Progressives call for US to take in some of the expected 1 million Gaza refugees

Yes, that could be a double whammy, so to speak!

Those who invade from the open border at the them.....

And that will mean a mortal final crush of what was left of traditional America under this stolen Administration.
I suspect Obama will be pleased if Joe lets the Palestinians in. Biden is likely Obama’s puppet.
I'm a Marxist politically. Marx was Jewish. His colleague, Engels, who was instrumental in defining Marxist philosophy was also Jewish. The Russian Bolsheviks who established the USSR, were at least 50% Jewish. The Comintern, the Supreme Soviet, the highest authority in Soviet Russia was comprised of about 70% Jews. The Soviet Union was essentially a Jewish project, supported by non-Jews like me. Stalin admitted this. If it wasn't for the USSR, we would all be speaking German now and saluting a flag with a Swastika. For me, the greatest contribution the Jewish people have made to the world is Marxism. My whole political and social life for the last thirty years has revolved around Marxism, an ideology that is named after a Jew. So you're a fucking retard if you think I'm anti-Jewish.

The problem with you is that you have this ridiculous idea that you're entitled to not get criticized or called out on your crap behavior. You think you're "chosen by god" and hence can dehumanize the Palestinians, taking their lands and homes and even committing genocide against them. You're a ZioNazi and a shithead.
Oh a communist. Communists are atheists. So you are a liar as well.
The Palestinians are used to crowded cities so they will move into the big blue cities and take over. Palestinians are not Christians and you may well end up submitting to Islam.

There are Palestinian Christians:

There are 3 million Muslims in America, where are all of the Islamic terrorists, blowing themselves up and mowing people down with machine guns? If only 1/10th of 1% of those 3 million Muslims were terrorists, we would have 3000 Islamic terrorists, blowing themselves up, planting explosives, and committing mass shootings, all over the country. That would be a national crisis requiring the deployment of the National Guard and other military units. America would be in a state of war and would probably impose martial law. Not even 1/10th of 1% of the Muslims are terrorists, yet you're talking shit.

Do you know why you talk poopoo? Because you're a dumb redneck hillbilly living in a trailer park down by the river. You're the type of redneck that doesn't spit in the cup when he chews tobacco. All of that dip goes into your brain and rots it out. Brain rot.

I found your High School yearbook picture from 1978:

You keep quoting from that page full of historical errors. Most Arab "Palestinians" (AKA children or grandchildren of Arab immigrants) never accepted the Jews returning to their historic land.

The non-native "Palestinians" in the land...

And here's from:
"Police Agree Arab Illegal Immigrants Match Jews Fifty to One," The Canadian Jewish Chronicle, Oct 19, 1945.:

"JERUSALEM (JPS-Palcor) — Assistant Superintendent of Police, Matthews, a Briton, confirmed charges by Jews that every Jew crossing the Syrian-Lebanese frontiers into Palestine, fifty Arabs have entered the country without permission.

Mr. Matthews confirmed the Jewish charges at a conference attended by him, of Jordan Valley settlers and Assistant District Commissioner J. F. Cornes at Safad. The settlers pointed out that the Trans-Jordan Frontier Force, comprised mainly of Arabs, made no effort to halt the engaging in provocative acts against Jews crossing the frontier and Jewish settlers in Galilee."

And more:

Palestine. (1946). United States: AZC, p. 71.

The Palestine press reports a constant influx of illegal Arab immigrants from neighboring lands.
" Zionist menace " notwithstanding , Palestine's higher wage level and general development attract citizens of the large and decidedly underpopulated Arab states. It is significant that King Abdullah of Transjordan is reported by a Palestine Arab paper to have issued an order permitting free immigration of Arabs, particularly Bedouin tribes, with a view to overcoming the present sparsity of population.
Palestine apparently has no need to issue orders permitting free Arab immigration.


The Smoking Gun: Arab Immigration into Palestine, 1922-1931

by Fred M. Gottheil
Middle East Quarterly
Winter 2003, pp. 53-64

When and How the Arabs and Muslims Immigrated to the Land of Israel—Period of British Rule, 1918–1948: Volume Two

This is so funny. Such obvious, petty lies. The bedouin moved freely across borders following grazing land as they have done for thousands of years. The census never made any attempts to count them. Now Israel has forced them to settle.

In Arabia they have camps in perpetuity where they can move their herds following available pasture.
The Palestinians are used to crowded cities so they will move into the big blue cities and take over. Palestinians are not Christians and you may well end up submitting to Islam.

