Reparations and the Equal Protection Clause

Micks, wop and chinks were all victims of discrimination when we arrive, I think you need to pay up
You're a dumb ass. You can stop posting retard shit.

This is a case against the government.
Are you actually saying that no other person (other than blacks) have a claim of human rights violations?

And that none of the people on these lists are black??

Farmers. Fishermen. People who’ve lost bank accounts or pensions. People who’ve had a bad reaction to a COVID vaccine. People who’ve had a reaction to any other vaccine. Indigenous people. Veterans. Descendants of veterans. People who get hurt on the job. People who built nuclear bombs. People exposed to pesticides. Coal miners who get black lung disease. People who lose paychecks or homes from floods, droughts, or other natural disasters. People who are impacted by trade agreements.
Look idiot, I've shown you several cases where Native American tribes got reparations. Japanese got reparations. They fit into all those categories also. And whatever violations whites have faced, the government made certain to rectify them. You guys argue against reparations and you haven't studied anything about it. Go do some research.

I asked to explain how this violates the equal protection clause, the fact is, it doesn't. Not when you study what has gone on. Whites such as yourself like to pretend and imagine, but whites have been the only group truly afforded equal protection according to this law.
This should be IM2's sig line, it would save a lot of time posting the same, lame Reparations thread.

It is based on human rights violations committed based on race. Those human rights violations were racist by definition.

And giving out money based on race is also racist by definition.

There are blacks who live in this country that don't have ancestors tied to slavery in this country.

There are blacks who have ancestors that were slave owners in this country.

What to do?

Learn from it.

Let's teach our children that all people/races have something to offer our society, and that we should treat people how we want to be treated.
I'm reading some crazy posts about how reparations are unconstitutional because they violate the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment. Never mind that reparations are paid nearly daily,

Now that the issue is being advocated by blacks, the usual same sorry segment of the white community seeks excuses as to why blacks can't get reparations.

The equal protection clause took effect in 1866. Reparations have been paid since that date. So what is the equal protection clause?

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Now given our history, I would like somebody white to explain to me how reparations violates the equal protection clause as opposed to doing exactly what the equal protection clause was intended to do.
Here is the bottom line.

The Democrats will PROMISE blacks reparations that may total perhaps millions of dollars for each descendant of a slave.

Blacks will continue to vote for Democrats.

Reparations will never occur or they will be far less than millions of dollars for each descendant.

Democrats will blame racist Republicans for their failure to deliver as unusual.

Blacks will continue to put Democrats in office for the next 100 years.

If I was black, I would be trying to create a new Party for blacks rather than vote for candidates of a Party run by whites like Joe Biden who was definitely racist early on in his career and probably still is.

I’ll explain:

You can’t just give out money to an ENTIRE subgroup based on race. You have to prove damages, on an individual basis. Not all blacks in America today have suffered damage from their race; some in fact have been advantaged by it.
I have already explained that to him in another thread.

He either doesn't get it, or does not like that explanation, so he started a whole brand new thread, to have folks explain a reality, which he does not like.

If folks do damage or harm, they need to be sued. If folks had their relatives discriminated against, or economic harm done to them, they need to prove that, and prove either the STATE, or which party did the damage and seek redress . . . but this is a false analogy he continues to draw upon to push this restorative justice idea.

I even quoted a very liberal source, WaPo, which explained it to him.

Still, no luck.

Micks, wop and chinks were all victims of discrimination when we arrive, I think you need to pay up
Yup, this insanity would open up Pandora's box.

First. for anyone whose relatives were victims of indentured servitude, or who had been in debtors prison . . . and then for all the folks living in S.F. China town, whose ancestors built our railroads.

After that, they will want to give back every piece of land or resource that the US grabbed through nefarious means in our "questionable," military policies in history.

Say good by to the entire Southwest and California. . .

. . . wait a minute. . . maybe our member IM2 is onto something here. . . . 🤔

This is a case against the government.
Well here is yoar problem. . . you are seeking "restorative justice," against the wrong party!

You need to seek it against those long dead slave holders, or the southern states that perpetrated Jim Crow!
Yup, this insanity would open up Pandora's box.

First. for anyone whose relatives were victims of indentured servitude, or who had been in debtors prison . . . and then for all the folks living in S.F. China town, whose ancestors built our railroads.

After that, they will want to give back every piece of land or resource that the US grabbed through nefarious means in our "questionable," military policies in history.

Say good by to the entire Southwest and California. . .

