Protesters Have No Clue Why They Are There

What part did your Hamas heroes play in using civilians as human shields?

“An active part” is the answer to “are Hamas groupies clueless”?

I have no Hamas heroes. So you think that Hamas causing the death of innocent children justifies Israel killing innocent children?
I have no Hamas heroes. So you think that Hamas causing the death of innocent children justifies Israel killing innocent children?

I just have this ‘thing’ with objective decisions based on objective facts. Israel is responding to an act of war waged by Hamas. Israel has made obvious concessions in a war footing by allowing safe corridor passage for civilian evacuation.

Why am I not surprised at your tacit excuses for Islamic terrorists with, “but… but… but what about Israel?”
I just have this ‘thing’ with objective decisions based on objective facts. Israel is responding to an act of war waged by Hamas. Israel has made obvious concessions in a war footing by allowing safe corridor passage for civilian evacuation.

Why am I not surprised at your tacit excuses for Islamic terrorists with, “but… but… but what about Israel?”
Got it A drunk ran over and killed a kid. Does that justify that kid's father shooting the drunk's kids?
Got it A drunk ran over and killed a kid. Does that justify that kid's father shooting the drunk's kids?
Sorry bout that,

1. Trying to frame a moral equivalency, not going to happen that way.
2. They are in a war against, with what, The Enemy.
3. Not the enemy of their making, an enemy who stands in this role, on their own accord.
4. Israel is to be feared, those people in Gaza knew that, and should of known Israel would be pissed.
5. And that all Gazians should of known, Israel would take action.
6. They are taking action, and I dont want to stand in their way.
7. They have that right to defend themselves, and who has the right to stop them?

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Sorry bout that,

1. Trying to frame a moral equivalency, not going to happen that way.
2. They are in a war against, with what, The Enemy.
3. Not the enemy of their making, an enemy who stands in this role, on their own accord.
4. Israel is to be feared, those people in Gaza knew that, and should of known Israel would be pissed.
5. And that should of known, Israel would take action.
6. They are taking action, and I dont want to stand in their way.
7. They have that right to defend themselves, and who has the right to stop them?

Defend themselves from starving children? Really?
I don’t know, I think it is too easy to pass young people off as “uninformed” when the opposite might be true - they are over informed and under experienced and passionate. Many are also viewing this in the context of a larger global struggle. That shouldn’t be discounted as ignorant.
I hear you, but not dismissing as ignorant. I suspect very good work by outside organization and planning.
Defend themselves from starving children? Really?
Sorry bout that,

1. But your, crocodile tears, are a croc.
2. Save them for others who care.
3. And Israel is prepared to fight till ALL lay down their weapons, even children with knives.
4. Yes, children with knives, they can kill too.
5. Start them young, Hamas always taught.

I hear you, but not dismissing as ignorant. I suspect very good work by outside organization and planning.

Definately outside organization and planning. There is a history that got us where we are today.

Anti-Israel activist hubs leading protests sympathetic to Hamas across the United States after the terror group’s recent deadly attack against the Jewish state can thank an influential left-wing dark money nexus for helping to keep their lights on, documents show.

The Tides Foundation and Tides Center, two affiliated deep-pocketed nonprofit organizations that have long shaped the progressive agenda with philanthropist backers such as George Soros and Bill Gates, granted at least $1 million combined in 2022 to groups behind demonstrations pushing for an Israel-Gaza conflict ceasefire and downplaying Palestinian terror in the Middle East, according to newly filed tax forms reviewed by the Washington Examiner.
Or... they all agreed that they would designate media relations to their most well-spoken members.

I am wondering how many fairly lucid responses this guy got that he didn't share with us.

Cops were vilified because they were murdering unarmed black people.
Jews are being vilified because they are killing innocent women and children.
Jews in America have nothing to do with Israeli policy. You might as well cheer on those who targeted Japanese Americans for abuse after Pearl Harbor.
You don't see the difference between the evil Hamas that should be wiped off the face of the earth, and all those innocent children who are being starved and murdered. What part did those children take in the horrendous attack on Israel?
Why is your animus aimed at the Israelis attempting to liberate Gaza from Hamas instead of Hamas that is hiding behind those innocent children?
The protestors are familiar with the Jessy Waters tactic of recording lots of remarks until they can finally find one person to make a remark that can be taken out of context and discredit the entire group. Protestors are under no obligation to supply footage for fox.
Or, far more likely, they simply don’t understand thing one about any of this.
Jews are being vilified because they are killing innocent women and children.
That is way wrong. Israel is a nation. Jews are a religious/ethnic group spread throughout the world. If they are vilified in America for something another nation is doing in a conflict that doesn’t even directly involve us…then that makes me question your own assumptions and motivations.

After Covid, Asian Americans were being vilified, scape-goated…was that justified?

After 911, American Muslims were scapegoated, attacked even by our politicians and blamed for it…was that justified?
Seems accurate to me. Hamas is bad and deserves retribution. The children of Gaza are not responsible for Hamas actions.
I suspect that we all basically agree that it is a horror to be a kid trapped in Gaza and being used as human shields by the scumbag Hamas cowards.

That doesn’t explain how Israel is supposed to “properly” respond to the threat Hamas constantly poses to the people of Israel.

Some History:

When the ancient Roman’s fought an enemy and seized towns and villages and cities, it wasn’t uncommon to have those places razed and the farmland seeded with salt to destroy agriculture and starve the survivors.

Germany targeted British cities for relentless bombings.

England (with some American help) fire
bombed Dresden.

Americans fire bombed large swaths of Japanese cities. We also nuked a couple of their cities.


War is vile, horrible and utterly uncivilized.

But the very thing a few students are “protesting” now (Israel bombing areas within Gaza where Hamas is hiding), is not exactly different than those and other historical examples. So this raises the question.

What exactly is Israel to do instead. Be specific. Also, be effective.

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