Zone1 Salam - New Member

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And did Jesus preform Miracles?
Jesus (عليه السلام) was a great prophet, who performed miracles by the power of God. Elijah flew up to heaven in a flaming chariot. Elisha's bones rose the dead. The Bible is full of stories about prophets performing miracles. The supernatural is real, and God chooses whom He wills, to represent Him.
He is certainly not so gullible as to believe all the fanciful stories you tell about yourself so as to provide background.

The fact of the matter is that you are here in service to Islam despite any claims you have made about yourself.
He's a coward, unable to even admit he's a Muslim. I have no shame in admitting I'm a Muslim and telling you the truth about my faith, as it truly is. He's the reason Muslims are now being slaughtered in Gaza. The reason the Ottoman caliphate collapsed in 1923, forcing Muslims under the heel of Western powers.
You can interpret it that way. No one can force belief on someone else, but someone can enforce divine law, forcing them to live accordingly, within its boundaries.

Christians just don't have the balls and sincerity of belief to subdue the wicked under their heels, enforcing divine law. They're kind of schizophrenic because they claim to turn the other cheek and pray for those who persecute them, not resisting evil, as it says in their corrupt gospels while rooting for the US Military to do their dirty work. They love the heavy hand of government, when it comes to protecting capitalism, with its captive markets, but refuse to stop the castration of American children, the puberty blockers, abortion, all of this crap:

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They just just allow people to rot out in the street, using drugs. These Christians can't govern, hence God commissions Muslims to do it for them. Islam is coming to a theater near you and it's real, not fiction.

Turning the other cheek is about shaming your enemy. It was about passive resistance to Roman oppression and Roman laws.
He is certainly not so gullible as to believe all the fanciful stories you tell about yourself so as to provide background.

The fact of the matter is that you are here in service to Islam despite any claims you have made about yourself.

You mean because I grew up in an oil camp and traveled extensively? Or because I attended church and Sunday school there? Or because I have a fine education? Or because I like and respect Islam and Muslims.

You have poor experience and a poor education.
You mean because I grew up in an oil camp and traveled extensively? Or because I attended church and Sunday school there? Or because I have a fine education? Or because I like and respect Islam and Muslims.

You have poor experience and a poor education.
You don't believe Jesus is the savior that died on the cross and was resurrected.
You're silly claims about Islam, aren't going to stop Islam from taking over the West. Islam is about submitting ourselves to God, establishing prayer, and following divine law. Your objections amount to nothing more than cheap polemics, which I feel aren't worth my time and effort. Machine gunning a bunch of bullshit claims made by Evangelical apologists and atheists doesn't debunk Islam, because anyone with a little research can find the Muslim response to those claims online. There are Islamic websites dedicated to debunking all of that anti-Islamic claptrap.
Its directly from your book.
As I said, psychosis.
He's a coward, unable to even admit he's a Muslim. I have no shame in admitting I'm a Muslim and telling you the truth about my faith, as it truly is. He's the reason Muslims are now being slaughtered in Gaza. The reason the Ottoman caliphate collapsed in 1923, forcing Muslims under the heel of Western powers.

I am a grandmother living in Atlanta and an Episcopalian. My heritage is Dutch and Irish.. Christians for a thousand years.

The Ottoman empire was a real dud. The Arab states stagnated for hundreds of years.. especially in terms of education, literacy and healthcare.
The truth is you believe it. That is not proof it is true.
My belief isn't proof, but I know it's true nonetheless. I know Allah is real and so are the Jinns, and Angels, the whole package. It's true. The Holy Quran is mathematically coded, in such a way that it couldn't have been authored by human beings.

There's so much evidence for the divine origin of the Holy Quran and Islam, that only a wicked rebel will deny it. That's your decision, you can pretend all of the above isn't true. You won't have an excuse before God on the day of judgment.
I am a grandmother living in Atlanta and an Episcopalian. My heritage is Dutch and Irish.. Christians for a thousand years.

The Ottoman empire was a real dud. The Arab states stagnated for hundreds of years.. especially in terms of education, literacy and healthcare.
OK, well thanks for finally clarifying that. I was wrong, I sincerely apologize for my error.
My belief isn't proof, but I know it's true nonetheless. I know Allah is real and so are the Jinns, and Angels, the whole package. It's true. The Holy Quran is mathematically coded, in such a way that it couldn't have been authored by human beings.

There's so much evidence for the divine origin of the Holy Quran and Islam, that only a wicked rebel will deny it. That's your decision, you can pretend all of the above isn't true. You won't have an excuse before God on the day of judgment.

Sorry but you are mistaken, Does Islam have prophets now if so, who are they?
My belief isn't proof, but I know it's true nonetheless. I know Allah is real and so are the Jinns, and Angels, the whole package. It's true. The Holy Quran is mathematically coded, in such a way that it couldn't have been authored by human beings.

There's so much evidence for the divine origin of the Holy Quran and Islam, that only a wicked rebel will deny it. That's your decision, you can pretend all of the above isn't true. You won't have an excuse before God on the day of judgment.

Thus, there is no argument here for another to believe as you. You merely repeat that you believe. The fact is, only personal revelation is justification for belief (meaning revelation continues) and that, being personal, it is impossible to impose it on anyone else. Anything other than personal revelation is just simple hear say, something heard from someone or something read somewhere, not direct evidence. .
You mean because I grew up in an oil camp and traveled extensively? Or because I attended church and Sunday school there? Or because I have a fine education? Or because I like and respect Islam and Muslims.

You have poor experience and a poor education.
I say that you serve Islam because that is what you do here.

It must have just finally dawned on me after about the first ten thousand posts of yours promoting Islam and none promoting Christianity, I guess.
Its directly from your book.
As I said, psychosis.
It's your misinterpretation of the Quran. There's a distinction between what it says in Arabic in its proper context, and what you're claiming it says. Not the same. You're just an ax-grinding anti-Islamic polemicist, not worth my time or energy. Anyone can take your claims and find the Islamic response, seeing how weak your rhetoric is.
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