Some Basic Law Stuff for normal people watching this Legal Chaos


Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2019
For those of you who don’t live in the legal world every day like I do, being a simple Los Angeles trial lawyer, a lot of the legal stuff you see going on surrounding Trump and Trump-affiliated people might seem like chaos. Well, it is chaos. It’s complete chaos. There is almost no resemblance between what is happening with Trump and the law as normally practiced among normal people in normal times. Remember, there’s a Trump Exception to all the rules and all the norms that rejects any kind of precedent and procedure, as well as simple fairness, in its pursuit of the Bad Orange Man and his allies. When you understand that, you will understand why I shake my head when people ask me my legal opinion about what’s going on. My legal opinion about what’s going on is it has nothing to do with the law at all.

Understand that what we’re seeing now are attempts to frame Donald Trump and people affiliated with him to abuse and misuse the legal system to gain a political advantage. This is nothing new. It is something scumbags have been doing for thousands of years. Remember, Caesar crossed the Rubicon with his legion because if he had left his troops behind, they were going to prosecute him into oblivion. Lawfare is nothing new – its modern practitioners just better hope they don’t end up provoking warfare, too.

BJ- Good read from Kurt Schlichter.

Cultists of course will not get it.
But legal concepts do come up, and there is a lot of confusion out there about how the legal system works. I could write a book on it – and might – but here, I want to share a few general legal concepts with you so that some of the stuff going on becomes a little clearer. The law can be opaque, so it is often hard to understand what’s going on because the liars and scammers occasionally run head-on into people practicing law as it is normally practiced. We saw that with the idiotic idea that some clerk in Maine or the Colorado Supreme Court could decide who can be on the presidential ballot. You saw a bunch of people with fancy degrees and prestigious sinecures explaining to you how this was a brilliant legal maneuver and how this One Neat Trick under the 14th Amendment was going to keep Trump off the ballot, and BOOM! The Supreme Court, nine-zip, punted that idiocy through the goalpost of humiliation.
It seems to me that the reason why America's Leftists are not outraged by Trump's persecution through prosecution is because the LIKE it. They may realize how absurd these cases are, but they are so on board with the overall campaign that they pretend that it's all just business as usual, prosecutors going after a big crook.

It's like a baseball umpire who is missing calls for the whole game in your team's favor; you ain't likely to complain about it, or even admit that the bad calls happened.
For those of you who don’t live in the legal world every day like I do, being a simple Los Angeles trial lawyer, a lot of the legal stuff you see going on surrounding Trump and Trump-affiliated people might seem like chaos. Well, it is chaos. It’s complete chaos. There is almost no resemblance between what is happening with Trump and the law as normally practiced among normal people in normal times. Remember, there’s a Trump Exception to all the rules and all the norms that rejects any kind of precedent and procedure, as well as simple fairness, in its pursuit of the Bad Orange Man and his allies. When you understand that, you will understand why I shake my head when people ask me my legal opinion about what’s going on. My legal opinion about what’s going on is it has nothing to do with the law at all.

Understand that what we’re seeing now are attempts to frame Donald Trump and people affiliated with him to abuse and misuse the legal system to gain a political advantage. This is nothing new. It is something scumbags have been doing for thousands of years. Remember, Caesar crossed the Rubicon with his legion because if he had left his troops behind, they were going to prosecute him into oblivion. Lawfare is nothing new – its modern practitioners just better hope they don’t end up provoking warfare, too.

BJ- Good read from Kurt Schlichter.

Cultists of course will not get it.

It's complete theater.

All this procedural jousting we are seeing is important because Trump is fighting several different battles. First of all, Trump id fighting the election battle. Trump doesn’t want to have these trials before the election because they are all in blue cities, and even though they have zero legal merit, he is likely to be convicted. The convictions will probably get thrown out on appeal – an appeal is what happens after a trial court decision – but that’s not going to matter for the 2024 election, where Trump will be a “convicted felon.” So, Trump wants to delay these trials until after the election. And if he’s reelected, which is looking pretty good for him right now, he can direct his Justice Department to drop the federal cases. Which he should absolutely do, and it will make the liberals wail and gnash their teeth and be generally hilarious.
It seems to me that the reason why America's Leftists are not outraged by Trump's persecution through prosecution is because the LIKE it. They may realize how absurd these cases are, but they are so on board with the overall campaign that they pretend that it's all just business as usual, prosecutors going after a big crook.

It's like a baseball umpire who is missing calls for the whole game in your team's favor; you ain't likely to complain about it, or even admit that the bad calls happened.
But....the most obvious, largest crook of all continues to run his grift operation out of the White House
Among the 'Basic Law' stuff America is seeing vis-a-vis Don Trump is:

1. The lawful, proper, and required empaneling of Grand Juries who have consistently ruled to bring charges against Don Trump and enablers.

2. We've seen lawful and voir dire vetted juries seated for trials.

3. We've seen lawful arguments by both defense and prosecution in these trials.

4. Too, we have noted with interest the unanimous decisions brought down by those juries and against the interest of Don Trump.

