Remember when Iran held American citizens hostage?

Remember when the hostages were released the day after Reagan took office?

Let me repeat


Clearly the Reagan people had been asking Iran to hold those hostages until Carter left office.

Clearly the Reagan people had been illegally negotiating with Iran over them

That’s the Republican Party folks

And here this creep is trying to use the Gaza situation to help Trump

There is no evidence of Reagan or " Reagan people "asking them to hold the hostages.

Only fools claim there was illegal negotiation with Iran over them

Such accusations require stonr evidence you have NONE,.

It makes no sense and is illogical to think that they negotiated to have them relased after the inaugration. If they wanted to do that they need only have kept them in captivity till after the election

There is no evidence of Reagan or " Reagan people "asking them to hold the hostages.

Only fools claim there was illegal negotiation with Iran over them

Such accusations require stonr evidence you have NONE,.

It makes no sense and is illogical to think that they negotiated to have them relased after the inaugration. If they wanted to do that they need only have kept them in captivity till after the election
Of that had happened right after the election, Reagan takes a PR hit
Does anyone remember the Iranian hostage crisis under Jimmy Carter? The news covered it 24/7, and the inability of Carter to do anything about it, along with the massive inflation, basically took him down politically as a one termer.

Today? Today Iran still has American hostages, via Hamas in Israel. Hamas murdered and tood American hostages and are an appendage of Iran, yet the media ignores it todsay. As for inflation, yea, that's not much better either yet the media and voters seem not to care as they once did.

If the American voter has become incapable of voting for their own welfare, and the welfare of their country, then democracy fails us all.

To Jimmy Carter's credit, he did attempt a rescue effort to free the hostage, which unfortunately failed

But we live in a world today where the DNC literally does not give a damn about American citizens whatsoever to even try that.
Regan worked out a deal with Mullahs to release the hostages once he was president.
Ben Barnes was not second hand

Neither was Bani Sadr
Yes hey both were.

Neither one claimed first hand knowledge.

Barnes specifically tried to claim what was said in rooms which was not present in. By definition that is second hand.

Bani Sadr also claimed no direct involvement just hearsay knowledge

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