Reparations and the Equal Protection Clause

I am not sure I understand how it fits in with the equal protection clause and thus far few are addressing that specifically.
I have addressed it over and over again.

The reason it is a false analogy, is because, the Japanese citizens that were interned, regardless of their position in society, rich or poor, educated or not, all suffered the same harm.

Likewise, of the native American nations, all individuals in those classes, all suffered the same harms when treaties were broken and economic harms were accrued to individuals in those classes.

OTH, in regards to folks in a class action restorative justice argument, the reason it violates the equal protection claus, I specifically remember, many friends, when I went to university, in my life before I suffered my medical problems, who were advantaged in higher education over me, simply because of the color of their skin.

They had advantages in applying to university, they had advantages in applying to the same job I had, and advanced quicker in the work place, simply due to their ethnicity.

. . . it is now, patently ABSURD, to try to make the argument, that all black folks in the nation now deserve payments from the state, while folks of other ethnicities, all ethnicities, who were not even here, and had nothing to do with slavery or Jim Crow, should pick of the tab for such payments.

The only thing this will do, is enrich the professional class of upper class black Americans, be wasted on the lower class Americans on alcohol, drugs and frivolous purchases, and cause more friction between all ethnicities.

It will do absolutely NOTHING to solve the economic disparities between the black community and other ethnic communities.

I have had enough experience with the poor, middle class, and upper class, to know, the only path to prosperity is education and self-discipline. It is NOT and never has been, hand-outs.

It is the very destruction of the cultural heritage by their kidnapping from Africa, and lack of community knowledge. . an amnesia as a people, and dependence on the state, which is the cause of this problem. African immigrants? Not refugees, but actual immigrants? They don't have a disparate economic disadvantage compared to white or other ethnicities. From what I have often gathered, a lot of the more conservative ones, don't even particularly like American black culture, due to this cultural amnesia phenomenon.

". . . And while relatively lower levels of development in Africa lead Americans to assume that African immigrants are less well-educated, "Data from the ACS shows that African-born immigrants aged 25 and over possess high levels of education comparable to, if not better than, the average American population."

I was once having a discussion with one of my black friends, and we were comparing notes about our family histories, stored knowledge. . . all the things he would continually tell me, "wow, I wish I my mom had taught me this. . or jeese, I wish my grampa had taught me that, etc."

What white privilege really is? Is cultural symmetry, and "secret knowledge," if you will, silly things, about how anglo-American culture unofficially really works. . . like your family knowing what phonics is, as opposed to the "see and say," method of reading. . . etc.

But throwing money at individuals, based on some statistics, in violation of the constitution, with some abstract notion it will get results, (with no actual evidence?)

It is, I admit, an intractable problem, but throwing money at?

And more state dependence? Will more than likely, just make the problems worse in the end, and build even more resentment.

. . . but hell, maybe that is what the folks in charge really want? What the hell do I know?

Well here is yoar problem. . . you are seeking "restorative justice," against the wrong party!

You need to seek it against those long dead slave holders, or the southern states that perpetrated Jim Crow!
No, we are right to demand reparations from the federal state and local governments that implemented Jim Crow laws and policies as we as for todays continuing effects of a system based on white preference and racism. Slavery is not the only issue. Jim Crow was practiced in the North.

Jim Crow in the North​

For generations, the North has given itself credit for being less racially biased than the South, and for being the better place for African Americans to live.

The logic was straightforward – at least to Northerners. After Reconstruction ended in 1876, the South imposed Jim Crow, which it enforced with lynchings and state-sanctioned brutality. As a result, millions of blacks fled to the North.

After World War II, northern states began passing civil rights laws that prohibited discrimination – in theory, at least – and protected voting rights, long before Congress passed similar laws in the 1960s.

Northerners have forgotten, however, how hard it was for blacks living above the Mason-Dixon Line to struggle to achieve rudimentary freedoms.

While the North has had no Selma march, no Birmingham church bombing, and no George Wallace pronouncement of “segregation now, segregation tomorrow and segregation forever,” virtually every northern city had its share of racial killings, cross burnings and white riots.

