Republicans making a huge deal out of Biden flying migrants around the country.

I think that is grossly simplifying it Mike. We have a problem that has increased steadily regardless of the team in power. Trump made a lot of noise but little actual difference in the flow. I think you need to look at not just in terms of what attracts them here but also in what is driving them out, and that isn’t due to our internal politics. I think you have to consider the fact that there ARE jobs here…they wouldn’t be immigrating if that opportunity wasn’t there.

I've been trying to address this for so long now, I remember the numbers in my head.
The government has overinflated the USD so much now, that $15hr is a poverty wage. In Mexico and S. America (and many other places around the world), $15hr is an upper class wage. Their normal wages are like $10 to $15 per DAY. So when they get here and go to work, making even $10 per hour, that's like amazing to them. That's like the gold rush.

When the USD started rising by leaps and bounds above the peso, is when the immigrants started coming here, more and more. And now that they can get $15hr, they're never going to stop.

Especially when so many of them don't mind walking to work (not needing a car). They don't buy TV's and expensive phones. And a whole lot of junk, like we do.
They're extremely conservative with their money. Saving only enough to get them by, and sending the rest to their families back home.
This is why DeSantis's idea of paying for the wall was genius. Their approximately $60 billion per year sent back to just Mexico, per year.
I've been trying to address this for so long now, I remember the numbers in my head.
The government has overinflated the USD so much now, that $15hr is a poverty wage. In Mexico and S. America (and many other places around the world), $15hr is an upper class wage. Their normal wages are like $10 to $15 per DAY. So when they get here and go to work, making even $10 per hour, that's like amazing to them. That's like the gold rush.

When the USD started rising by leaps and bounds above the peso, is when the immigrants started coming here, more and more. And now that they can get $15hr, they're never going to stop.

Especially when so many of them don't mind walking to work (not needing a car). They don't buy TV's and expensive phones. And a whole lot of junk, like we do.
They're extremely conservative with their money. Saving only enough to get them by, and sending the rest to their families back home.
This is why DeSantis's idea of paying for the wall was genius. Their approximately $60 billion per year sent back to just Mexico, per year.
so why are you defending the people that did this??
I called him an asshole for doing it,, so whats your beef,,

are you telling me we shouldnt be concerned with the thousands of missing children in this time when pedos are on the march openly telling us theyre coming for our children??

is there something you want to tell us??

We should be concerned with pedo's and missing children. And should discuss it on the "pedo's and missing children" thread.
We should be concerned with pedo's and missing children. And should discuss it on the "pedo's and missing children" thread.
they are part of the illegal invasion,, why are you trying to deflect from that,,

and thats just one of the problems this invasion has caused,,

but sure lets only talk about trump and ignore the real problem,,
We should be concerned with pedo's and missing children. And should discuss it on the "pedo's and missing children" thread.
just so I have this straight,,

are you here trying to figure out how to solve our mass invasion coming across our southern border or is this just another trump did it too rant??

So which FAKE NEWS should we accept?
The 221,456
the 320,000
or the 200,000 Number.

Why do each of your FAKE reports suggest different Numbers?

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