, who don't look like Islamists," says Dr. Dina Lisnansky, a researcher of Islam at Tel Aviv University and the Shalem Academic Center.

"He incites students in a very controlled way to think very specifically about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. He really talks to them about the conflict in an unequivocal way - with ideas like 'Jews have nothing to do in Israel' and 'Israel has no right to exist.' He opened a parallel university in California which teaches Islamic studies, and where he hosts the most serious Islamists, he is an example of a lecturer who raises generations of students who are influenced by his positions."

"There's something big behind this thing"

The feelings raised by Afik correspond with the line he leads in Zian and, not surprisingly, Gabi Sarah also tells of a similar feeling. The 27-year-old studied at Hunter University in New York and currently works for the Stand With Us organization, which is known for its pro-Israel social activities, but its main work is "supporting Israel and fighting anti-Semitism with the help of education", as she notes. "The SJP's policy is crazy, they really refuse to talk to anyone who knows there is such a thing as Israel," she says.

What else do you know about their agenda?

"They are mainly concerned with finding holes, literally loopholes, in all kinds of university laws in order to apply sanctions that are ostensibly to support the ideas of human rights for the Palestinian people and against the 'Israeli occupation', but directly harm the Jewish students. They tried in academic ways to make us a group that does not belong - For example, the confiscation of food coming from Israel, on which the Hillel and Chabad organizations, which are active on behalf of Jews and Israelis on campuses and are committed to kosher, are mainly based.


"There is an anti-Semitic angle here." A pro-Palestinian demonstration in the USA | (Photo: Reuters)

"If the Jewish cells cannot purchase food for their events or buildings in general - this is a direct attack on the Jewish students who observe kosher and there is an anti-Semitic angle here. We have been dealing with these things for years, Jewish students have tried to shout for years about the injustice done to them, but they are smart and they do the It is in an orderly manner in the votes in the student councils after they present their biased narrative."

How does all this happen for so many years in the biggest universities?

"It's clear that there is something big behind the scenes. If I start it might sound like a conspiracy because it's hard to put all the pieces together. But one important thing should be noted, because they are a non-profit organization they don't have to report where their income comes from and a lot of it is terribly mysterious."

Dr. Shai Har-Zvi, former Acting Director General of the Ministry for Strategic Affairs, knows the SJP well from the time when it fought the call for a boycott and delegitimization of Israel. "They were one of the most prominent boycott organizations back then," he says. Several Israeli publications, including "Terrorists in Suits" and "Behind the Mask" dealt with connections between Hamas and delegitimization organizations, and also drew a link between BDS and anti-Semitism.

He explains the expression "terrorists in suits" as follows: "We revealed that in the world, including in the US and Europe, a deep campaign is underway by a network of civil society organizations, some of which have ties to declared terrorist organizations - Hamas and the Popular Front," he says. The terrorists acted to take advantage of those civil society organizations in an attempt to whitewash their activities in order to promote their ideology against the State of Israel, and possibly also with the aim of taking advantage of the legitimacy that those organizations enjoyed in order to raise funds."

Har-Zvi, who currently serves as a senior researcher at the Policy and Strategy Institute at Reichman University, explains that "the delegitimization and boycott organizations used classic and modern anti-Semitic motifs and expressions to promote their campaigns against the State of Israel, while trying to present themselves as legitimate human rights organizations." In 2021, the Ministry of Defense declared several Palestinian civil society organizations as terrorist organizations because of their activities in favor of the Popular Front: Har-Zvi points out that some of them had extensive connections with elements in the international arena as well.

"Affinity with declared terrorist organizations - Hamas and the Popular Front". (Dr. Shai Har-Zvi).

The green-red alliance.

One of the main factors that is reflected in the anti-Israel demonstrations on campuses in the USA, as well as in various centers in Europe, is the "Green-Red Alliance". It is a combination of forces of radical elements from among the Muslim Brotherhood and the Marxist current. On the face of it, this connection may be surprising For many, since these are two camps with a huge ideological chasm gaping between them.

The members of the Muslim Brotherhood, on the one hand, promote a very conservative and violent agenda, while on the other hand there are many who seek to support a liberal set of values. "These camps build ideological intersections between them," explains Dr. Barda. "Many times here we laugh at Queers for Palestine, and fail to understand how members of the LGBT community support and side with the elements associated with the terrorist organization Hamas."

A combination of two opposing movements - the Muslim Brotherhood and the Marxist current.

Dr. Barda explains that the main argument for them is that different minorities with different positions can promote each other's agenda together, even without agreeing with all the things. Minorities - and in fact formed them into the mother ship, which is the Democratic Party. What has changed over the years? "They (the Green-Red Alliance) really began to persecute one of the main factions in the 'Big Tent' - American Jewry," Barda says. "Basically, they have become cooperative players - predators, the idea for them is to control the narrative."

The Muslim Brotherhood in the US works on many and varied levels to promote their agenda and influence what is happening in the public and political arena. You can see a synchronized system that works well on American campuses, but not only with an emphasis on the students, but also exerts heavy pressure on the lecturers and university administrations - Often with the help and funding of the Qatari government, which itself is a clear supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood. Along with the struggle in the universities, there is also an extensive effort to act in the local authorities, to promote council members and of course also in the Congress in Washington...

