Republicans making a huge deal out of Biden flying migrants around the country.

Analogy doesn't fit. In any case, yes the border was secure, despite CNN/MSNBC propaganda, epecially relative to its totally INSECURE state now.
You keep trying to compare Trump and Biden. The issue is solely the border. It was NOT secure when Trump was president. If it was, there would've been no need to fly migrants from one overcrowded city to another.
If it was secure, Trump wouldn't have left the immigration judges in Biden's administration with such a huge back log of cases.
You keep trying to compare Trump and Biden. The issue is solely the border. It was NOT secure when Trump was president. If it was, there would've been no need to fly migrants from one overcrowded city to another.
If it was secure, Trump wouldn't have left the immigration judges in Biden's administration with such a huge back log of cases.
yeah its best for you to not compare the two,,

your whole narrative would fall apart,,
You keep trying to compare Trump and Biden. The issue is solely the border. It was NOT secure when Trump was president. If it was, there would've been no need to fly migrants from one overcrowded city to another.
If it was secure, Trump wouldn't have left the immigration judges in Biden's administration with such a huge back log of cases.
Neither of those things has to do with the SECURITY of the border, They are mere procedures of border work. Trump kept illegal aliens out.

Biden invites them in, and helps them to come in, so he can count on them for VOTES,
Neither of those things has to do with the SECURITY of the border, They are mere procedures of border work. Trump kept illegal aliens out.

Biden invites them in, and helps them to come in, so he can count on them for VOTES,

Wrong. Fake News.
You keep trying to compare Trump and Biden. The issue is solely the border. It was NOT secure when Trump was president. If it was, there would've been no need to fly migrants from one overcrowded city to another.
If it was secure, Trump wouldn't have left the immigration judges in Biden's administration with such a huge back log of cases.
the thread itself is about comparing biden to trump,,
the thread itself is about comparing biden to trump,,

It's about how Trumpbots bashing Biden for things that Trump did, without a word about Trump doing it. The cult mindset.
Bash Biden all you want. He's a very bad president. But FFS, bash Trump for doing what Biden is doing with the ferocity.
Otherwise you come off as a cult member.
If you're against CR's, then be against all those who sign those CR's. If you're against debt ceiling increases, bash all of the presidents who increase them. The same as border security. Trump didn't secure the borders. But because Biden's borders are less secure, doesn't give Trump a free pass on his inability to secure it.

Saying Trump secured the border is retarded.

It's about how Trumpbots bashing Biden for things that Trump did, without a word about Trump doing it. The cult mindset.
Bash Biden all you want. He's a very bad president. But FFS, bash Trump for doing what Biden is doing with the ferocity.
Otherwise you come off as a cult member.
If you're against CR's, then be against all those who sign those CR's. If you're against debt ceiling increases, bash all of the presidents who increase them. The same as border security. Trump didn't secure the borders. But because Biden's borders are less secure, doesn't give Trump a free pass on his inability to secure it.

Saying Trump secured the border is retarded.

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thats called comparing the two dumbass,,,

what you dont want him to do is compare the details of why that happened because your whole narrative would fall apart,,

now all this time youre ranting about trump how many women and children do you think have been trafficed into the sex slave trade due to the open border??
It's about how Trumpbots bashing Biden for things that Trump did, without a word about Trump doing it. The cult mindset.
Bash Biden all you want. He's a very bad president. But FFS, bash Trump for doing what Biden is doing with the ferocity.
Otherwise you come off as a cult member.
If you're against CR's, then be against all those who sign those CR's. If you're against debt ceiling increases, bash all of the presidents who increase them. The same as border security. Trump didn't secure the borders. But because Biden's borders are less secure, doesn't give Trump a free pass on his inability to secure it.

Saying Trump secured the border is retarded.

View attachment 942844
Trump was President and did none of what you accuse. Every Insurrectionist city could have had federal troops stop them if they asked. during his term They did not. Now we can build the highways around them and not be racist. If you gave him a chance I can forgive. The road to tyranny and poverty is the route we are taking.
Trump was President and did none of what you accuse. Every Insurrectionist city could have had federal troops stop them if they asked. during his term They did not. Now we can build the highways around them and not be racist. If you gave him a chance I can forgive. The road to tyranny and poverty is the route we are taking.

He did everything I accused him of. I'm not one of the lame democrats who just make up lies about Trump. FFS, I lean right. Way right of the democrats. And in many cases, like with Trump, I lean way right of him.

I'm sick of these left leaning Republicans destroying the only political party that's elected to bring opposition to the left. Trump caved to the left and Pelosi on just about every instance. When he wasn't caving to her, she was kicking his ass all over DC.