In Sweet Land of Liberty: The Forgotten Struggle for Civil Rights in the North (Random House, November), Thomas J. Sugrue, a professor of history and sociology at the University of Pennsylvania, lays bare the difficulty blacks have had in the North from before the first black Great Migration in the ’20s to the present.

This 80-year chronicle of recent history is, at best, a glass-half-empty tale.

The ’20s, as Sugrue tells it, was an era of growing hostility, as blacks moved north. Restrictive covenants blocked black entry into many neighborhoods. Schools were openly segregated. Shopkeepers and theaters displayed “whites only” signs. Sugrue writes, “Even celebrities such as Josephine Baker, Paul Robeson, Dorothy Dandridge and Marian Anderson had a hard time finding rooms and faced Jim Crow in restaurants when they toured the North.”

In the ’30s, blacks gained some voice in the Roosevelt administration, and some New Deal programs provided them relief from the Great Depression. But racism prevailed in many government programs. Federal housing agencies deemed black neighborhoods unworthy of credit, and federal officials segregated public housing. The ’30s and ’40s also saw white riots – in cities such as Chicago, Detroit and Los Angeles – aimed at restricting blacks to neighborhoods they already occupied.

We who are demanding reparations know exactly who is responsible. There is not out anywhere. It's not just democrats, its not just southern democrats, it American whites, it's bi or multi-partisan and multi ethnic. Being Irish doesn't give you an out. Descending from white immigrants who came here after slavery does not give you an out either. This is a case against the governments of this nation and unlike the whining from the we don't want to pay taxes right wing, our demands are valid.
No, we are right to demand reparations from the federal state and local governments that implemented Jim Crow laws and policies as we as for todays continuing effects of a system based on white preference and racism. Slavery is not the only issue. Jim Crow was practiced in the North.

Jim Crow in the North​

For generations, the North has given itself credit for being less racially biased than the South, and for being the better place for African Americans to live.

The logic was straightforward – at least to Northerners. After Reconstruction ended in 1876, the South imposed Jim Crow, which it enforced with lynchings and state-sanctioned brutality. As a result, millions of blacks fled to the North.

After World War II, northern states began passing civil rights laws that prohibited discrimination – in theory, at least – and protected voting rights, long before Congress passed similar laws in the 1960s.

Northerners have forgotten, however, how hard it was for blacks living above the Mason-Dixon Line to struggle to achieve rudimentary freedoms.

While the North has had no Selma march, no Birmingham church bombing, and no George Wallace pronouncement of “segregation now, segregation tomorrow and segregation forever,” virtually every northern city had its share of racial killings, cross burnings and white riots.

In Sweet Land of Liberty: The Forgotten Struggle for Civil Rights in the North (Random House, November), Thomas J. Sugrue, a professor of history and sociology at the University of Pennsylvania, lays bare the difficulty blacks have had in the North from before the first black Great Migration in the ’20s to the present.

This 80-year chronicle of recent history is, at best, a glass-half-empty tale.

The ’20s, as Sugrue tells it, was an era of growing hostility, as blacks moved north. Restrictive covenants blocked black entry into many neighborhoods. Schools were openly segregated. Shopkeepers and theaters displayed “whites only” signs. Sugrue writes, “Even celebrities such as Josephine Baker, Paul Robeson, Dorothy Dandridge and Marian Anderson had a hard time finding rooms and faced Jim Crow in restaurants when they toured the North.”

In the ’30s, blacks gained some voice in the Roosevelt administration, and some New Deal programs provided them relief from the Great Depression. But racism prevailed in many government programs. Federal housing agencies deemed black neighborhoods unworthy of credit, and federal officials segregated public housing. The ’30s and ’40s also saw white riots – in cities such as Chicago, Detroit and Los Angeles – aimed at restricting blacks to neighborhoods they already occupied.

We who are demanding reparations know exactly who is responsible. There is not out anywhere. It's not just democrats, its not just southern democrats, it American whites, it's bi or multi-partisan and multi ethnic. Being Irish doesn't give you an out. Descending from white immigrants who came here after slavery does not give you an out either. This is a case against the governments of this nation and unlike the whining from the we don't want to pay taxes right wing, our demands are valid.
Yup, I admit, black Americans have had a hard time of it.

. . . and we have had Affirmative Action programs to address this.
How'd that work out?