The 100-year plan for "Islamizing America"

One of the best examples of the Muslim Brotherhood's long-term effort to gain control and a real foothold in the United States is the Holy Land Foundation affair. For many years, it was the largest Muslim charity fund in the United States, which collected large sums of money, and its official goal was "to find and implement solutions practical for human suffering through humanitarian programs that affect the lives of deprived, disinherited and displaced peoples who suffer from natural and man-made disasters."

"The Muslim Brotherhood does not hide their intentions."

In 2008, the federal court in Dallas, Texas, discussed the case - and many of the fund's people and many of its people stood trial for economic crimes of tax evasion and money "laundering". Dr. Breda points out that in the US it is very common to donate to various associations and organizations in order to receive tax refunds. While many do donate to "innocent" industries, from sports and art to welfare and charity, in this case it turned out that the donations were transferred directly to the Muslim Brotherhood in the USA.

"The Muslim Brotherhood actually raised money under the guise of charitable purposes - and transferred it to activities to promote terrorism," says Dr. Barda, "either directly to Hamas and its affiliated parties, or to American movements." America". The plan, which was presented as a written document of dozens of pages, describes, among other things, the plan to introduce Islamic institutions and content into the USA - until Islamic rule is established there, and in other countries in the West.


"This is the explanation that they are planning to take over the West in the next 100 years, to invade and rule the West and establish an Islamic government over the whole world," said journalist and political activist Brigit Gabriel, an American of Lebanese origin who is known for her right-wing positions and the fight against radical Islam. "In the section of the program about the role of the Muslim Brotherhood in the US, it is written that 'the process of settlement is an evolutionary process of jihad, with all that implies. The brothers must understand that their role in America is to carry out Jihad, which will help destroy and eliminate the West from within."


"This is a long-term plan, in which the Muslim Brotherhood does not hide their intentions - and, among other things, on the basis of it they are convicted," Barda adds. The five main convicts in the case were sent to a cumulative sentence of 165 years in prison. "This is to clarify how severely the court viewed their actions," he says. The connection between the people who were convicted in that high-profile trial and the SJP organization whose people are currently leading the huge demonstrations against Israel and in favor of Hamas on campuses in the USA is clear - and it remains to be wondered how many of the demonstrators would have agreed to their country being converted to Islam and changing its face.
[N12 - המחאה בארה"ב והתמיכה בחמאס ב-7.10: "הם קרובים לתל אביב" Mako]

Thanks for this extended Info.
Young dumb left wing white women think that they are being tolerant and noble by supporting the Islamist and the marxist knuttjobs, and the crazy climate change hysteria
But the reality is that they are being exploited, and they don't know it.
Organised propaganda prepared by Zaka and used by novice Trolls here , the Forum Outcasts.

An extract from a huge report :-
---- most extreme, sadistic and depraved atrocities never took place. They were fabricated by Israeli soldiers, officials and emergency responders.

One figure central to this deception was Yossi Landau, a leader of the Jewish religious emergency response organisation, Zaka. He and his staff concocted outlandish tales that were readily amplified not only by a credulous western press corps but by senior US officials too.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken graphically told of a family of four being butchered at the breakfast table. The father’s eye was gouged out in front of his two children, aged eight and six. The mother’s breast was cut off. The girl’s foot was amputated, and the boy’s fingers cut off, before they were all executed. The executioners then sat down and had a meal next to their victims.

Except the evidence shows none of that actually happened.

Landau has also claimed that Hamas tied up dozens of children and burned them alive at Kibbutz Be’eri. Elsewhere, he has recalled a pregnant woman who was shot dead and her belly cut open and the foetus stabbed.

Officials at the kibbutz deny any evidence for these atrocities. Landau’s accounts do not tally with any of the known facts. Only two babies died on 7 October, both killed unintentionally.
Hamas was so proud of their atrocities they filmed them. So none of this it never happened crap is believed.
* "Protest" and support for Hamas on October 7.

* The Islamic "terrorists in suits" who ignite the hatred - financed by terrorist elements.

* SJP's Muslim Brotherhood 100 year vision to Islamize America.

* The propaganda machine of Hamas and Iran has been working for years.

* They don't talk about the "Palestinians"
but ONLY AGAINST Israel.

Swastika found drawn on USC campus fence post.
By FOX 11 Digital Team. Updated May 1, 2024 3:53am PDT.
View attachment 941449
As protests continue on college campuses across the US, a viewer sent FOX 11 a picture of a swastika tagged on a fencepost at the USC campus.

LOS ANGELES - A swastika was found drawn on a fence post at the edge of USC's campus Tuesday, as pro-Palestine demonstrators continue their camp-in protest at the university.

The protest in the USA and support for Hamas on October 7: "They are close to Tel Aviv".
The harsh testimonies of the Jewish students and the secret messages in the closed groups behind the demonstrations on the campuses leave no doubt - they are very far from innocent. The "terrorists in suits" who ignite the hatred for Israel - financed by terrorist elements. "The propaganda machine of Hamas and Iran has been working for years - and they don't talk about the Palestinians at all, they are simply against the existence of Israel." Exposure of N12 magazine: the correspondence of the activists on and after 7.10.
Hagar Amgar| Assaf Rosenzweig.
May 3, 2024.

Back on October 7 itself, when in Israel they were still trying to understand the magnitude of the disaster and react, far across the sea they already started to rejoice. A Muslim student wrote enthusiastically that same day: "By the way, the freedom fighters pushed back the occupation forces, they are so close to Tel Aviv now" - and won hearts and sympathetic reactions.