. . . wait a minute. . . maybe our member IM2 is onto something here. . . . 🤔


Deed Southern CA back to Meh-hee-co, for reparations
I’ll explain:

You can’t just give out money to an ENTIRE subgroup based on race. You have to prove damages, on an individual basis. Not all blacks in America today have suffered damage from their race; some in fact have been advantaged by it.
I don’t think you have to prove damages on an individual basis. For example, when reparations were given to the Japanese Americans who were interred, a collective estimate was made and applied to everyone equally regardless of how much any individual was actually harmed.
I don’t think you have to prove damages on an individual basis. For example, when reparations were given to the Japanese Americans who were interred. A collective estimate was made and applied to everyone equally regardless of how much any individual was actually harmed.
That wasn’t how it was handled with Jews after WWII. It wasn’t a blank check to every single Jew….only Holocaust survivors.

And I’m not saying that the amount of damages will be determined on an individual basis….that would be impossible. I’m saying that every black who wants reparations would have to prove that his ancestors were indeed slaves.

Even then, I don’t think it’s enough for reparations. The only people for whom reparations could be fair are direct “survivors“ of Jim Crowe states.
That wasn’t how it was handled with Jews after WWII. It wasn’t a blank check to every single Jew….only Holocaust survivors.

Obviously there are different ways of doing it.

And I’m not saying that the amount of damages will be determined on an individual basis….that would be impossible. I’m saying that every black who wants reparations would have to prove that his ancestors were indeed slaves.

That is why using something like Jim Crowe would be more clear and less complicated.

Even then, I don’t think it’s enough for reparations. The only people for whom reparations could be fair are direct “survivors“ of Jim Crowe states.
I would go broader than just those states due to the wide ranging effects it had.

But, going back to the actual topic, I am not sure I understand how it fits in with the equal protection clause and thus far few are addressing that specifically.
Obviously there are different ways of doing it.

That is why using something like Jim Crowe would be more clear and less complicated.

I would go broader than just those states due to the wide ranging effects it had.

But, going back to the actual topic, I am not sure I understand how it fits in with the equal protection clause and thus far few are addressing that specifically.
The equal protection clause means you can’t treat an entire subgroup of people differently based on race and so forth. That’s why blacks who were damaged would have to prove it. You cannot just issue checks across the board to everyone with darkish skin.

What about all the black people whose parents immigrated here in the 1970s, and now they themselves are in their 40s? They didn’t descend from American slaves, nor did they suffer Jim Crowe.

Perhaps a model might be South America, and particularly Brazil, where most of the African slaves ended up. Have they done reparations? How much? To whom?
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The equal protection clause means you can’t treat an entire subgroup of people differently based on race and so forth. That’s why blacks who were damaged would have to prove it. You can just issue checks across the board to everyone with darkish skin.

I see. But you could to anyone who was alive and in the US during Jim Crowe, without having to prove individual damages (much like with the Japanese Americans).

What about all the black people whose parents immigrated here in the 1970s, and now they themselves are in their 40s? They didn’t descend from American slaves, nor did they suffer Jim Crowe.

Hence restricted it to those who were here under Jim Crowe.

Perhaps a model might be South America, and particularly Brazil, where most of the African slaves ended up. Have they done reparations? How much? To whom?
Brazil has not, though it has been raised. As far as I know no other South American country has either. I’m not sure we should be looking to them as a model anyway. Each country has a unique relationship in history to slavery and race, so reparations, if any would have to address that. My thought would be more to look at how we did it for Japanese Americans.
I see. But you could to anyone who was alive and in the US during Jim Crowe, without having to prove individual damages (much like with the Japanese Americans).
First, I believe the Japanese who got reparations were those who had been in the camps.

Plus, there are logistics at stake too. The number was small: 120,000. And the payment was small: A one-time payment of $20,000. I’m hearing people like IM2 throwing around sums in the MILLIONS per black person, and there are around 40 million blacks. This ridiculous talk would bankrupt the entire country and cause an economic disaster.

Hence restricted it to those who were here under Jim Crowe.
Yes, I’m good with that - but it should not be every black in the U.S. during that time, only the Jim Crowe states,

For example, take a northern state like NY in the 40s and 50s. Blacks and Jews lived in the same neighborhoods and went to the same public schools. The smart ones, black and Jewish, got free educations at CCNY.

Both grouos got the same opportunities. Why should black grads of CCNY from the 50s, after working in their college-educated professions for 40 years, now get reparations?
Brazil has not, though it has been raised. As far as I know no other South American country has either. I’m not sure we should be looking to them as a model anyway. Each country has a unique relationship in history to slavery and race, so reparations, if any would have to address that. My thought would be more to look at how we did it for Japanese Americans.
OK. Then back to that….we can’t apply the same model due to the. U,bers involved alone. It would cost trillions. The Holocaust survivors realized that if they asked for a high amount, and really, how could you out a dollar value on what they suffered and lost, would crash the German economy, and thus they settled for around $290 a month. (It went up over the decades, and I believe my step-grandfather was getting around $500 a month in the 70s. But he suffered DIRECTLY, amd was physically maimed for life.

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