Seymour Hersh Reveals Massive Skimming of US Aid in Ukraine and Claims CIA Knows All About It


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Seymour Hersh Reveals Massive Skimming of US Aid in Ukraine and Claims CIA Knows All About It

13 Apr 2023 ~~ By Dave DeCamp

Seymour Hersh: The CIA Knows Ukrainian Officials Are Skimming US Aid

On Wednesday, Investigative journalist Seymour Hersh published a report on Substack that alleged the CIA was aware of widespread corruption in Ukraine and the embezzlement of US aid.
The report said the Ukrainian government has been using US taxpayer money to purchase diesel from Russia to fuel its military. Hersh said Zelensky “has been buying the fuel from Russia, the country with which it, and Washington, are at war, and the Ukrainian president and many in his entourage have been skimming untold millions from the American dollars earmarked for diesel fuel payments.”
Hersh said according to one estimate by CIA analysts, at least $400 million in funds were embezzled last year. Sources told Hersh that Ukrainian officials are also “competing” to set up front companies for export contracts to private arms dealers around the world.
The issue of corruption was raised during a meeting between CIA Director William Burns and Zelensky in January. An intelligence official with direct knowledge of the meeting told Hersh that Burns delivered a stunning message to Zelensky.
Hersh wrote: “The senior generals and government officials in Kiev were angry at what they saw as Zelensky’s greed, so Burns told the Ukrainian president, because ‘he was taking a larger share of the skim money than was going to the generals.’”
During the meeting, Burns presented Zelensky with a list of 35 generals and senior government officials whose corruption was known to the CIA. Zelensky responded by dismissing 10 officials who were engaged in flagrant corruption. “The ten he got rid of were brazenly bragging about the money they had—driving around Kiev in their new Mercedes,” the intelligence official said.
Hersh said Zelensky’s “half-hearted response” and the “lack of concern” in the White House angered some US intelligence officials. The intelligence official speaking to Hersh criticized President Biden’s two main foreign policy advisors, Secretary of State Antony Blinken and National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan.
“They have no experience, judgment, and moral integrity. They just tell lies, make up stories. Diplomatic deniability is something else,” the official said. The official said there was a “total breakdown between the White House leadership and the intelligence community.”
Hersh’s story comes after a series of leaked top-secret documents from the Pentagon and other government agencies surfaced online. Some of the documents show US war planning for Ukraine and reveal the US doubts Kyiv’s ability to launch a successful counter-offensive, offering a starkly different view of Ukraine’s abilities than what Biden officials have been saying publicly.

Is this why Schumer, Senate Democrat and Rinos were so horrified by the proposal for an inspector general to be assigned over the pallets of cash.
It's pretty well known that American officials and politicians are also getting their fair share.
That is simply how government to government business is carried out. Well, carried out by corrupt governments.
Julian Assange speaking in 2011 said; “The goal is to use Afghanistan to wash money out of the tax bases of the US and Europe through Afghanistan and back into the hands of a transnational security elite. The goal is an endless war, not a successful war”
Welcome to Orwell's 1984.
Will the Big Guy get his standard 10% kick back from all this?
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I know a lot of people here are against any involvement in Ukraine. I get it, we shouldn't be the worlds police force.

But the fact of the matter is the war Ukraine is fighting against the communists is the same ware we are fighting against the communists taking over our own country. Biden fully expected Zelensky to take him up on the offer for a chopper ride and safe haven out of there when the war began. It was part of the socialists package deal the big guy negotiated with the communists: now that Ukraine had been disarmed, the socialist Russian federation would get to take over whatever regions they wanted. The plan backfired, and Biden had no choice but to make a feigned (half ass) show of support to keep our NATO allies happy.

If Ukraine falls, so shall go our Republic here in the USA. We still have one hell of a fight ahead of us here at home.
As yet I see no coverage of this latest Hersh revelation here in the UK or when I run a general engine Search
As for it figuring in our Fake BBC news -- fat chance .
Amazing .
I scan major News releases daily and it looks as though the MSM has been shut down on giving coverage to this top topic .
I am separately aware of matters and in full detail but it looks as though as usual 99.9% of all Sheeple have no idea about what really goes on , and on both sides of the pond and presumably across western europe .