This is just one of the correspondences of the extreme student cell Students for Justice in Palestine, nicknamed SJP, at the American BU University from 7.10 and after, which came into N12 magazine and are now being revealed. The merciless messages sent during and after the massacre showcase the extreme and anti-Israel positions of one of the most prominent bodies in the protests sweeping the US.


James, one of the activists in SJP, wrote in the debates: "The only permanent solution to this whole situation is for the State of Israel to collapse and be replaced by something truly democratic." In another conversation, one of the members claimed: "Every time I think that Israel can't be more evil, they prove me wrong."

A lively discussion took place in the group regarding the possibility of additional countries entering into a conflict with Israel: "Does anyone know if Lebanon and Egypt are going to respond? I know that the Sudanese government will join if they get money from it," noted one of the activists, "I wonder if North African countries will join - Alj Yaria talks a lot but does nothing, Sudan enters every war for the money, the Egyptians flex their muscles with their army but without action, so will anyone ever join in?". Another student added: "Egypt will not do anything unless there is a coup in the army." Another student accused: "Why are only the Shia countries and entities working against Israel? Iran, Hezbollah and now the Houthis."

Later, after the issue of the abductees came up for discussion and became a sign of protest, a student named Harlin was outraged by the "Zionist posters in the dorms" and said that she was ready to go over and tear them down. A student named Massa replied, "If they have the right to hang them, we have the right to take them down, carefully. I saw some and took them down." in group shares...


The correspondence in the group indicates consistent positions that support the violent Palestinian "resistance": as early as 2021, the group's activists spread messages that read "Long live the intifada" and glorify the first intifada. In another case, they covered a stone that stands in the center of the university and was painted (with approval and according to tradition) in blue and white colors on the 29th of November, in the colors of the Palestinian flag and the inscription "Long live the Intifada. Students from the Jewish organization Hillel returned the blue and white colors, which were repeatedly covered with hate messages. By the way, an email to the dean of students did not help, after he clarified that the caption falls under the definition of freedom of expression.


In the conversations held with Daniel, Gabi and Afik in preparation for the article, all three of them young men in their 20s who were involved in pro-Israel activities during their studies on the various campuses, they emphasize the same point: they did indeed see such a situation approaching, they fought against it for years in the universities - but there is no doubt that such an event they did not expect. "The propaganda machine of Hamas and Iran has been working for years," says Afik, a graduate of BU in Boston who is currently completing his doctoral studies. "Their activists are not at all interested in talking to us, there have been many attempts. The funniest thing is that they don't talk about the Palestinians at all - they are simply against the existence of the State of Israel," he adds.

And they say it openly? How did you first get exposed to them as a student?

"I had already heard of them before, but I thought they were a group that supports the rights of the Palestinian people. In the first week on campus, you are exposed to a lot of student cells on a variety of topics that invite you to join. I went to see how they present themselves out of interest, and I immediately understood the magnitude of the problem. There is no interest in the Palestinians there - All their leaflets only present a distinctly anti-Israeli image that is full of asymmetric messages. And they have no problem admitting that their call is mainly to boycott everything related to Israel - including us Jewish students. I personally contacted one of their leaders to talk , to create a dialogue between the parties, to learn the conflict together - and in response he blocked me from every possible place"...

You mentioned that their events are full of hate, how does that manifest?

"In addition to the fact that they do not recognize Israel and accordingly they have no goal of normalizing with Israel, certainly not to mention the other side - the Zionists. For them, anyone who does not support their idea is part of the problem. They know how to present that if you do not support the idea of a boycott of Israel - you support 'genocide' and you are a bad person. They have taught the American audience that they are sensitive to the issue of human rights and they press hard on this point."

You were a very involved student, you knew many non-Jewish friends - where are they today?

"I had a boyfriend since the age of 12, several friends from school, some of them very close who took down a stalker after October 7. By the way, everything I posted was mainly calls for the release of the kidnapped, is that why you cut me out of your life? How brainwashed can you be? Some tried to talk to me but some simply deleted and didn't talk to me anymore. At first I was very hurt, it's terrible to deal with the fact that you are cut off because of a part of your identity, but later I realized that it shows their values. If they delete me because I present my Jewish identity, It shows who they are."

"Besides that there is also a bright spot," Afik emphasizes with a smile: "Besides that I also receive support from some non-Jewish friends, I feel that since October 7th the Jews have united here. It used to not be like that, and now I receive messages and I myself have sent messages to childhood friends and all A Jew I knew almost if he is okay and if his family is safe. There is a feeling that we have united and we have each other's back, that is the most beautiful thing in this whole mess."

The SJP organization - led by the Muslim Brotherhood.

The largest and most central body that drives the demonstrations almost without exception on campuses across the US is indeed the student cell SJP - a distinct branch of the Muslim Brotherhood movement. For more than two decades, the SJP organization has become one of the most prominent and dominant movements throughout the academic institutions in the US . Even though most of the students and partners in the protests now are not Palestinian, and not even Muslim, they are definitely driven by an arm of the Muslim Brotherhood, the parent movement of Hamas.

The Muslim Brotherhood operates additional branches throughout the US, but the SJP is responsible for the activity with the students. "There is the easiest way to generate mobilization and social change quickly," says Dr. Kobi Barda, an expert in American history and politics and geostrategy, the Incubator for the Study of Religions At the University of Haifa, in a conversation with N12. "What we are seeing now is an event that has been slowly and patiently built over a quarter of a century - which is now reaching its ultimate maturity."

