Question to LGBTQ+ supporters

I comprehend that I triggered you and that instead of addressing the OP you chose to spend this time focused on me. :laugh:
I can agree with that. After all I am human just like you. Same can be said of your post I replied to. You called the author of the OP a fucktard. Certainly that indicates, you were, "triggered".

I admit, just seeing your name triggers me, for many reasons. Mostly so many of your responses seem hateful and bigoted. Other times, you post unsubstantiated comments. Alot of your stuff is bigoted, in my opinion.

And then, because of all that your name stands out so when I see you flame and troll, I admit your trolling caught me. I replied intelligently with humor, at the same time insulting the hell out of you.

We both do it, so do not pretend that you are focused on the OP and I am not.

Carry on brother of another, lighten up, laugh and give it back, as you do all the time, fucktard.
I keep asking YOU for examples of where this has actually happened and you haven't come back with a SINGLE INSTANCE, where someone was fired or harmed because they refused to behave like a decent human being.

YOU'RE FORCING YOUR IDEAS on others, not the other way around. You can BE a bigotted as you like, but you cannot inflict your bigotry on the people you fear/despise other in any way, don't like.
A Title IX training at Harvard University reportedly told students that failing to use a person’s preferred pronoun could be a violation of university policy.

The mandatory training contained multiple fictional scenarios explaining possible violations of the university’s Title IX policies, including one in which a student repeatedly uses the “wrong pronouns” to address someone while making comments about gender identity, according to the Washington Free Beacon.

Notice the headline "Harvard Students COULD be punished". Get back to us when it REALLY HAPPENS, FOOL. Until then, this is just more bullshit and outrage being ginned up to frighten gullible fools like YOU.
No it is not. It is EXACTLY the same thing. You're not being asked to believe they're a woman. You're being asked to use a female pronoun when talking to them.

The level of fear and outrage you project is WAY out of proportion to reality here. This is why transgendered people are subject to more physical attacks, abuse, and murder than any other minority group.

Now WHY are you so triggered? Why this level of fear and anger?

You're not being asked to believe they're a woman.

And yes..they are. I’m currently into about 3 hours of YouTube videos of trans people demanding they be accepted AS women. So yes, they are demanding you believe they are women.
Yeah, I’ve just said this. Corporate guidelines have stated that you must. I mean, it doesn’t matter what one thinks or how they feel, it’s just what the trans community wants. No regard to other people’s opinions. It’s ironic, this push for inclusivity, yet, their demands are exclusive by their very nature.
Not at all.

Cis-gender folks can use their pronouns.
transgender folks can use their pronouns.
Everyone is equal.
And yes..they are. I’m currently into about 3 hours of YouTube videos of trans people demanding they be accepted AS women. So yes, they are demanding you believe they are women.
Demanding how? Are they holding you at gun point?
Notice the headline "Harvard Students COULD be punished". Get back to us when it REALLY HAPPENS, FOOL. Until then, this is just more bullshit and outrage being ginned up to frighten gullible fools like YOU.
ah, what's wrong, you cant get away being a b... in your personal life so you need to be a b... here
you are a very triggerable b..., everything sets you off, you sound like a hag cat lady

this stupid b... will deny every fact presented, but here goes anyway

University to pay $400,000 to professor who refused to use student’s preferred pronouns​

ah, what's wrong, you cant get away being a b... in your personal life so you need to be a b... here
you are a very triggerable b..., everything sets you off, you sound like a hag cat lady

this stupid b... will deny every fact presented, but here goes anyway

University to pay $400,000 to professor who refused to use student’s preferred pronouns​

You're projecting again. I have little need to be bitch in real life because I'm not surrounded by rude assholes like you. If I've been a bitch to YOU, you might want to reconsider your interactions with others.

I read up on this case and this guy wasn't fired, he was merely reprimanded for disrespecting this student. The guy threw a complete hissy fit, behaved like a total asshole, and went on the legal offensive. And he got $400,000 from the school in a settlement.

