Stormy Daniels cleared Trump from crimes

And again, he was on the team which exonerated Trump. You called that effort a "total fraud."
I said the Trump-Russia investigation was a total fraud, yes it was.

It was opened on a false pretense, and continued on for two years after Trump was in office. It should have never been opened in the first place, they knew it was a political hit job. It was used to spy on Trump's campaign, and it was the source of a non-stop string of lies, leaked to the media to interfere and impede with Trump's presidency.

That Trump would ultimately be exonerated was never a question in my mind, because nothing in the allegations had a shred of truth to them.

So don't try to play Weissmann as a hero to me, lady. He's a scumbag, as are all prosecutors who abuse their power.
Um, no. I was asking another poster what new information he was referring to, when he answered the question why no other prosecutor was willing to take up this case before now.
And didn't think he was somehow privy to inside information in the investigations.

So you asked him to speculate an alternate explanation to your implied nutball conspiracy theory. So he did.

And then you try to dunk on him? Bad faith trolling. It was courteous of him even to answer your bad faith question.
It was opened on a false pretense, and continued on for two years after Trump was in office
And boy oh boy did they find mountains of what they were looking for.


Mueller's mandate was twofold. Russian election interference, and contacts between the trump campaign and Russians.

And he found the motherlode.
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I said the Trump-Russia investigation was a total fraud, yes it was.

It was opened on a false pretense, and continued on for two years after Trump was in office. It should have never been opened in the first place, they knew it was a political hit job. It was used to spy on Trump's campaign, and it was the source of a non-stop string of lies, leaked to the media to interfere and impede with Trump's presidency.

That Trump would ultimately be exonerated was never a question in my mind, because nothing in the allegations had a shred of truth to them.

So don't try to play Weissmann as a hero to me, lady. He's a scumbag, as are all prosecutors who abuse their power.

It was a thorough investigation, as it should have been; and it was started by a Republican.
And didn't think he was somehow privy to inside information in the investigations.

So you asked him to speculate an alternate explanation to your implied nutball conspiracy theory. So he did.

And then you try to dunk on him? Bad faith trolling. It was courteous of him even to answer your bad faith question.
He didn't state it as speculation, he stated it as fact. He said the reason for the delay was that new information was discovered, and that's why it took so long to bring the case.

I asked why that new information did not appear to be used, and you came back with another one of your typically ignorant answers that shows once again you were not following the thread.

And he did not provide an answer to my question, you jumped in to derail the conversation before he had the chance.
He didn't state it as speculation, he stated it as fact.
Horseshit. That would imply he had inside information on the investigation. And you holding him to the speculation would only make you retarded enough to believe he has inside information or believe he thinks he does.

He gave a plausible, alternate explanation to your nutball conspiracy ideas.

But you've been straightened out, so we can now move on.
Thank you for confirming what I said.

Her lawyer went to the media, not to the camping first.

Appreciate it.

I believe I have already had this conversation with you.

You always try to spin it as something that Cohen just happened to discover because she had gone to "the media", and then Cohen approached her on his own initiative. That's not really how it went at all.

She hired a lawyer who is basically a famous extortion lawyer, who had a long-term relationship with the Enquirer, and the Enquirer set up the communication with Cohen.

Her lawyer and her were completely intent on getting to Trump and getting a settlement, and so was McDougal, and time was of the essence for both of them because they thought Trump would lose, and they would lose their leverage.
This lawyer explains it best. She put the end to the trial finding Trump guilty. She did Trump a favor.

Lol, this dude ^ doesn't even know what the trial is about.

Horseshit. That would imply he had inside information on the investigation. And you holding him to the speculation would only make you retarded enough to believe he has inside information or believe he thinks he does.

He gave a plausible, alternate explanation to your nutball conspiracy ideas.

But you've been straightened out, so we can now move on.
It would mean he knew about evidence that the rest of us haven't seen, and I wanted to know how he came to that conclusion, and if it was true, why it was not used in the case.

So FUCK OFF if you think I am not entitled to ask the question, and BUTT OUT of my conversations with other posters if you can't follow the thread and make an intelligent contribution.
I believe I have already had this conversation with you.

You always try to spin it as something that Cohen just happened to discover because she had gone to "the media", and then Cohen approached her on his own initiative. That's not really how it went at all.

She hired a lawyer who is basically a famous extortion lawyer, who had a long-term relationship with the Enquirer, and the Enquirer set up the communication with Cohen.

Her lawyer and her were completely intent on getting to Trump and getting a settlement, and so was McDougal, and time was of the essence for both of them because they thought Trump would lose, and they would lose their leverage.

Oh stop it. I never said anything other than Daniels went to the media and not the campaign.

And yes is exactly how the evidence by Pecker and Daniels attorney was presented in court.

Daniels nor her Attorney had any pre-knowledge of the Pecker, Cohen, Trump "Catch and Kill" meeting and the agreements that took place in August 2015 after the FPOTUS#45 launched his campaign the preceding June.

Pecker (AMI CEO) was media, and that is who was approached.

I don't expect him to be found guilty. I've said that all along. So I won't be shocked and I'll accept whatever the jury decides.
We don't need more bickering since we agree we do not expect Trump to be found guilty as you said all along.

I also didn't ask if it matters if you accept it or not. Such a simple question and you won't answer it. No worries, your fear answered for you.
Why are you arguing with me when you and I both agree the Jury will declare Trump as not guilty?
You asked for a lawyer who thinks Trump will be found guilty and I gave you one. You can stop wetting your bed now.
The lawyer does not agree with you and me. We believe the Jury will say not guilty. It is in this thread.
Why are you arguing with me when you and I both agree the Jury will declare Trump as not guilty?

You said I would be shocked if he's found not guilty; so I asked you if you would accept the verdict if he's found guilty. You proved to be too afraid to answer that. That fear is on you, not me.
Oh stop it. I never said anything other than Daniels went to the media and not the campaign.

And yes is exactly how the evidence by Pecker and Daniels attorney was presented in court.

Daniels nor her Attorney had any pre-knowledge of the Pecker, Cohen, Trump "Catch and Kill" meeting and the agreements that took place in August 2015 after the FPOTUS#45 launched his campaign the preceding June.

Pecker (AMI CEO) was media, and that is who was approached.

Bullshit. The Trump Pecker relationship was well known - for more than a decade. The extortion attorney Davidson knew this well, which is why he went to Pecker.

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