"Since October 7, the Jews have united here." Afik Zaroor

On October 8, a day after the terrible massacre by Hamas terrorists in the Gaza Envelope, one of the senior lecturers at the prestigious Berkeley University in California appeared and praised the atrocities of the terrorist organization Hamas. Professor Hatem Bezian, a Palestinian born in Nablus, a researcher in the Middle East Department at Berkeley, hit the crowds that came out to celebrate the terrible massacre. "The Palestinians are now experiencing the birth of their resistance, since the British arrived and gave Palestine to the Zionist colonialist settlement."

23 years ago, Hatem Bezian was one of the founders of the SJP organization, who worked and cooperated over the years with the BDS organization - which calls and preaches a financial boycott of the State of Israel. "Hatem Bezian is one of the greatest Islamists, who don't look like Islamists," says Dr. Dina Lisnansky, a researcher of Islam at Tel Aviv University and the Shalem Academic Center.

"He incites students in a very controlled way to think very specifically about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. He really talks to them about the conflict in an unequivocal way - with ideas like 'Jews have nothing to do in Israel' and 'Israel has no right to exist.' He opened a parallel university in California which teaches Islamic studies, and where he hosts the most serious Islamists, he is an example of a lecturer who raises generations of students who are influenced by his positions."

"There's something big behind this thing"

The feelings raised by Afik correspond with the line he leads in Zian and, not surprisingly, Gabi Sarah also tells of a similar feeling. The 27-year-old studied at Hunter University in New York and currently works for the Stand With Us organization, which is known for its pro-Israel social activities, but its main work is "supporting Israel and fighting anti-Semitism with the help of education", as she notes. "The SJP's policy is crazy, they really refuse to talk to anyone who knows there is such a thing as Israel," she says.

What else do you know about their agenda?

"They are mainly concerned with finding holes, literally loopholes, in all kinds of university laws in order to apply sanctions that are ostensibly to support the ideas of human rights for the Palestinian people and against the 'Israeli occupation', but directly harm the Jewish students. They tried in academic ways to make us a group that does not belong - For example, the confiscation of food coming from Israel, on which the Hillel and Chabad organizations, which are active on behalf of Jews and Israelis on campuses and are committed to kosher, are mainly based.


"There is an anti-Semitic angle here." A pro-Palestinian demonstration in the USA | (Photo: Reuters)

"If the Jewish cells cannot purchase food for their events or buildings in general - this is a direct attack on the Jewish students who observe kosher and there is an anti-Semitic angle here. We have been dealing with these things for years, Jewish students have tried to shout for years about the injustice done to them, but they are smart and they do the It is in an orderly manner in the votes in the student councils after they present their biased narrative."

How does all this happen for so many years in the biggest universities?

"It's clear that there is something big behind the scenes. If I start it might sound like a conspiracy because it's hard to put all the pieces together. But one important thing should be noted, because they are a non-profit organization they don't have to report where their income comes from and a lot of it is terribly mysterious."

Dr. Shai Har-Zvi, former Acting Director General of the Ministry for Strategic Affairs, knows the SJP well from the time when it fought the call for a boycott and delegitimization of Israel. "They were one of the most prominent boycott organizations back then," he says. Several Israeli publications, including "Terrorists in Suits" and "Behind the Mask" dealt with connections between Hamas and delegitimization organizations, and also drew a link between BDS and anti-Semitism.

He explains the expression "terrorists in suits" as follows: "We revealed that in the world, including in the US and Europe, a deep campaign is underway by a network of civil society organizations, some of which have ties to declared terrorist organizations - Hamas and the Popular Front," he says. The terrorists acted to take advantage of those civil society organizations in an attempt to whitewash their activities in order to promote their ideology against the State of Israel, and possibly also with the aim of taking advantage of the legitimacy that those organizations enjoyed in order to raise funds."

Har-Zvi, who currently serves as a senior researcher at the Policy and Strategy Institute at Reichman University, explains that "the delegitimization and boycott organizations used classic and modern anti-Semitic motifs and expressions to promote their campaigns against the State of Israel, while trying to present themselves as legitimate human rights organizations." In 2021, the Ministry of Defense declared several Palestinian civil society organizations as terrorist organizations because of their activities in favor of the Popular Front: Har-Zvi points out that some of them had extensive connections with elements in the international arena as well.

"Affinity with declared terrorist organizations - Hamas and the Popular Front". (Dr. Shai Har-Zvi).

The green-red alliance.

One of the main factors that is reflected in the anti-Israel demonstrations on campuses in the USA, as well as in various centers in Europe, is the "Green-Red Alliance". It is a combination of forces of radical elements from among the Muslim Brotherhood and the Marxist current. On the face of it, this connection may be surprising For many, since these are two camps with a huge ideological chasm gaping between them.

The members of the Muslim Brotherhood, on the one hand, promote a very conservative and violent agenda, while on the other hand there are many who seek to support a liberal set of values. "These camps build ideological intersections between them," explains Dr. Barda. "Many times here we laugh at Queers for Palestine, and fail to understand how members of the LGBT community support and side with the elements associated with the terrorist organization Hamas."

A combination of two opposing movements - the Muslim Brotherhood and the Marxist current.