The case was "settled", which means that the school didn't lose the case, but made an economic decision to get rid of the guy.

AND this is the ONLY CASE YOU COULD FIND??????

You're shooting gnats with an elephant gun and wasting time on things that aren't really a problem.
You're projecting again. I have little need to be bitch in real life because I'm not surrounded by rude assholes like you. If I've been a bitch to YOU, you might want to reconsider your interactions with others.
always quick to show the democrats are filthy liars

Nope, you are an old hag cat lady that is bitter, nothing more. I am never rude or an asshole to anybody here until they draw first blood. I did reconsider my interactions at you.

I know you are in a shitty house full of cats, most likely when you leave, you do not notice but I know you stink like the cat urine you have grown accustomed to. Just like boiling a frog alive.

I am sure you started here okay, but after having your opinion to be shown to be compete ignorance every day for years, you have become that which you call others.

Take your own advice, clean your bathroom mirror of the filth, and take a long look at yourself and maybe you will have an epiphany and come back to humanity.

hypocrite, reconsider yourself, it was you was out of line in this thread, to me, I give back what I get, two fold, three fold, you know that, many others have found that out as well, you give and you will get it back

old filthy hag cat lady, you are nothing more
always quick to show the democrats are filthy liars

Nope, you are an old hag cat lady that is bitter, nothing more. I am never rude or an asshole to anybody here until they draw first blood. I did reconsider my interactions at you.

I know you are in a shitty house full of cats, most likely when you leave, you do not notice but I know you stink like the cat urine you have grown accustomed to. Just like boiling a frog alive.

I am sure you started here okay, but after having your opinion to be shown to be compete ignorance every day for years, you have become that which you call others.

Take your own advice, clean your bathroom mirror of the filth, and take a long look at yourself and maybe you will have an epiphany and come back to humanity.

hypocrite, reconsider yourself, it was you was out of line in this thread, to me, I give back what I get, two fold, three fold, you know that, many others have found that out as well, you give and you will get it back

old filthy hag cat lady, you are nothing more

Well, I am a 75 year old woman who is beyond child bearing years, but as for the rest, you must be projecting your own situation. I live in a sunny second floor apartment in resort town. Family and friends are frequent visitors, as are customers of my dressmaking business.

If my living conditions were in any way as you've described, I would have died years ago, because I have life-threatening asthma and allergies. As well, I operate a dressmaking business from home. I could hardly have clients in for fittings if my house was over run with cats, or it wasn't clean and presentabl;e. Furthermore, my Landlord would have grounds to evict me, if it was I was living as you describe.

So far, the only thing you have right about me is that I'm an old woman.
Well, I am a 75 year old woman who is beyond child bearing years, but as for the rest, you must be projecting your own situation. I live in a sunny second floor apartment in resort town. Family and friends are frequent visitors, as are customers of my dressmaking business.

If my living conditions were in any way as you've described, I would have died years ago, because I have life-threatening asthma and allergies. As well, I operate a dressmaking business from home. I could hardly have clients in for fittings if my house was over run with cats, or it wasn't clean and presentabl;e. Furthermore, my Landlord would have grounds to evict me, if it was I was living as you describe.

So far, the only thing you have right about me is that I'm an old woman.
I really wish i could believe you but all the hate you spit all over these posts is beyond human.

Must be tough to keep your hateful trap shut but hey, you prove what people will do for money.

Maybe the next time you see my posts, you can see the bits of humor, and we can start over. That is entirely up to you.
I keep asking YOU for examples of where this has actually happened and you haven't come back with a SINGLE INSTANCE, where someone was fired or harmed because they refused to behave like a decent human being.

YOU'RE FORCING YOUR IDEAS on others, not the other way around. You can BE a bigotted as you like, but you cannot inflict your bigotry on the people you fear/despise other in any way, don't like.

Have you not been following this discussion? The whole thing is about consequences for not using someone’s preferred pronouns.