5. And then, we've read the reports of the notable penalties/fines/sentences gaveled from the lawful magistrates.

So, yeah, there is a lotta lawfare goin' on out there in Trumpistan.
And speaking of Lawfare, I'd recommend that readers here watch the blog: Lawfare. They generally have informative views on various issues.

Find 'em right here:
Among the 'Basic Law' stuff America is seeing vis-a-vis Don Trump is:

1. The lawful, proper, and required empaneling of Grand Juries who have consistently ruled to bring charges against Don Trump and enablers.

2. We've seen lawful and voir dire vetted juries seated for trials.

3. We've seen lawful arguments by both defense and prosecution in these trials.

4. Too, we have noted with interest the unanimous decisions brought down by those juries and against the interest of Don Trump.

5. And then, we've read the reports of the notable penalties/fines/sentences gaveled from the lawful magistrates.

So, yeah, there is a lotta lawfare goin' on out there in Trumpistan.
And speaking of Lawfare, I'd recommend that readers here watch the blog: Lawfare. They generally have informative views on various issues.

Find 'em right here:
And here come the pretzels.......🥨🥨🥨
"When you’re looking at news reports of legal matters involving Trump or Trump-friendly people, understand that you are probably not going to get an accurate story."

So, is poster Billiejeen now claiming that we should not trust Alex Jones? Rudy Giuliani? Sydney Powell? Steve Bannon? Jim Hoft?

For those of you who don’t live in the legal world every day like I do, being a simple Los Angeles trial lawyer, a lot of the legal stuff you see going on surrounding Trump and Trump-affiliated people might seem like chaos. Well, it is chaos. It’s complete chaos. There is almost no resemblance between what is happening with Trump and the law as normally practiced among normal people in normal times. Remember, there’s a Trump Exception to all the rules and all the norms that rejects any kind of precedent and procedure, as well as simple fairness, in its pursuit of the Bad Orange Man and his allies. When you understand that, you will understand why I shake my head when people ask me my legal opinion about what’s going on. My legal opinion about what’s going on is it has nothing to do with the law at all.

Understand that what we’re seeing now are attempts to frame Donald Trump and people affiliated with him to abuse and misuse the legal system to gain a political advantage. This is nothing new. It is something scumbags have been doing for thousands of years. Remember, Caesar crossed the Rubicon with his legion because if he had left his troops behind, they were going to prosecute him into oblivion. Lawfare is nothing new – its modern practitioners just better hope they don’t end up provoking warfare, too.

BJ- Good read from Kurt Schlichter.

Cultists of course will not get it.
Poor Donald, always the victim.
For those of you who don’t live in the legal world every day like I do, being a simple Los Angeles trial lawyer, a lot of the legal stuff you see going on surrounding Trump and Trump-affiliated people might seem like chaos. Well, it is chaos. It’s complete chaos. There is almost no resemblance between what is happening with Trump and the law as normally practiced among normal people in normal times. Remember, there’s a Trump Exception to all the rules and all the norms that rejects any kind of precedent and procedure, as well as simple fairness, in its pursuit of the Bad Orange Man and his allies. When you understand that, you will understand why I shake my head when people ask me my legal opinion about what’s going on. My legal opinion about what’s going on is it has nothing to do with the law at all.

Understand that what we’re seeing now are attempts to frame Donald Trump and people affiliated with him to abuse and misuse the legal system to gain a political advantage. This is nothing new. It is something scumbags have been doing for thousands of years. Remember, Caesar crossed the Rubicon with his legion because if he had left his troops behind, they were going to prosecute him into oblivion. Lawfare is nothing new – its modern practitioners just better hope they don’t end up provoking warfare, too.

BJ- Good read from Kurt Schlichter.

Cultists of course will not get it.

From a Trial Lawyer.?????? I have yet to see ANYONE who knows anything about the law, who says that Trump's arrests and charges are anything but valid and long overdue.

You must think we're as stupid and gullible as you are. If you finished high school, I'd be very surprised.
From a Trial Lawyer.?????? I have yet to see ANYONE who knows anything about the law, who says that Trump's arrests and charges are anything but valid and long overdue.

You must think we're as stupid and gullible as you are. If you finished high school, I'd be very surprised.

Alan Dershowitz Rips NY AG's Trump Fraud Lawsuit: 'Who Were the People Defrauded Here? The Biggest Banks in the World'

Dershowitz concluded the lawsuit “doesn’t pass the test of a legitimate civil complaint,” and he added, “I think they should be challenging it very vigorously.”
It seems to me that the reason why America's Leftists are not outraged by Trump's persecution through prosecution is because the LIKE it. They may realize how absurd these cases are, but they are so on board with the overall campaign that they pretend that it's all just business as usual, prosecutors going after a big crook.

It's like a baseball umpire who is missing calls for the whole game in your team's favor; you ain't likely to complain about it, or even admit that the bad calls happened.

Hopefully Trump and his AG go after the vermin the same way they did, the difference being the vermin have violated all kinds of RICO and other criminal laws, so his will be legit prosecutions.

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