Lots of Palestinians are Christians. Muslims were the majority, followed by Christians and a tiny minority of Jews.

There are Palestinian Christians:

There are 3 million Muslims in America, where are all of the Islamic terrorists, blowing themselves up and mowing people down with machine guns? If only 1/10th of 1% of those 3 million Muslims were terrorists, we would have 3000 Islamic terrorists, blowing themselves up, planting explosives, and committing mass shootings, all over the country. That would be a national crisis requiring the deployment of the National Guard and other military units. America would be in a state of war and would probably impose martial law. Not even 1/10th of 1% of the Muslims are terrorists, yet you're talking shit.

Do you know why you talk poopoo? Because you're a dumb redneck hillbilly living in a trailer park down by the river. You're the type of redneck that doesn't spit in the cup when he chews tobacco. All of that dip goes into your brain and rots it out. Brain rot.

I found your High School yearbook picture from 1978:

Well, that insult was more original and I enjoyed it. Good job. Racist and Nazi insults are so common they are absolutely useless and boring.

Attacks on Jews are up and increasing. We don’t need to take in more Palestinians, many who may have good reason to hate Jews.

We need to learn from the fact hat Muslin nations in the region do not want to allow Palestinian immigrants.

CAIRO -- As desperate Palestinians in sealed-off Gaza try to find refuge under Israel’s relentless bombardment in retaliation for Hamas' brutal Oct. 7 attack, some ask why neighboring Egypt and Jordan don’t take them in.

The two countries, which flank Israel on opposite sides and share borders with Gaza and the occupied West Bank, respectively, have replied with a staunch refusal. Jordan already has a large Palestinian population.

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sissi made his toughest remarks yet on Wednesday, saying the current war was not just aimed at fighting Hamas, which rules the Gaza Strip, “but also an attempt to push the civilian inhabitants to ... migrate to Egypt.” He warned this could wreck peace in the region.


At the same time, Egypt says a mass exodus from Gaza would bring Hamas or other Palestinian militants onto its soil. That might be destabilizing in Sinai, where Egypt's military fought for years against Islamic militants and at one point accused Hamas of backing them.

Egypt has backed Israel’s blockade of Gaza since Hamas took over in the territory in 2007, tightly controlling the entry of materials and the passage of civilians back and forth. It also destroyed the network of tunnels under the border that Hamas and other Palestinians used to smuggle goods into Gaza.

With the Sinai insurgency largely put down, “Cairo does not want to have a new security problem on its hands in this problematic region,” Fabiani said.
Well, that insult was more original and I enjoyed it. Good job. Racist and Nazi insults are so common they are absolutely useless and boring.

Attacks on Jews are up and increasing. We don’t need to take in more Palestinians, many who may have good reason to hate Jews.

We need to learn from the fact hat Muslin nations in the region do not want to allow Palestinian immigrants.

CAIRO -- As desperate Palestinians in sealed-off Gaza try to find refuge under Israel’s relentless bombardment in retaliation for Hamas' brutal Oct. 7 attack, some ask why neighboring Egypt and Jordan don’t take them in.

The two countries, which flank Israel on opposite sides and share borders with Gaza and the occupied West Bank, respectively, have replied with a staunch refusal. Jordan already has a large Palestinian population.

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sissi made his toughest remarks yet on Wednesday, saying the current war was not just aimed at fighting Hamas, which rules the Gaza Strip, “but also an attempt to push the civilian inhabitants to ... migrate to Egypt.” He warned this could wreck peace in the region.


At the same time, Egypt says a mass exodus from Gaza would bring Hamas or other Palestinian militants onto its soil. That might be destabilizing in Sinai, where Egypt's military fought for years against Islamic militants and at one point accused Hamas of backing them.

Egypt has backed Israel’s blockade of Gaza since Hamas took over in the territory in 2007, tightly controlling the entry of materials and the passage of civilians back and forth. It also destroyed the network of tunnels under the border that Hamas and other Palestinians used to smuggle goods into Gaza.

With the Sinai insurgency largely put down, “Cairo does not want to have a new security problem on its hands in this problematic region,” Fabiani said.

The Arab nations in the region have already accepted plenty of Palestinian immigrants. There are millions of Palestinians living in the Arab countries in the region, and many of them are in refugee camps. Palestine is their home, not those other countries. The ones who are still in Palestine refuse to leave because they consider that land their home.