Dr. Barda explains that the main argument for them is that different minorities with different positions can promote each other's agenda together, even without agreeing with all the things. Minorities - and in fact formed them into the mother ship, which is the Democratic Party. What has changed over the years? "They (the Green-Red Alliance) really began to persecute one of the main factions in the 'Big Tent' - American Jewry," Barda says. "Basically, they have become cooperative players - predators, the idea for them is to control the narrative."

The Muslim Brotherhood in the US works on many and varied levels to promote their agenda and influence what is happening in the public and political arena. You can see a synchronized system that works well on American campuses, but not only with an emphasis on the students, but also exerts heavy pressure on the lecturers and university administrations - Often with the help and funding of the Qatari government, which itself is a clear supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood. Along with the struggle in the universities, there is also an extensive effort to act in the local authorities, to promote council members and of course also in the Congress in Washington...

The 100-year plan for "Islamizing America"

One of the best examples of the Muslim Brotherhood's long-term effort to gain control and a real foothold in the United States is the Holy Land Foundation affair. For many years, it was the largest Muslim charity fund in the United States, which collected large sums of money, and its official goal was "to find and implement solutions practical for human suffering through humanitarian programs that affect the lives of deprived, disinherited and displaced peoples who suffer from natural and man-made disasters."

"The Muslim Brotherhood does not hide their intentions."

In 2008, the federal court in Dallas, Texas, discussed the case - and many of the fund's people and many of its people stood trial for economic crimes of tax evasion and money "laundering". Dr. Breda points out that in the US it is very common to donate to various associations and organizations in order to receive tax refunds. While many do donate to "innocent" industries, from sports and art to welfare and charity, in this case it turned out that the donations were transferred directly to the Muslim Brotherhood in the USA.

"The Muslim Brotherhood actually raised money under the guise of charitable purposes - and transferred it to activities to promote terrorism," says Dr. Barda, "either directly to Hamas and its affiliated parties, or to American movements." America". The plan, which was presented as a written document of dozens of pages, describes, among other things, the plan to introduce Islamic institutions and content into the USA - until Islamic rule is established there, and in other countries in the West.


"This is the explanation that they are planning to take over the West in the next 100 years, to invade and rule the West and establish an Islamic government over the whole world," said journalist and political activist Brigit Gabriel, an American of Lebanese origin who is known for her right-wing positions and the fight against radical Islam. "In the section of the program about the role of the Muslim Brotherhood in the US, it is written that 'the process of settlement is an evolutionary process of jihad, with all that implies. The brothers must understand that their role in America is to carry out Jihad, which will help destroy and eliminate the West from within."


"This is a long-term plan, in which the Muslim Brotherhood does not hide their intentions - and, among other things, on the basis of it they are convicted," Barda adds. The five main convicts in the case were sent to a cumulative sentence of 165 years in prison. "This is to clarify how severely the court viewed their actions," he says. The connection between the people who were convicted in that high-profile trial and the SJP organization whose people are currently leading the huge demonstrations against Israel and in favor of Hamas on campuses in the USA is clear - and it remains to be wondered how many of the demonstrators would have agreed to their country being converted to Islam and changing its face.
[N12 - המחאה בארה"ב והתמיכה בחמאס ב-7.10: "הם קרובים לתל אביב" Mako]

The islamo death cult is the biggest in number of followers in all of recorded history. The statist left marxinazis & death cult islam share the same identical power & control agenda so that makes them two peas in a pod. Small wonder WHY the two cults see eye to eye, eh? The first link below is a MUST READ.

Young dumb left wing white women think that they are being tolerant and noble by supporting the Islamist and the marxist knuttjobs, and the crazy climate change hysteria
But the reality is that they are being exploited, and they don't know it.
Same way Black men controlled the fresh off the Bus midwestern White girls when they arrived in NYC in the 1970s
* "Protest" and support for Hamas on October 7.

* The Islamic "terrorists in suits" who ignite the hatred - financed by terrorist elements.

* SJP's Muslim Brotherhood 100 year vision to Islamize America.

* The propaganda machine of Hamas and Iran has been working for years.

* They don't talk about the "Palestinians"
but ONLY AGAINST Israel.

Swastika found drawn on USC campus fence post.
By FOX 11 Digital Team. Updated May 1, 2024 3:53am PDT.
View attachment 941449
As protests continue on college campuses across the US, a viewer sent FOX 11 a picture of a swastika tagged on a fencepost at the USC campus.

LOS ANGELES - A swastika was found drawn on a fence post at the edge of USC's campus Tuesday, as pro-Palestine demonstrators continue their camp-in protest at the university.

The protest in the USA and support for Hamas on October 7: "They are close to Tel Aviv".
The harsh testimonies of the Jewish students and the secret messages in the closed groups behind the demonstrations on the campuses leave no doubt - they are very far from innocent. The "terrorists in suits" who ignite the hatred for Israel - financed by terrorist elements. "The propaganda machine of Hamas and Iran has been working for years - and they don't talk about the Palestinians at all, they are simply against the existence of Israel." Exposure of N12 magazine: the correspondence of the activists on and after 7.10.
Hagar Amgar| Assaf Rosenzweig.
May 3, 2024.

