Remember John Edwards?

hahahah yeah the Commissions that Obama just appointed right before Trump took office covered for Trump hahahhaa

you are an idiot
You can say anything you want. Very little of it is true.
You can say anything you want. Very little of it is true.
Haha yes like it wasn’t true when I said Obama, xiden, Clinton and the dnc violated campaign fin laws and trump didn’t.

Keep living in alt-reality
Haha yes like it wasn’t true when I said Obama, xiden, Clinton and the dnc violated campaign fin laws and trump didn’t.

Keep living in alt-reality
Trump’s cronies he installed on the FEC covered for him.
The complaint was filed in 2018, Trump didn't even get to appoint anyone until 2020 and one of his appointments was a Dem: Shana M. Broussard - Wikipedia
That’s a lie. Trump chose not to appoint people to FEC vacancies to prevent them from functioning.

The FEC lacked a quorum to do anything for over a year waiting on him and the Republican Senate to fill the vacancies in 2020. Thats when his violation finally came up for a vote and that’s when his cronies covered it up for him against the recommendations of the investigatory report.
It’s illegal to spend money on your campaign without disclosing it.

Yeah that's called an illegal contribution. JoeB's contention was that there is no difference between Trump's Campaign and personal assets because he's "funding it himself" If that's the case he couldn't make an illegal contribution. He was making a stupid argument which I was pointing out. That said I dont see how you make the case beyond a reasonable doubt that a payment to a porn star to keep quiet about your extramarital affair was for sure a campaign expenditure and not a personal one.
It’s illegal to spend money on your campaign without disclosing it.
I also don't believe that had Trump used campaign money to pay Daniels that the same people who are making the argument that he used personal funds on a campaign expense wouldn't be making the exact opposite argument that he used campaign funds to pay for a personal issue. To include Alvin Bragg.
That’s a lie. Trump chose not to appoint people to FEC vacancies to prevent them from functioning.

The FEC lacked a quorum to do anything for over a year waiting on him and the Republican Senate to fill the vacancies in 2020. Thats when his violation finally came up for a vote and that’s when his cronies covered it up for him against the recommendations of the investigatory report.
what's the lie? The complaint was filed in 2018.....Obama's appointees, who he just appointed in 2016, were still there.

There was only about a 9 month period were the FEC lacked a quorum due to someone resigning, during the Trump admin. The delay was due to Covid.
I also don't believe that had Trump used campaign money to pay Daniels that the same people who are making the argument that he used personal funds on a campaign expense wouldn't be making the exact opposite argument that he used campaign funds to pay for a personal issue. To include Alvin Bragg.
Yes, because both are illegal.

Hey, if Trump didn't know what he was doing was questionable, he would have paid her and listed it as "Hush Money to a Porn Star".

Instead of coming up with a convoluted scheme because his last bag man {Pecker) was sick of being stiffed by a fake billionaire.
what's the lie? The complaint was filed in 2018.....Obama's appointees, who he just appointed in 2016, were still there.

There was only about a 9 month period were the FEC lacked a quorum due to someone resigning, during the Trump admin. The delay was due to Covid.
Although the complaint was filed in 2018, it took until 2020 to get the investigation to the committee at which point it was loaded with loyal Trumpies.

The lie was that Trump only “got” to appoint people in 2020. He got to appoint people in 2016, but didn’t because Republicans don’t want the FEC to function.
Yes, because both are illegal.

Hey, if Trump didn't know what he was doing was questionable, he would have paid her and listed it as "Hush Money to a Porn Star".

Instead of coming up with a convoluted scheme because his last bag man {Pecker) was sick of being stiffed by a fake billionaire.
why would he label legal fees to his lawyer that? He hired a lawyer to create a NDA
No, I provided an academic link questioning a historical narrative.

But I can understand your confusion, that link had big words you probably didn't understand.
hahaha yeah, your academic was a neo-nazi holocraust denier....that's apparently where you get your research.
I also don't believe that had Trump used campaign money to pay Daniels that the same people who are making the argument that he used personal funds on a campaign expense wouldn't be making the exact opposite argument that he used campaign funds to pay for a personal issue. To include Alvin Bragg.
The Edwards prosecution shows the left is consistent with this.
Although the complaint was filed in 2018, it took until 2020 to get the investigation to the committee at which point it was loaded with loyal Trumpies.

The lie was that Trump only “got” to appoint people in 2020. He got to appoint people in 2016, but didn’t because Republicans don’t want the FEC to function.
Yeah, and they cleared Trump. Case closed.

You know who's cases were open and shut? Obama, Xiden, the DNC, and Clinton. Not close calls at all.

No, Trump wasn't President in 2016, Obama was. When Trump took office Obama's appointments, as well as some of Bush's were still on the Commisson...actually one of Bush's is still there.

Obama's appointments, Peterson, Goodman and Ravel were still there.
Yeah, and they cleared Trump. Case closed.

You know who's cases were open and shut? Obama, Xiden, the DNC, and Clinton. Not close calls at all.

No, Trump wasn't President in 2016, Obama was. When Trump took office Obama's appointments, as well as some of Bush's were still on the Commisson...actually one of Bush's is still there.

Obama's appointments, Peterson, Goodman and Ravel were still there.
I made a typo.

A commissioner left in March 2017.
Another retired in February 2018.
Another resigned in August 2019.

He got to nominate people as early as 2017. He didn’t. He waited until 2020.

Exactly as I said. Trump’s Republican cronies covered for his crimes.

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