Supreme Court thumbing the scale for Trump.

If only the House, when controlled by the Glorious 1,000 year Reich, was ALL of Congress

If only!

Senate voted 57–43 that Trump incited insurrection.

So both HOUSE AND SENATE already voted that YES, Trump was involved in the insurection.

If Congress did it's damn job as USSC presumes in this ruling then Trump would be inelligible.
9-0 what? That STATES can't remove national candidates on their own.

That maybe correct but ruling that's it's up to partisans in Congress to enforce eligibility is dog shit.

Perhaps someone should file a suit to remove Trump from the 2024 election ballot in Federal court.

Let's see SCOTUS wiggle out of another one!
Senate voted 57–43 that Trump incited insurrection.

So both HOUSE AND SENATE already voted that YES, Trump was involved in the insurection.

If Congress did it's damn job as USSC presumes in this ruling then Trump would be inelligible.
LOLOL Don't know if you know this bud, but Americans have the right and responsibility to overthrow a tyrannical lying corrupt government. You're just effing lucky they're not doing it with guns.
Thats right, what else are going to say to irrefutable facts?

Congress already found by majority vote that Trump incited the insurrection, already implictly found him to be inelligible to run for president.

There is only one reason Trump is allowed to run - Congress currently doesn't feel obligated to enforce the Constitution.
Conservative SC majority is now shedding any pretence still left to partisan impartiality.

Trump has little to stand on in his criminal trials, so his only end game is delaying them long enough to again make it to the White House and put himself above the law.

Nobody seriously thinks SC is going to grant Trump immunity, nobody thinks they will overturn iron-clad lower court ruling....but we have a Supreme Court that seems to be willing to use that excuse to play along and halt Trump's criminal trials for months, making it near impossible from them to complete before election.

It's been 135 days since Jack Smith asked the court to expedite descision on immunuty...nope! They insist on taking no less than 5 months to settle an obvious no-brainer outcome.

Even if there was some argument about how busy they are or how complex of case this is :rolleyes-41:, they still didn't have to do it this way. SC could have simply allowed the trials to go on, while they square away these go-nowhere immunity claims.

We knew Thomas was an unrepentant Trumptard and Alito is not far behind, but for the rest to go along with this ridiculous shit? :mad-61:

This marks a whole new low for Supreme Court, whole new level of partisanship and this is not going to end well.
It was a 9-0 decision you nitwit. Very seldom do all the Justices agree on the same thing.

Even the low IQ dumbass DEI affirmative action Ho bitch that Potatohead appointed voted for it.
LOLOL Don't know if you know this bud, but Americans have the right and responsibility to overthrow a tyrannical lying corrupt government. You're just effing lucky they're not doing it with guns.
If anyone, it's know-nothing yahoos and nutbags like you that are going to bring down this great country.
you are really panicked.
stop hating America, asswipe
? What you are saying about voters deciding a Constitutional qualification is really stupid.

What if voters elect a 30 year old to be POTUS? Do you seriously suggest voters should be able to constradict and over-ride Constitution?
? What you are saying about voters deciding a Constitutional qualification is really stupid.

What if voters elect a 30 year old to be POTUS? Do you seriously suggest voters should be able to constradict and over-ride Constitution?
Just keep panicking.
it's fun to watch.

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