Back on October 7 itself, when in Israel they were still trying to understand the magnitude of the disaster and react, far across the sea they already started to rejoice. A Muslim student wrote enthusiastically that same day: "By the way, the freedom fighters pushed back the occupation forces, they are so close to Tel Aviv now" - and won hearts and sympathetic reactions.

This is just one of the correspondences of the extreme student cell Students for Justice in Palestine, nicknamed SJP, at the American BU University from 7.10 and after, which came into N12 magazine and are now being revealed. The merciless messages sent during and after the massacre showcase the extreme and anti-Israel positions of one of the most prominent bodies in the protests sweeping the US.


James, one of the activists in SJP, wrote in the debates: "The only permanent solution to this whole situation is for the State of Israel to collapse and be replaced by something truly democratic." In another conversation, one of the members claimed: "Every time I think that Israel can't be more evil, they prove me wrong."

A lively discussion took place in the group regarding the possibility of additional countries entering into a conflict with Israel: "Does anyone know if Lebanon and Egypt are going to respond? I know that the Sudanese government will join if they get money from it," noted one of the activists, "I wonder if North African countries will join - Alj Yaria talks a lot but does nothing, Sudan enters every war for the money, the Egyptians flex their muscles with their army but without action, so will anyone ever join in?". Another student added: "Egypt will not do anything unless there is a coup in the army." Another student accused: "Why are only the Shia countries and entities working against Israel? Iran, Hezbollah and now the Houthis."

Later, after the issue of the abductees came up for discussion and became a sign of protest, a student named Harlin was outraged by the "Zionist posters in the dorms" and said that she was ready to go over and tear them down. A student named Massa replied, "If they have the right to hang them, we have the right to take them down, carefully. I saw some and took them down." in group shares...


The correspondence in the group indicates consistent positions that support the violent Palestinian "resistance": as early as 2021, the group's activists spread messages that read "Long live the intifada" and glorify the first intifada. In another case, they covered a stone that stands in the center of the university and was painted (with approval and according to tradition) in blue and white colors on the 29th of November, in the colors of the Palestinian flag and the inscription "Long live the Intifada. Students from the Jewish organization Hillel returned the blue and white colors, which were repeatedly covered with hate messages. By the way, an email to the dean of students did not help, after he clarified that the caption falls under the definition of freedom of expression.


In the conversations held with Daniel, Gabi and Afik in preparation for the article, all three of them young men in their 20s who were involved in pro-Israel activities during their studies on the various campuses, they emphasize the same point: they did indeed see such a situation approaching, they fought against it for years in the universities - but there is no doubt that such an event they did not expect. "The propaganda machine of Hamas and Iran has been working for years," says Afik, a graduate of BU in Boston who is currently completing his doctoral studies. "Their activists are not at all interested in talking to us, there have been many attempts. The funniest thing is that they don't talk about the Palestinians at all - they are simply against the existence of the State of Israel," he adds.

And they say it openly? How did you first get exposed to them as a student?

"I had already heard of them before, but I thought they were a group that supports the rights of the Palestinian people. In the first week on campus, you are exposed to a lot of student cells on a variety of topics that invite you to join. I went to see how they present themselves out of interest, and I immediately understood the magnitude of the problem. There is no interest in the Palestinians there - All their leaflets only present a distinctly anti-Israeli image that is full of asymmetric messages. And they have no problem admitting that their call is mainly to boycott everything related to Israel - including us Jewish students. I personally contacted one of their leaders to talk , to create a dialogue between the parties, to learn the conflict together - and in response he blocked me from every possible place"...

You mentioned that their events are full of hate, how does that manifest?

"In addition to the fact that they do not recognize Israel and accordingly they have no goal of normalizing with Israel, certainly not to mention the other side - the Zionists. For them, anyone who does not support their idea is part of the problem. They know how to present that if you do not support the idea of a boycott of Israel - you support 'genocide' and you are a bad person. They have taught the American audience that they are sensitive to the issue of human rights and they press hard on this point."

You were a very involved student, you knew many non-Jewish friends - where are they today?

"I had a boyfriend since the age of 12, several friends from school, some of them very close who took down a stalker after October 7. By the way, everything I posted was mainly calls for the release of the kidnapped, is that why you cut me out of your life? How brainwashed can you be? Some tried to talk to me but some simply deleted and didn't talk to me anymore. At first I was very hurt, it's terrible to deal with the fact that you are cut off because of a part of your identity, but later I realized that it shows their values. If they delete me because I present my Jewish identity, It shows who they are."

"Besides that there is also a bright spot," Afik emphasizes with a smile: "Besides that I also receive support from some non-Jewish friends, I feel that since October 7th the Jews have united here. It used to not be like that, and now I receive messages and I myself have sent messages to childhood friends and all A Jew I knew almost if he is okay and if his family is safe. There is a feeling that we have united and we have each other's back, that is the most beautiful thing in this whole mess."

The SJP organization - led by the Muslim Brotherhood.

The largest and most central body that drives the demonstrations almost without exception on campuses across the US is indeed the student cell SJP - a distinct branch of the Muslim Brotherhood movement. For more than two decades, the SJP organization has become one of the most prominent and dominant movements throughout the academic institutions in the US . Even though most of the students and partners in the protests now are not Palestinian, and not even Muslim, they are definitely driven by an arm of the Muslim Brotherhood, the parent movement of Hamas.