Seymour Hersh Reveals Massive Skimming of US Aid in Ukraine and Claims CIA Knows All About It

13 Apr 2023 ~~ By Dave DeCamp

Seymour Hersh: The CIA Knows Ukrainian Officials Are Skimming US Aid

On Wednesday, Investigative journalist Seymour Hersh published a report on Substack that alleged the CIA was aware of widespread corruption in Ukraine and the embezzlement of US aid.
The report said the Ukrainian government has been using US taxpayer money to purchase diesel from Russia to fuel its military. Hersh said Zelensky “has been buying the fuel from Russia, the country with which it, and Washington, are at war, and the Ukrainian president and many in his entourage have been skimming untold millions from the American dollars earmarked for diesel fuel payments.”
Hersh said according to one estimate by CIA analysts, at least $400 million in funds were embezzled last year. Sources told Hersh that Ukrainian officials are also “competing” to set up front companies for export contracts to private arms dealers around the world.
The issue of corruption was raised during a meeting between CIA Director William Burns and Zelensky in January. An intelligence official with direct knowledge of the meeting told Hersh that Burns delivered a stunning message to Zelensky.
Hersh wrote: “The senior generals and government officials in Kiev were angry at what they saw as Zelensky’s greed, so Burns told the Ukrainian president, because ‘he was taking a larger share of the skim money than was going to the generals.’”
During the meeting, Burns presented Zelensky with a list of 35 generals and senior government officials whose corruption was known to the CIA. Zelensky responded by dismissing 10 officials who were engaged in flagrant corruption. “The ten he got rid of were brazenly bragging about the money they had—driving around Kiev in their new Mercedes,” the intelligence official said.
Hersh said Zelensky’s “half-hearted response” and the “lack of concern” in the White House angered some US intelligence officials. The intelligence official speaking to Hersh criticized President Biden’s two main foreign policy advisors, Secretary of State Antony Blinken and National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan.
“They have no experience, judgment, and moral integrity. They just tell lies, make up stories. Diplomatic deniability is something else,” the official said. The official said there was a “total breakdown between the White House leadership and the intelligence community.”
Hersh’s story comes after a series of leaked top-secret documents from the Pentagon and other government agencies surfaced online. Some of the documents show US war planning for Ukraine and reveal the US doubts Kyiv’s ability to launch a successful counter-offensive, offering a starkly different view of Ukraine’s abilities than what Biden officials have been saying publicly.

Is this why Schumer, Senate Democrat and Rinos were so horrified by the proposal for an inspector general to be assigned over the pallets of cash.
It's pretty well known that American officials and politicians are also getting their fair share.
That is simply how government to government business is carried out. Well, carried out by corrupt governments.
Julian Assange speaking in 2011 said; “The goal is to use Afghanistan to wash money out of the tax bases of the US and Europe through Afghanistan and back into the hands of a transnational security elite. The goal is an endless war, not a successful war”
Welcome to Orwell's 1984.
Will the Big Guy get his standard 10% kick back from all this?
The corrupt politicians and bureaucrats hated Trump as he was derailing their wonderful gravy train.
I know a lot of people here are against any involvement in Ukraine. I get it, we shouldn't be the worlds police force.

But the fact of the matter is the war Ukraine is fighting against the communists is the same ware we are fighting against the communists taking over our own country. Biden fully expected Zelensky to take him up on the offer for a chopper ride and safe haven out of there when the war began. It was part of the socialists package deal the big guy negotiated with the communists: now that Ukraine had been disarmed, the socialist Russian federation would get to take over whatever regions they wanted. The plan backfired, and Biden had no choice but to make a feigned (half ass) show of support to keep our NATO allies happy.

If Ukraine falls, so shall go our Republic here in the USA. We still have one hell of a fight ahead of us here at home.
You've hit on the main topic the Right should be debating right now: what should the foreign policy of the US be, if it's not to be neo-conservative democracy-promotion via the 82nd Airborne?

With Ukraine, we're like someone who has been watching a friend play chess, badly ... and is then told, at the 14th move when the bad player is down 3 pieces and 5 pawns, "Okay, if you're so smart, you take over!" As the old Irish joke has it, of a man asked how to get to Killarney, "Oh, if I was going to Killarney, I wouldn't start from here!"

