So no Deep State?

Not nearly as much as the $500 million Don Jr. wax promised, or the $11 million in Donnie’s super secret Chinese Bank account.
Link would be cool....................but we know you can't honestly go there....................... :auiqs.jpg:
In reality there is two sides
1. The billionaire elites and 2. the little guy(95% of society!)

The billionaire elites want all the power, control and to tell the little guy how to live their lives. They want us working until we're dead to make them ever richer and to stop us from being paid fairlly. They don't want us to have a good standard of living as they see as parasites to be crushed under their foot. They think they're our masters and our lords.

The republican party worships these people as they're fools
Why would Republicans worship billionaire Dimtards...which is who the elitists you are whining about are.
How do you sheeple always get things so backwards?
Funny, or should I said pathetic, how you're so ready to ignore any corruption in the Biden family and will most likely vote for the idiot, but want to hang Trump for any wiff of wrong doing. Your downfall is your undying belief in the US justice system and the US government, even when it's been proven corrupt and shown as liars in past Trump lynchings, you just close your eyes and plug your ears like the good little lemming you are.
Yep, Poopeypant's bank account got millions and millions of dollars in it by being in politics alone......
Around here, that would be a first.
Our nation was once a just place to live with guaranteed liberty... something JFK Jr said was when he was young we could believe our government and if they fell we had a unbiased media to watch them.... not anymore...

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