The Muslim Brotherhood operates additional branches throughout the US, but the SJP is responsible for the activity with the students. "There is the easiest way to generate mobilization and social change quickly," says Dr. Kobi Barda, an expert in American history and politics and geostrategy, the Incubator for the Study of Religions At the University of Haifa, in a conversation with N12. "What we are seeing now is an event that has been slowly and patiently built over a quarter of a century - which is now reaching its ultimate maturity."

"Since October 7, the Jews have united here." Afik Zaroor

On October 8, a day after the terrible massacre by Hamas terrorists in the Gaza Envelope, one of the senior lecturers at the prestigious Berkeley University in California appeared and praised the atrocities of the terrorist organization Hamas. Professor Hatem Bezian, a Palestinian born in Nablus, a researcher in the Middle East Department at Berkeley, hit the crowds that came out to celebrate the terrible massacre. "The Palestinians are now experiencing the birth of their resistance, since the British arrived and gave Palestine to the Zionist colonialist settlement."

23 years ago, Hatem Bezian was one of the founders of the SJP organization, who worked and cooperated over the years with the BDS organization - which calls and preaches a financial boycott of the State of Israel. "Hatem Bezian is one of the greatest Islamists, who don't look like Islamists," says Dr. Dina Lisnansky, a researcher of Islam at Tel Aviv University and the Shalem Academic Center.

"He incites students in a very controlled way to think very specifically about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. He really talks to them about the conflict in an unequivocal way - with ideas like 'Jews have nothing to do in Israel' and 'Israel has no right to exist.' He opened a parallel university in California which teaches Islamic studies, and where he hosts the most serious Islamists, he is an example of a lecturer who raises generations of students who are influenced by his positions."

"There's something big behind this thing"

The feelings raised by Afik correspond with the line he leads in Zian and, not surprisingly, Gabi Sarah also tells of a similar feeling. The 27-year-old studied at Hunter University in New York and currently works for the Stand With Us organization, which is known for its pro-Israel social activities, but its main work is "supporting Israel and fighting anti-Semitism with the help of education", as she notes. "The SJP's policy is crazy, they really refuse to talk to anyone who knows there is such a thing as Israel," she says.

What else do you know about their agenda?

"They are mainly concerned with finding holes, literally loopholes, in all kinds of university laws in order to apply sanctions that are ostensibly to support the ideas of human rights for the Palestinian people and against the 'Israeli occupation', but directly harm the Jewish students. They tried in academic ways to make us a group that does not belong - For example, the confiscation of food coming from Israel, on which the Hillel and Chabad organizations, which are active on behalf of Jews and Israelis on campuses and are committed to kosher, are mainly based.


"There is an anti-Semitic angle here." A pro-Palestinian demonstration in the USA | (Photo: Reuters)

"If the Jewish cells cannot purchase food for their events or buildings in general - this is a direct attack on the Jewish students who observe kosher and there is an anti-Semitic angle here. We have been dealing with these things for years, Jewish students have tried to shout for years about the injustice done to them, but they are smart and they do the It is in an orderly manner in the votes in the student councils after they present their biased narrative."

How does all this happen for so many years in the biggest universities?

"It's clear that there is something big behind the scenes. If I start it might sound like a conspiracy because it's hard to put all the pieces together. But one important thing should be noted, because they are a non-profit organization they don't have to report where their income comes from and a lot of it is terribly mysterious."

Dr. Shai Har-Zvi, former Acting Director General of the Ministry for Strategic Affairs, knows the SJP well from the time when it fought the call for a boycott and delegitimization of Israel. "They were one of the most prominent boycott organizations back then," he says. Several Israeli publications, including "Terrorists in Suits" and "Behind the Mask" dealt with connections between Hamas and delegitimization organizations, and also drew a link between BDS and anti-Semitism.

He explains the expression "terrorists in suits" as follows: "We revealed that in the world, including in the US and Europe, a deep campaign is underway by a network of civil society organizations, some of which have ties to declared terrorist organizations - Hamas and the Popular Front," he says. The terrorists acted to take advantage of those civil society organizations in an attempt to whitewash their activities in order to promote their ideology against the State of Israel, and possibly also with the aim of taking advantage of the legitimacy that those organizations enjoyed in order to raise funds."

Har-Zvi, who currently serves as a senior researcher at the Policy and Strategy Institute at Reichman University, explains that "the delegitimization and boycott organizations used classic and modern anti-Semitic motifs and expressions to promote their campaigns against the State of Israel, while trying to present themselves as legitimate human rights organizations." In 2021, the Ministry of Defense declared several Palestinian civil society organizations as terrorist organizations because of their activities in favor of the Popular Front: Har-Zvi points out that some of them had extensive connections with elements in the international arena as well.

"Affinity with declared terrorist organizations - Hamas and the Popular Front". (Dr. Shai Har-Zvi).

The green-red alliance.

One of the main factors that is reflected in the anti-Israel demonstrations on campuses in the USA, as well as in various centers in Europe, is the "Green-Red Alliance". It is a combination of forces of radical elements from among the Muslim Brotherhood and the Marxist current. On the face of it, this connection may be surprising For many, since these are two camps with a huge ideological chasm gaping between them.

The members of the Muslim Brotherhood, on the one hand, promote a very conservative and violent agenda, while on the other hand there are many who seek to support a liberal set of values. "These camps build ideological intersections between them," explains Dr. Barda. "Many times here we laugh at Queers for Palestine, and fail to understand how members of the LGBT community support and side with the elements associated with the terrorist organization Hamas."

