Stop Antisemitism

Universities are often where dark cultural movements draw their first breaths. In Germany, Nazism was embraced by students and given intellectual ballast by lecturers. As early as 1920, two German academics published a book entitled Allowing the Destruction of Life Unworthy of Living. Six years later – with Hitler’s election still seven years in the future – the National Socialist German Students’ Union was formed.

In the 1960s, the engine of Chairman Mao’s cultural revolution was China’s youth. The Red Guards paramilitary movement was led by a vanguard of students. In 1979, when American diplomats were taken hostage in Tehran during the Islamic Revolution, it was once again students to blame. We live today with the menace of the theocratic regime they midwifed.

With the first quarter of the current century almost behind us, it is the turn of our universities. After decades of saturation with toxic and abstruse ideologies, they are revealing just how far they have travelled along the path of anti-democratic fundamentalism…

@telegraph columntoday

End of the column: The idiocy of these people doesn’t make them less useful. Which brings me back to Gaza. Meeting with Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh last month, Iran’s supreme leader said:
“We have, so far, successfully won the media and PR wars, and have managed to change public opinion across the globe. We must continue with this.” In November, Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah said: “We must salute all those who took to the street in support and solidarity with the Palestinians, from all over the world.” In Gaza, signs were held up paying tribute to campus protests.It’s myopia that’s the problem, isn’t it? That and the narcissism. But the danger is rea
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