Remember when Iran held American citizens hostage?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Does anyone remember the Iranian hostage crisis under Jimmy Carter? The news covered it 24/7, and the inability of Carter to do anything about it, along with the massive inflation, basically took him down politically as a one termer.

Today? Today Iran still has American hostages, via Hamas in Israel. Hamas murdered and tood American hostages and are an appendage of Iran, yet the media ignores it todsay. As for inflation, yea, that's not much better either yet the media and voters seem not to care as they once did.

If the American voter has become incapable of voting for their own welfare, and the welfare of their country, then democracy fails us all.

To Jimmy Carter's credit, he did attempt a rescue effort to free the hostage, which unfortunately failed

But we live in a world today where the DNC literally does not give a damn about American citizens whatsoever to even try that.
Does anyone remember the Iranian hostage crisis under Jimmy Carter? The news covered it 24/7, and the inability of Carter to do anything about it, along with the massive inflation, basically took him down politically as a one termer.

Today? Today Iran still has American hostages, via Hamas in Israel. Hamas murdered and tood American hostages and are an appendage of Iran, yet the media ignores it todsay. As for inflation, yea, that's not much better either yet the media and voters seem not to care as they once did.

If the American voter has become incapable of voting for their own welfare, and the welfare of their country, then democracy fails us all.

To Jimmy Carter's credit, he did attempt a rescue effort to free the hostage, which unfortunately failed

But we live in a world today where the DNC literally does not give a damn about American citizens whatsoever to even try that.
The day of Reagans inauguration the Iranians released the hostages.

Sometimes all it takes is the right leadership.
Does anyone remember the Iranian hostage crisis under Jimmy Carter? The news covered it 24/7, and the inability of Carter to do anything about it, along with the massive inflation, basically took him down politically as a one termer.

Today? Today Iran still has American hostages, via Hamas in Israel. Hamas murdered and tood American hostages and are an appendage of Iran, yet the media ignores it todsay. As for inflation, yea, that's not much better either yet the media and voters seem not to care as they once did.

If the American voter has become incapable of voting for their own welfare, and the welfare of their country, then democracy fails us all.

To Jimmy Carter's credit, he did attempt a rescue effort to free the hostage, which unfortunately failed

But we live in a world today where the DNC literally does not give a damn about American citizens whatsoever to even try that.
They arent black, gay or tranny.
You racist, patriarchy supporting white man!
Does anyone remember the Iranian hostage crisis under Jimmy Carter? The news covered it 24/7, and the inability of Carter to do anything about it, along with the massive inflation, basically took him down politically as a one termer.

Today? Today Iran still has American hostages, via Hamas in Israel. Hamas murdered and tood American hostages and are an appendage of Iran, yet the media ignores it todsay. As for inflation, yea, that's not much better either yet the media and voters seem not to care as they once did.

If the American voter has become incapable of voting for their own welfare, and the welfare of their country, then democracy fails us all.

To Jimmy Carter's credit, he did attempt a rescue effort to free the hostage, which unfortunately failed

But we live in a world today where the DNC literally does not give a damn about American citizens whatsoever to even try that.
To Jimmy Carter's credit, he did attempt a rescue effort to free the hostage, which unfortunately failed
there was a second in the wings.
I remember it very well. Each night the 3 main news networks of the time would report on the number of days of the hostage crisis. This helped get Regan elected.
The media would NEVER do that today to a democrat President, as we see.

It just goes to show what a shit show the media has become, a literal appendage of the DNC.
They just wanted to screw Carter
Reagan had nothing to do with it
Why are they not doing this to Biden, because they don't want to screw Biden?

We both can agree to that, but why did they hate Carter so much?

As I said, at least Carter attempted to rescue the hostages

Then again, was the bad media coverage the reason he at least tried to rescue them?

Good point, had the media not made Carter accountable for American citizens abroad, he probably would have ignored them like Biden does today.
I mean Carter sending in American troops to free them, which he should have done.

Too bad the helicopters crashed.

I do not agree with rewarding such behavior as Reagan did.
You mean like a Reagan Arms for Hostages deal?
The British and US initiated the overthrow of their democratically elected government and replaced it with a reliable totalitarian dictatorship in 1953. The locals shrugged off their dictator in Feb. 1979. By November the bumbling Jimmy C had allowed the deposed dictator refuge in the US under the guise of getting his cancer treated. Incensed, the locals who wanted him tried for actions, seized the US embassy, held the occupant hostage and ended the bumbling twit’s political career. He dismissed the overthrow, a mere 26 years past, as some long ago historic curiosity. That was 45 years ago.
It was Carter who negotiated their release.

GWHB led the effort to encourage Khomeini to keep the hostages until after the 1980 election.

After Carter forced GWHB to resign as CIA director, the CIA failed to inform Carter that the Shah had cancer and was going to die.
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Even if they were, that would not be enough.

Nothing is as bad as being a dirty Zionist Jew

Any democrat worth their salt will tell you that today.
To paraphrase the former Democrat Governor G. Wallace. from Alabama
Deomracts will always be Racists.. "Segrgation yesterday, Segregation today, Segrgation Forever".
Democrats have gone from Segregation of Blacks and Browns, to Segregation of Whites, Asians , Jews and Christians.

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