I’m not trying to force my beliefs on anyone, I’m trying to prevent others from forcing THEIR beliefs on other people.
Not at all.

Cis-gender folks can use their pronouns.
transgender folks can use their pronouns.
Everyone is equal.

And I’m fine with that, where I have an issue is when the trans community starts making demands that others use THEIR pronous, under some kind of threat of punitive action, as curried goats has suggested.
Demanding how? Are they holding you at gun point?


I had a long drive in the car today, so I spent almost 8 hours listening to trans YouTube videos…and I learned a few things.

Did you know that people think if you refuse to date a trans person, that makes you transphobic? They believe that you can refuse for reasons such as, maybe you aren’t attracted to a particular genitalia, or maybe a certain body type…those are ok…but if you refuse because you don’t want to date men..that makes you transphobic. They believe that if a person has had the surgeries to fully transition, that there is literally no difference between them and a biological woman, and that if one of the reasons you won’t date a trans person is because you want kids , they say that you better have the same attitude for a biological woman who can’t have children.

Theee is even a video of a trans woman saying that, if you accept them as a woman, they don’t understand why straight men won’t date them. This is the problem. It’s not that these people actually believe you are a woman…your demand that people call you a woman or get punished at work or in society makes them call you a woman. Basically…what is happening is people have to lie to them in order to avoid being labeled as a transphobe.

I also learned…did you know there are people who believe that it’s perfectly ok to not disclose that they are trans when they enter a relationship with a straight person? Some of them think it’s none of your business, and if you’ve been in a relationship with them for awhile (and trust me, in watching these videos, there are some trans women who you would NEVER know they were trans), that if you ended the relationship if you found out they were trans…that the problem is you??

So, this is where we’ve come, and where it’s going. I’m just waiting for the day when it’s considered a hate crime if you refuse to date a trans person because YOU see them as the sex they were born into rather than the one they want everyone else to see them as.
So not literally. I don't really give a shit how you imagine it.
I had a long drive in the car today, so I spent almost 8 hours listening to trans YouTube videos…and I learned a few things.

Did you know that people think if you refuse to date a trans person, that makes you transphobic? They believe that you can refuse for reasons such as, maybe you aren’t attracted to a particular genitalia, or maybe a certain body type…those are ok…but if you refuse because you don’t want to date men..that makes you transphobic. They believe that if a person has had the surgeries to fully transition, that there is literally no difference between them and a biological woman, and that if one of the reasons you won’t date a trans person is because you want kids , they say that you better have the same attitude for a biological woman who can’t have children.

Theee is even a video of a trans woman saying that, if you accept them as a woman, they don’t understand why straight men won’t date them. This is the problem. It’s not that these people actually believe you are a woman…your demand that people call you a woman or get punished at work or in society makes them call you a woman. Basically…what is happening is people have to lie to them in order to avoid being labeled as a transphobe.
Still not seeing where you're being forced. All I see is a lot of fucking crying.
I also learned…did you know there are people who believe that it’s perfectly ok to not disclose that they are trans when they enter a relationship with a straight person? Some of them think it’s none of your business, and if you’ve been in a relationship with them for awhile (and trust me, in watching these videos, there are some trans women who you would NEVER know they were trans), that if you ended the relationship if you found out they were trans…that the problem is you??
So what?
So, this is where we’ve come, and where it’s going. I’m just waiting for the day when it’s considered a hate crime if you refuse to date a trans person because YOU see them as the sex they were born into rather than the one they want everyone else to see them as.
Right.... all you have is crying hyperbole and hysteria and you're just fantasizing about even more of it. Your problem seems to be that trans people simple exist but their existence isn't force against you you little brittle bitch.
And I’m fine with that, where I have an issue is when the trans community starts making demands that others use THEIR pronous, under some kind of threat of punitive action, as curried goats has suggested.

"Please, please, please let me cling to this last little bit of bigotry!"


You can't call black people the N-word
You can't call women the C-word
You can't call gay people the F-word
And you got to be polite and use their preferred names and pronouns.

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