Folks either took advantage of them, or not.

Where is your proof that Marxism and your divide and rule tactics will solve the problem now?

Do you have any?
I have addressed it over and over again.

The reason it is a false analogy, is because, the Japanese citizens that were interned, regardless of their position in society, rich or poor, educated or not, all suffered the same harm.

Likewise, of the native American nations, all individuals in those classes, all suffered the same harms when treaties were broken and economic harms were accrued to individuals in those classes.

OTH, in regards to folks in a class action restorative justice argument, the reason it violates the equal protection claus, I specifically remember, many friends, when I went to university, in my life before I suffered my medical problems, who were advantaged in higher education over me, simply because of the color of their skin.

They had advantages in applying to university, they had advantages in applying to the same job I had, and advanced quicker in the work place, simply due to their ethnicity.

. . . it is now, patently ABSURD, to try to make the argument, that all black folks in the nation now deserve payments from the state, while folks of other ethnicities, all ethnicities, who were not even here, and had nothing to do with slavery or Jim Crow, should pick of the tab for such payments.

The only thing this will do, is enrich the professional class of upper class black Americans, be wasted on the lower class Americans on alcohol, drugs and frivolous purchases, and cause more friction between all ethnicities.

It will do absolutely NOTHING to solve the economic disparities between the black community and other ethnic communities.

I have had enough experience with the poor, middle class, and upper class, to know, the only path to prosperity is education and self-discipline. It is NOT and never has been, hand-outs.

It is the very destruction of the cultural heritage by their kidnapping from Africa, and lack of community knowledge. . an amnesia as a people, and dependence on the state, which is the cause of this problem. African immigrants? Not refugees, but actual immigrants? They don't have a disparate economic disadvantage compared to white or other ethnicities. From what I have often gathered, a lot of the more conservative ones, don't even particularly like American black culture, due to this cultural amnesia phenomenon.

". . . And while relatively lower levels of development in Africa lead Americans to assume that African immigrants are less well-educated, "Data from the ACS shows that African-born immigrants aged 25 and over possess high levels of education comparable to, if not better than, the average American population."

I was once having a discussion with one of my black friends, and we were comparing notes about our family histories, stored knowledge. . . all the things he would continually tell me, "wow, I wish I my mom had taught me this. . or jeese, I wish my grampa had taught me that, etc."

What white privilege really is? Is cultural symmetry, and "secret knowledge," if you will, silly things, about how anglo-American culture unofficially really works. . . like your family knowing what phonics is, as opposed to the "see and say," method of reading. . . etc.

But throwing money at individuals, based on some statistics, in violation of the constitution, with some abstract notion it will get results, (with no actual evidence?)

It is, I admit, an intractable problem, but throwing money at?

And more state dependence? Will more than likely, just make the problems worse in the end, and build even more resentment.

. . . but hell, maybe that is what the folks in charge really want? What the hell do I know?

Sorry bud, but your argument has no merit. And do not try arguing using very small numbers of blacks to argue.

There are approximately 700,000 Nigerians here. That's less than 2 percent of the black population. Furthermore, the Nigerians that come here are not the poor Nigerians. Most of them come here with money. So let's drop that argument.

Why suddenly is it going to create racial resentment for blacks to get reparations?

But throwing money at individuals, based on some statistics, in violation of the constitution, with some abstract notion it will get results, (with no actual evidence?)

Reparations are not in violation of the constitution. Furthermore, there is evidence that the government throwing money at something gets results.

Whites have reecieved government handouts on at least 8 occasions and without those handout there would never have been white suburbs or a white middle class. This is just how oblivious some whites are to how things have really been done in this country. You continue posting factless drivel and straight up, it's pure bullshit.
Yup, I admit, black Americans have had a hard time of it.

. . . and we have had Affirmative Action programs to address this.
How'd that work out?

Folks either took advantage of them, or not.

Where is your proof that Marxism and your divide and rule tactics will solve the problem now?

Do you have any?
Again, you post pure dumb fuck.

Was it marxism the 8 times whites got handouts from the government?

