Zone1 Revisiting a Sunday Sermon that addresses our time now

Stop being insulting.. Israel was called whore and harlot all through the Old Testament because she went whoring after false gods long before Rome occupied Palestine. It wasn't until 1500 AD that Rome was called the Whore of Babylon.
I explained to you in context why Israel was referred to as a whore and a harlot regarding her not staying true to her husband which symbolically is the gd of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.. once again the wording used is poetic how a husband that was betrayed would feel towards his wayward wife.. That is not the same in regards to Babylon first and Rome afterwards..

The city of Babylon gave birth to an empire that ruled the known world and imposed a worldview upon all of the peoples that she conquered. Those she did not destroy, she subverted. She could be brutal; callous and proud and she believed that she would reign over the earth forever. She said in her heart: “I am, and there is no one besides me; I shall not sit as a widow or know the loss of children”
Isaiah 47:8 .. She was destroyed however the Romans emulated and took on her persona and did the same thing.. As I stated before“ Polly” Rome was notorious for swallowing other cultures changing them into and taking them for her own…You can pussyfoot around all you like those are the facts and if you insist that Israel was a whore then after Rome destroyed her she certainly was unable to whore around but Rome on the other hand spread out onto manty waters( peoples and faiths)and emulating all she was with their own spin then she is still the whore because she fornicated with all other nations and chased after their gods and took them as lovers for herself after changing them to her needs much like Babylon did before her but she was by far the bigger whore( in your own words)
I explained to you in context why Israel was referred to as a whore and a harlot regarding her not staying true to her husband which symbolically is the gd of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.. once again the wording used is poetic how a husband that was betrayed would feel towards his wayward wife.. That is not the same in regards to Babylon first and Rome afterwards..

The city of Babylon gave birth to an empire that ruled the known world and imposed a worldview upon all of the peoples that she conquered. Those she did not destroy, she subverted. She could be brutal; callous and proud and she believed that she would reign over the earth forever. She said in her heart: “I am, and there is no one besides me; I shall not sit as a widow or know the loss of children”
Isaiah 47:8 .. She was destroyed however the Romans emulated and took on her persona and did the same thing.. As I stated before“ Polly” Rome was notorious for swallowing other cultures changing them into and taking them for her own…You can pussyfoot around all you like those are the facts and if you insist that Israel was a whore then after Rome destroyed her she certainly was unable to whore around but Rome on the other hand spread out onto manty waters( peoples and faiths)and emulating all she was with their own spin then she is still the whore because she fornicated with all other nations and chased after their gods and took them as lovers for herself after changing them to her needs much like Babylon did before her but she was by far the bigger whore( in your own words)

I'm well aware it's poetic language, but until Martin Luther traditional Christians thought Israel was the Whore of Babylon.

Rome had no influence on Israel until 63 BC.
I'm well aware it's poetic language, but until Martin Luther traditional Christians thought Israel was the Whore of Babylon.

Rome had no influence on Israel until 63 BC.
That is not correct .. The Romans never had influence on Israel but they did on Judea… Israel the nation was long gone by the time Rome got there... I am not trying to split hairs but try to keep things in context.. As for speaking of traditional Christian’s there are many many sects of Christianity to which one do you refer to… Hmmmm…
That is not correct .. The Romans never had influence on Israel but they did on Judea… Israel the nation was long gone by the time Rome got there... I am not trying to split hairs but try to keep things in context.. As for speaking of traditional Christian’s there are many many sects of Christianity to which one do you refer to… Hmmmm…

But you are splitting hairs. Israel is the whore of Babylon.

Dispensationists, Dominionists and the rapture were invented in 1830. It was promoted by fringe groups until it was preached in the tent revivals during the depression and the dust bowl years. Now Hal Lindsey is their prophet.

According to Revelation 11:8 in the King James Version of the Bible, Jesus was crucified in the great city, which is spiritually called Sodom and Egypt. John says that Jesus died on a cross outside of Jerusalem, not Rome or Babylon.
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Isaiah 7:14 isn’t a prophecy. About Jesus or anyone else.”

It is not a prophecy to point to a pregnant woman and say she’s gonna have a kid.

The actual verbiage, translated correctly, says “The young woman HAS CONCEIVED (past tense) and will bear a son..”

The PROPHECY in this passage is Isaiah 7:16

“ before the boy knows enough to reject the wrong and choose the right, the land of the two kings you dread will be laid waste.”

This took place in 732 BCE.
But you are splitting hairs. Israel is the whore of Babylon.

Dispensationists, Dominionists and the rapture were invented in 1830. It was promoted by fringe groups until it was preached in the tent revivals during the depression and the dust bowl years. Now Hal Lindsey is their prophet.

According to Revelation 11:8 in the King James Version of the Bible, Jesus was crucified in the great city, which is spiritually called Sodom and Egypt. John says that Jesus died on a cross outside of Jerusalem, not Rome or Babylon.
You just proved me correct .The lying scribes of Rome pushed The New Testament which was written and compiled at the behest of Constantine who was the Roman ruler obviously they would claim that to throw off the trail from themselves the Romans.. If all else fails find a scapegoat and the Jews who were dispersed to the four corners of the empire weak and scattered fit the bill…You should quit wasting our time by dredging up old threads that are long past discussions but like any “ parrot” you still want your cracker eh Polly… Wink Wink..
You just proved me correct .The lying scribes of Rome pushed The New Testament which was written and compiled at the behest of Constantine who was the Roman ruler obviously they would claim that to throw off the trail from themselves the Romans.. If all else fails find a scapegoat and the Jews who were dispersed to the four corners of the empire weak and scattered fit the bill…You should quit wasting our time by dredging up old threads that are long past discussions but like any “ parrot” you still want your cracker eh Polly… Wink Wink..
The gospels were written before Constantine was born.
I am well aware of when they were written and their Roman slant.. It is just more proof and you are wasting our time..

Why do you think the gospels have a "Roman slant". Do you deny the various Jewish factions were fighting each other and the Romans?

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