How TF does the left kick the GOP's butt, when the GOP has a majority in the House, Senate and the presidency? You fill the GOP with a bunch of weak, left leaning Republicans. That's how. That's exactly what we have now. It's what we had during Trumps first two years. And it's what you're supporting now.
thats called comparing the two dumbass,,,

what you dont want him to do is compare the details of why that happened because your whole narrative would fall apart,,

now all this time youre ranting about trump how many women and children do you think have been trafficed into the sex slave trade due to the open border??

I've explained what it really is. But like a good cult member, you're defending the very thing you claim to be against.

You're like that moron from Kentucky who said "They need to get rid of Obamacare. But keep the ACA."
I've explained what it really is. But like a good cult member, you're defending the very thing you claim to be against.

You're like that moron from Kentucky who said "They need to get rid of Obamacare. But keep the ACA."

how am I defending anything when I am trying to focus on problems we are having right now as we speak??

youre bringing up history thats not going to change or help anything,,
sounds more like youre the one in a cult trying to convince everyone to join you,,
trying to make it about me isnt going to change the fact that whether you know it or not your defending the biggest sex trafficing operation in world history,,

FFS theres 85K children missing according to the government,, and when they say 85 you can bet its closer to 160K,,

not to mention all the women raped and killed along the way,,

you sir are the worst humanity has to offer and you should be ashamed,, but we all know youre not,,
should have locked the kids in cages Obama built. They wouldn't go missing.
how am I defending anything when I am trying to focus on problems we are having right now as we speak??

Focusing on a problem that the one you're going to vote for didn't fix either.
youre bringing up history thats not going to change or help anything,,
sounds more like youre the one in a cult trying to convince everyone to join you,,

History? It's exactly what's going on today, with the TRUMP ENDORSED Mike Johnson. Who has the support of most of the GOP house reps.
Focusing on a problem that the one you're going to vote for didn't fix either.

History? It's exactly what's going on today, with the TRUMP ENDORSED Mike Johnson. Who has the support of most of the GOP house reps.
how about we work together and find a way to solve it??

who do you suggest we vote for??
how about we work together and find a way to solve it??

who do you suggest we vote for??

The only way to solve it is to stop electing all these weak left leaning Republicans like Trump and Johnson. The hard part is trying to get you to understand just how weak and left leaning they are. Especially when you don't want to see it.

It's like quitting smoking. It'll never happen until you want it to.
The only way to solve it is to stop electing all these weak left leaning Republicans like Trump and Johnson. The hard part is trying to get you to understand just how weak and left leaning they are. Especially when you don't want to see it.

It's like quitting smoking. It'll never happen until you want it to.
great speech,,,

so you have no solution and you go with attacking the only person speaking on wanting to solve the problem and ignoring the current leader causing the problem,,

one thing youre leaving out about trumps 1st term is that at every single turn he was attacked by the left for anything he did even the things leftists supported,,

I will vote for him because for some reason the left is terrified of him and people like you are ignoring the current problems and attacking him,,

I want to see the reason why that is,,

if as you say nothings going to change theres nothing to lose by doing it,,

but if the reason they hate him is because hes going to expose or change directions the country is going in its worth a shot,,
great speech,,,

so you have no solution and you go with attacking the only person speaking on wanting to solve the problem and ignoring the current leader causing the problem,,

one thing youre leaving out about trumps 1st term is that at every single turn he was attacked by the left for anything he did even the things leftists supported,,

I will vote for him because for some reason the left is terrified of him and people like you are ignoring the current problems and attacking him,,

I want to see the reason why that is,,

if as you say nothings going to change theres nothing to lose by doing it,,

but if the reason they hate him is because hes going to expose or change directions the country is going in its worth a shot,,

It's a rigged game with their rigged rules. You either play what THEY deal you, or you simply stop playing.

If the GOP loses enough, maybe the leadership will finally ask "We the People" why we stopped supporting them?
It's a rigged game with their rigged rules. You either play what THEY deal you, or you simply stop playing. There's no chance of winning anything. (Except more left leaning Republicans)

How much money are you willing to bet on a dead horse?
thats the thing,,
I dont have to bet anything,,

if I am wrong oit changes nothing,,

but if I am right it changes a lot,,

everything will never be changed with one POTUS,,
thats the thing,,
I dont have to bet anything,,

if I am wrong oit changes nothing,,

but if I am right it changes a lot,,

everything will never be changed with one POTUS,,

FFS, there's 60 years of proof backing up what I'm saying. As recently as Johnson caving on foreign aid and Trump still saying Johnson is doing a great job.
And you're still wondering IF you're right or not.

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