You say AA didn't work? It has worked real well for whites, specifically for white women. And that is due to the standard white backlash from people who think like you. The problem has been the refusal on the part of a segment of the white community to fully respect the laws made to fix the damage. It's time you shut your mouth and did some research, because whites have been the main beneficiaries of government cash handouts and they still arre. Those handouts don't seem to be hurting whites, and there's your proof.
Furthermore, there is evidence that the government throwing money at something gets results.
It has worked real well for whites, specifically for white women. And that is due to the standard white backlash from people who think like you. The problem has been the refusal on the part of a segment of the white community to fully respect the laws made to fix the damage.

So? Now you are admitting that white folks and black folks, and their culture, are exactly the same?

No need to make different programs then? eh, wot wot?


I'm reading some crazy posts about how reparations are unconstitutional because they violate the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment. Never mind that reparations are paid nearly daily,

Now that the issue is being advocated by blacks, the usual same sorry segment of the white community seeks excuses as to why blacks can't get reparations.

The equal protection clause took effect in 1866. Reparations have been paid since that date. So what is the equal protection clause?

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Now given our history, I would like somebody white to explain to me how reparations violates the equal protection clause as opposed to doing exactly what the equal protection clause was intended to do.
You should be recompensed for every, and I mean EVERY bale of cotton you picked while enslaved.
So? Now you are admitting that white folks and black folks, and their culture, are exactly the same?

No need to make different programs then? eh, wot wot?


More dumb ass. White culture is responsible for the wealth inequality that exists between not only blacks, but every non white group with the exception of H1B Visa recipients from India.

Yours is the false equivalence.

Whites are the ones who have beeen given special programs. So how about the rest of us get the same special programs without whites forming terrorists groups that bomb or burn down the stuff we build because in your delusions you ignore the vast amountd of government assistance whites have been given?
I'm reading some crazy posts about how reparations are unconstitutional because they violate the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment. Never mind that reparations are paid nearly daily,

Now that the issue is being advocated by blacks, the usual same sorry segment of the white community seeks excuses as to why blacks can't get reparations.

The equal protection clause took effect in 1866. Reparations have been paid since that date. So what is the equal protection clause?

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Now given our history, I would like somebody white to explain to me how reparations violates the equal protection clause as opposed to doing exactly what the equal protection clause was intended to do.
There is absolutely no reason, except for personal shortcomings such as lack of motivation or discipline, for every black in this country to be lower-middle class, at least.

Starting exactly 50 years ago, Pell Grants have paid for lower-income people to go to Community college. There, less-academically successful blacks could have selected from 100 terminal vocational programs - and gone on to decades of a trade job.

For the better-academically able blacks, with a B average, they could have gone on to their 4-year state school with half tuition or more paid, or, since they were black, gone on to top-tier universities for which they wouldn’t qualify if they were white - and gone on to decades of a professional career.

To blame the lack of either of these choices on slavery more than a century earlier ain’t gonna play.
" Public Informed Consent Failure Of Political Science Theorists "

* Typical Civics Mistake Brought On By Buffoonery Of Conservative Versus Liberal Paradigm *

Incorrect. Now explain how reparations violates the equal protection clause.
The equal protection clause of us 14th amendment refers to negative liberties of protection and not to positive liberties of endowment and a " reparation " is an endowment and not a protection .

Negative liberties represent protections , independence and individualism .

Positive liberties represent endowments , dependence and collectivism .

An extension of citizenship is an endowment and children of illegal migrants are to be provided citizenship to the country of origin of the mother ;
IM2, I think you would find that more people would be sympathetic to you if you shared more details of your life -- when were you enslaved, for instance, and how long your enslavement lasted? Perhaps you could let people know of the jobs you performed and the harsh treatment you endured.

It would be especially helpful if you could provide the details as to how you fell into enslavement and why nobody ever noticed despite the fact it was outlawed a hundred years before you were born.
More dumb ass. White culture is responsible for the wealth inequality that exists between not only blacks, but every non white group with the exception of H1B Visa recipients from India.

Yours is the false equivalence.

Whites are the ones who have beeen given special programs. So how about the rest of us get the same special programs without whites forming terrorists groups that bomb or burn down the stuff we build because in your delusions you ignore the vast amountd of government assistance whites have been given?

Reparate this and be silent.

Reparate this and be silent.

I'll be quiet when we get the 8 handouts whites got including this one that was especially made for white women like you.