One thing I believe you are mistaken about is this: the Russians are not 'communists' or 'socialists'. The Communist bureaucrats were happy to get out of the constraints of socialism, and become oligarchs and the servants of oligarchs. Capitalism is a much better system from their point of view. Not only do you get better economic growth, but you live an infinitely better life than even the most senior bureaucrat in a nationalized economy.

Exactly what they are is the question: do we face a weak, defensive, unstable state, reacting to an American attempt to surround it with hostile NATO-aligned countries? One that is reacting just as we'd react if Mexico decided to align with China and bring in Chinese troops to arm and train their army?

Or is it an aggressive Russian-nationalist state attempting to re-establish its empire, which would have invaded Ukraine even if that country had promised to remain neutral and had not been moving towards NATO membership?

I believe the former is true, but you can certainly make a case for the latter, especially as Mr Putin has made the blunder of firing the first shot.
Have we finished with all the skimming from the 2008 Housing Crisis ... there's folks on the Gulf Coast still skimming from Hurricane Katrina relief ... what about these 1,200 M1A2 Abrams Battle Tanks being made that the Army will never take possession of ... they'll all sit in an Indiana corn field until they're scrapped ...

When was the last Appropriations Bill sent to the Senate? ...
Have we finished with all the skimming from the 2008 Housing Crisis ... there's folks on the Gulf Coast still skimming from Hurricane Katrina relief ... what about these 1,200 M1A2 Abrams Battle Tanks being made that the Army will never take possession of ... they'll all sit in an Indiana corn field until they're scrapped ...

When was the last Appropriations Bill sent to the Senate? ...
Government corruption rules the day, but the American people don’t seem to care.
Have we finished with all the skimming from the 2008 Housing Crisis ... there's folks on the Gulf Coast still skimming from Hurricane Katrina relief ... what about these 1,200 M1A2 Abrams Battle Tanks being made that the Army will never take possession of ... they'll all sit in an Indiana corn field until they're scrapped ...

When was the last Appropriations Bill sent to the Senate? ...
The Katrina thing is pretty much over now with most bogus loans either written-off, forgiven, or sent to treasury to rake back what little they can from tax refunds. The scale and scope of the fraud of Katrina is almost unfathomable.....And that happened on US soil.

Still and all it's chump change (slightly less than one billion) when compared to the bottomless pit of Ukraine funding fraud and "redirection".
Julian Assange speaking in 2011 said; “The goal is to use Afghanistan to wash money out of the tax bases of the US and Europe through Afghanistan and back into the hands of a transnational security elite. The goal is an endless war, not a successful war”

The Ukraine has been known around the world for decades as one, if not the, most corrupt countries in the world. Did anyone actually not think when you send billions of dollars to them that they wouldn't just steal it? If so then I imagine you would think if you gave 1000 dollars to a homeless dopehead he would use every cent to get his life back on track.

We gave billions to a corrupt government with nothing in exchange or plans to pay it back, no one knows what any of the money is being used for and surprised when we find out they just took it?

Seymour Hersh Reveals Massive Skimming of US Aid in Ukraine and Claims CIA Knows All About It