A combination of two opposing movements - the Muslim Brotherhood and the Marxist current.

Dr. Barda explains that the main argument for them is that different minorities with different positions can promote each other's agenda together, even without agreeing with all the things. Minorities - and in fact formed them into the mother ship, which is the Democratic Party. What has changed over the years? "They (the Green-Red Alliance) really began to persecute one of the main factions in the 'Big Tent' - American Jewry," Barda says. "Basically, they have become cooperative players - predators, the idea for them is to control the narrative."

The Muslim Brotherhood in the US works on many and varied levels to promote their agenda and influence what is happening in the public and political arena. You can see a synchronized system that works well on American campuses, but not only with an emphasis on the students, but also exerts heavy pressure on the lecturers and university administrations - Often with the help and funding of the Qatari government, which itself is a clear supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood. Along with the struggle in the universities, there is also an extensive effort to act in the local authorities, to promote council members and of course also in the Congress in Washington...

The 100-year plan for "Islamizing America"

One of the best examples of the Muslim Brotherhood's long-term effort to gain control and a real foothold in the United States is the Holy Land Foundation affair. For many years, it was the largest Muslim charity fund in the United States, which collected large sums of money, and its official goal was "to find and implement solutions practical for human suffering through humanitarian programs that affect the lives of deprived, disinherited and displaced peoples who suffer from natural and man-made disasters."

"The Muslim Brotherhood does not hide their intentions."

In 2008, the federal court in Dallas, Texas, discussed the case - and many of the fund's people and many of its people stood trial for economic crimes of tax evasion and money "laundering". Dr. Breda points out that in the US it is very common to donate to various associations and organizations in order to receive tax refunds. While many do donate to "innocent" industries, from sports and art to welfare and charity, in this case it turned out that the donations were transferred directly to the Muslim Brotherhood in the USA.

"The Muslim Brotherhood actually raised money under the guise of charitable purposes - and transferred it to activities to promote terrorism," says Dr. Barda, "either directly to Hamas and its affiliated parties, or to American movements." America". The plan, which was presented as a written document of dozens of pages, describes, among other things, the plan to introduce Islamic institutions and content into the USA - until Islamic rule is established there, and in other countries in the West.


"This is the explanation that they are planning to take over the West in the next 100 years, to invade and rule the West and establish an Islamic government over the whole world," said journalist and political activist Brigit Gabriel, an American of Lebanese origin who is known for her right-wing positions and the fight against radical Islam. "In the section of the program about the role of the Muslim Brotherhood in the US, it is written that 'the process of settlement is an evolutionary process of jihad, with all that implies. The brothers must understand that their role in America is to carry out Jihad, which will help destroy and eliminate the West from within."


"This is a long-term plan, in which the Muslim Brotherhood does not hide their intentions - and, among other things, on the basis of it they are convicted," Barda adds. The five main convicts in the case were sent to a cumulative sentence of 165 years in prison. "This is to clarify how severely the court viewed their actions," he says. The connection between the people who were convicted in that high-profile trial and the SJP organization whose people are currently leading the huge demonstrations against Israel and in favor of Hamas on campuses in the USA is clear - and it remains to be wondered how many of the demonstrators would have agreed to their country being converted to Islam and changing its face.
[N12 - המחאה בארה"ב והתמיכה בחמאס ב-7.10: "הם קרובים לתל אביב" Mako]

Ludicrous. Islam can not take over the U.S. Muslims are a tiny percentage of the total population. We have a vigorous alternative (Christianity).

Some European countries and Israel are in danger, but not the U.S.
The Freedom Fighters now giving the Nazi IDF a good thrashing .
100 IDF tanks smashed in the last few days .

God supporting the true Chosen Ones , methinks.

Remember Trini Lopez ,
If I had a Hammer , I'd Hamas in the morning , I'd Hamas in the evening etc
Go on the Hammers . Hammer those vermin Nazis .
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The Freedom Fighters now giving the Nazi IDF a good thrashing .
100 IDF tanks smashed in the last few days .

God supporting the true Chosen Ones , methinks.

Remember Trini Lopez ,
If I had a Hammer , I'd Hamas in the morning , I'd Hamas in the evening etc
Go on the Hammers . Hammer those vermin Nazis .

True Jews = Palestinians
Israelis = atheist European colonizers

No one is more anti-Semitic than the Israelis. They hate the Semitic peoples and the Semitic religions.
Islam lacks the ability Marxist Leninism once had to appeal to Westerners who are alienated from Western civilization.

I am confident that the vast majority of people in the West who side with the Palestinians against Israel would rather live in Israel than in any Muslim country in the world.
Whatever the ones controlling the world wants is what the rest of us earthly inhabitants will get.
Citizens of the world don't make the rules, only handful of elites do. Or that's what it looks like to me. Really don't know.
Ludicrous. Islam can not take over the U.S. Muslims are a tiny percentage of the total population. We have a vigorous alternative (Christianity).

Some European countries and Israel are in danger, but not the U.S.
Lebanon thought the same thing. They were a Catholic country. Islam uses the template. They've used it for thousands of years with success.
Islam lacks the ability Marxist Leninism once had to appeal to Westerners who are alienated from Western civilization.

I am confident that the vast majority of people in the West who side with the Palestinians against Israel would rather live in Israel than in any Muslim country in the world.
Where have you lived in the Muslim world?

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