Title IV provided grants to states as Aid To Dependent Children. Eventually the name of the program was changed to Aid to Families with Dependent Children. This was welfare folks. Assistance for single WHITE moms with children and no daddy at home. In 1935. Blacks were excluded. The ADC plan was written by two ladies who had been former directors of what was at the time called the U.S. Children’s Bureau. The Children’s Bureau’s goal was to provide aid to all children whose mothers had no support from a husband no matter how they got into that position.
I'll be quiet when we get the 8 handouts whites got including this one that was especially made for white women like you.

Title IV provided grants to states as Aid To Dependent Children. Eventually the name of the program was changed to Aid to Families with Dependent Children. This was welfare folks. Assistance for single WHITE moms with children and no daddy at home. In 1935. Blacks were excluded. The ADC plan was written by two ladies who had been former directors of what was at the time called the U.S. Children’s Bureau. The Children’s Bureau’s goal was to provide aid to all children whose mothers had no support from a husband no matter how they got into that position.

Oh, dear. Do you need a big cardboard box to carry around your oversized victim card?

I'd say you got even with them-there whiteys during decades of quotas.
I'm reading some crazy posts about how reparations are unconstitutional because they violate the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment. Never mind that reparations are paid nearly daily,

Now that the issue is being advocated by blacks, the usual same sorry segment of the white community seeks excuses as to why blacks can't get reparations.

The equal protection clause took effect in 1866. Reparations have been paid since that date. So what is the equal protection clause?

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Now given our history, I would like somebody white to explain to me how reparations violates the equal protection clause as opposed to doing exactly what the equal protection clause was intended to do.
The civil rights movement would, in general, do itself a huge favor of it went back to equal rights as the goal, rather than "equity". They are opposites.
The civil rights movement would, in general, do itself a huge favor of it went back to equal rights as the goal, rather than "equity". They are opposites.
No they aren't. What would be the huge favor is for the whites on the right to drop the zero suum mentality and work towards insuring that equal rights arre provided.
" Enough Like You With Plenty To Go Around To Take Care Of Your Own And Lost Causes "

* White Flight And Loss Of Public Interest In Sack Evil Whitey Scapegoat *

No they aren't. What would be the huge favor is for the whites on the right to drop the zero suum mentality and work towards insuring that equal rights arre provided.
A reference to the term equal rites is political science idiocy , as already indicated , equal protection of negative liberties is not the same as unequal endowment of positive liberties .

* National Association For The Advancement Of White Entertainment Television *

“It made me cry: the idea that… no longer six white Oxbridge men can make a comedy show,” the director told a crowd at Karlovy Vary International Film Festival following a screening of The Man Who Killed Don Quixote, according to The Guardian.

Now we need one of this, one of that, everybody represented… this is bullshit. I no longer want to be a white male, I don’t want to be blamed for everything wrong in the world: I tell the world now I’m a black lesbian… My name is Loretta and I’m a BLT, a black lesbian in transition.

* Multi Million Dollar Negro Football Basketball Contracts Blubbers About Reparations *

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" Enough Like You With Plenty To Go Around To Take Care Of Your Own And Lost Causes "

* White Flight And Loss Of Public Interest In Sack Evil Whitey Scapegoat *

A reference to the term equal rites is political science idiocy , as already indicated , equal protection of negative liberties is not the same as unequal endowment of positive liberties .

* National Association For The Advancement Of White Entertainment Television *

“It made me cry: the idea that… no longer six white Oxbridge men can make a comedy show,” the director told a crowd at Karlovy Vary International Film Festival following a screening of The Man Who Killed Don Quixote, according to The Guardian.

Now we need one of this, one of that, everybody represented… this is bullshit. I no longer want to be a white male, I don’t want to be blamed for everything wrong in the world: I tell the world now I’m a black lesbian… My name is Loretta and I’m a BLT, a black lesbian in transition.

* Multi Million Dollar Negro Football Basketball Contracts Blubbers About Reparations *

This is a load of stupidity. More white victimhood. Whites like yourself create all kinds of excuses, but you have none.

There are 48 million blacks in America. Between the NBA and NFL there ae about 1700. So stop talking about pro athletes in just 2 pro sports.

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