13 Apr 2023 ~~ By Dave DeCamp

Seymour Hersh: The CIA Knows Ukrainian Officials Are Skimming US Aid

On Wednesday, Investigative journalist Seymour Hersh published a report on Substack that alleged the CIA was aware of widespread corruption in Ukraine and the embezzlement of US aid.
The report said the Ukrainian government has been using US taxpayer money to purchase diesel from Russia to fuel its military. Hersh said Zelensky “has been buying the fuel from Russia, the country with which it, and Washington, are at war, and the Ukrainian president and many in his entourage have been skimming untold millions from the American dollars earmarked for diesel fuel payments.”
Hersh said according to one estimate by CIA analysts, at least $400 million in funds were embezzled last year. Sources told Hersh that Ukrainian officials are also “competing” to set up front companies for export contracts to private arms dealers around the world.
The issue of corruption was raised during a meeting between CIA Director William Burns and Zelensky in January. An intelligence official with direct knowledge of the meeting told Hersh that Burns delivered a stunning message to Zelensky.
Hersh wrote: “The senior generals and government officials in Kiev were angry at what they saw as Zelensky’s greed, so Burns told the Ukrainian president, because ‘he was taking a larger share of the skim money than was going to the generals.’”
During the meeting, Burns presented Zelensky with a list of 35 generals and senior government officials whose corruption was known to the CIA. Zelensky responded by dismissing 10 officials who were engaged in flagrant corruption. “The ten he got rid of were brazenly bragging about the money they had—driving around Kiev in their new Mercedes,” the intelligence official said.
Hersh said Zelensky’s “half-hearted response” and the “lack of concern” in the White House angered some US intelligence officials. The intelligence official speaking to Hersh criticized President Biden’s two main foreign policy advisors, Secretary of State Antony Blinken and National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan.
“They have no experience, judgment, and moral integrity. They just tell lies, make up stories. Diplomatic deniability is something else,” the official said. The official said there was a “total breakdown between the White House leadership and the intelligence community.”
Hersh’s story comes after a series of leaked top-secret documents from the Pentagon and other government agencies surfaced online. Some of the documents show US war planning for Ukraine and reveal the US doubts Kyiv’s ability to launch a successful counter-offensive, offering a starkly different view of Ukraine’s abilities than what Biden officials have been saying publicly.

Is this why Schumer, Senate Democrat and Rinos were so horrified by the proposal for an inspector general to be assigned over the pallets of cash.
It's pretty well known that American officials and politicians are also getting their fair share.
That is simply how government to government business is carried out. Well, carried out by corrupt governments.
Julian Assange speaking in 2011 said; “The goal is to use Afghanistan to wash money out of the tax bases of the US and Europe through Afghanistan and back into the hands of a transnational security elite. The goal is an endless war, not a successful war”
Welcome to Orwell's 1984.
Will the Big Guy get his standard 10% kick back from all this?
With 10% back to Poopeypants.
You've hit on the main topic the Right should be debating right now: what should the foreign policy of the US be, if it's not to be neo-conservative democracy-promotion via the 82nd Airborne?

With Ukraine, we're like someone who has been watching a friend play chess, badly ... and is then told, at the 14th move when the bad player is down 3 pieces and 5 pawns, "Okay, if you're so smart, you take over!" As the old Irish joke has it, of a man asked how to get to Killarney, "Oh, if I was going to Killarney, I wouldn't start from here!"

Hahaha!!! Here in Vermont (USA) we had the sayin' "You can't get there from here!" Now I know where it probably came from.

One thing I believe you are mistaken about is this: the Russians are not 'communists' or 'socialists'. The Communist bureaucrats were happy to get out of the constraints of socialism, and become oligarchs and the servants of oligarchs. Capitalism is a much better system from their point of view. Not only do you get better economic growth, but you live an infinitely better life than even the most senior bureaucrat in a nationalized economy.

Exactly what they are is the question: do we face a weak, defensive, unstable state, reacting to an American attempt to surround it with hostile NATO-aligned countries? One that is reacting just as we'd react if Mexico decided to align with China and bring in Chinese troops to arm and train their army?

Or is it an aggressive Russian-nationalist state attempting to re-establish its empire, which would have invaded Ukraine even if that country had promised to remain neutral and had not been moving towards NATO membership?

I believe the former is true, but you can certainly make a case for the latter, especially as Mr Putin has made the blunder of firing the first shot.

Not a bad analysis, for a spud. The facts as I see them are that the socialist hierarchy Putin represents is grabbing two critical resources required for further military development: Power (Zaporicha and the gas fields in western donbas), and Steel manufacturing (Mariupol and Bakmut).

I don't see any other plausible explanation except that they intend to use these resources to build a war machine. I wish I was wrong, but my judgement and that of our Lord are the only ones I can trust at this point. The Lord has not spoken to me, as yet, and I will maintain His hammer in repose until then.
:link: Oh, don't worry you won't find one to prove what you claim.
Actually, I think you're probably a decent person. It's just that you've bitten off on the corrupt apple so enthusiastically, you have lost your senses.

God Bless you, my friend!
Where are all of the Left Wing anti-war protesters?
Do Left Wingers have any real principles?
Go ahead and mention "Abortion"...they've been trained well on how to react to that...otherwise their mind explodes if you ask them a direct question that hasn't been scripted for them.

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