Using your silly line of reasoning, since the US and Europe didn't want the European Jews in WW2, we should demonize and dehumanize them. I'm just following your stupid logic. The racist apartheid state of Israel is the cause of Hamas and the conflict in the Holy Land, so the solution is to free Palestine from the river to the sea. The Zionist Jews can return to Brooklyn, NY, and Europe where they're from. Ending the racist, genocidal ethno-state of Israhell, is the solution. The two-state solution is now most likely impossible, due to what Israel is doing now in Gaza.
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The Arab nations in the region have already accepted plenty of Palestinian immigrants. There are millions of Palestinians living in the Arab countries in the region, and many of them are in refugee camps. Palestine is their home, not those other countries. The ones who are still in Palestine refuse to leave because they consider that land their home.

Using your silly line of reasoning, since the US and Europe didn't want the European Jews in WW2, we should demonize and dehumanize them. I'm just following your stupid logic. The racist apartheid state of Israel is the cause of Hamas and the conflict in the Holy Land, so the solution is to free Palestine from the river to the sea. The Zionist Jews can return to Brooklyn, NY, and Europe where they're from. Ending the racist, genocidal ethno-state of Israhell, is the solution. The two-state solution is now most likely impossible, due to what Israel is doing now in Gaza.
We do not need to allow potential terrorists to immigrate into our nation.

We have enough problems with Antifa and BLM demonstrators and their “mostly peaceful” riots where they loot, burn our cities and attack cops.
Lots of Palestinians are Christians. Muslims were the majority, followed by Christians and a tiny minority of Jews.

Much depends on the meaning of the word “lots.”



Sunni Muslim 98–99%, Arab Christians 0.2% (2,000 to 3,000 est.), other, unaffiliated, unspecified <1.0

To me 2000 to 3000 Christians is not a lot.
We do not need to allow potential terrorists to immigrate into our nation.

We have enough problems with Antifa and BLM demonstrators and their “mostly peaceful” riots where they loot, burn our cities and attack cops.
Really? Antifa and BLM burned American cities to the ground? What movie is that? You're making shit up. If anything you Zionist rednecks are the actual terrorists. You're a bunch of warmongers. I hope that if any Palestinians leave Palestine, they come here and settle right next to you.
Really? Antifa and BLM burned American cities to the ground? What movie is that? You're making shit up. If anything you Zionist rednecks are the actual terrorists. You're a bunch of warmongers. I hope that if any Palestinians leave Palestine, they come here and settle right next to you.
I didn’t say they burned our cities to the ground. I said they burned our cities and they did.


I live in a rural area. The people in Gaza live in one of the most crowded areas in the world. They will choose to live in the big blue cities.

Despite its biased coverage of the war on the Gaza Strip, the Western mainstream media has kept repeating one important fact by referring to the Strip of land as being “the most crowded place on earth”. However, as is usually the case, no answer is offered to the question in the minds of many around the world: why does this place have the highest population density on the face of the earth?
I didn’t say they burned our cities to the ground. I said they burned our cities and they did.

View attachment 859364

I live in a rural area. The people in Gaza live in one of the most crowded areas in the world. They will choose to live in the big blue cities.

Despite its biased coverage of the war on the Gaza Strip, the Western mainstream media has kept repeating one important fact by referring to the Strip of land as being “the most crowded place on earth”. However, as is usually the case, no answer is offered to the question in the minds of many around the world: why does this place have the highest population density on the face of the earth?

They burned a few buildings. Trump was using a heavy hand against protesters so a few of them burned some police precincts down and torched a few other buildings. That doesn't illegitimate their cause or grievance. Even though I'm a communist, I was in favor of the January 6th Capitol protests, along with its aggressive civil disobedience. You right-wingers think all communists are your enemies politically and that's not necessarily the case. Most of the MAGA right is comprised of working-class people who have been hoodwinked by Donald Trump. He's good at playing the part of a populist leader who cares for the working class. Heck, he even fooled me in 2016 and got my vote.

Trump doesn't give a rat's ass about Bubba. He hates rednecks. I just pretend to hate rednecks here on the forum when I make fun of them, but I see hillbillies as victims.

You're the victims of the wealthy elite, using a divide-and-conquer strategy, dividing the working class by race, religion..etc. The American liberals are also controlled by the same wealthy elites, who use the same tactics. Dividing the working class by race, sexual orientation, and other categories, to keep the working class from organizing itself against their power and control of our economy, and government legislation (domestic and foreign policy).

When the working class unites and stands for their interests together, that will be the end of the oligarchy. The people will finally rule this country. Another word for it is "democracy" (rule of the people). We now have a plutocratic oligarchal system, where big money interests rule at the expense of the working class, and that includes rednecks. At the expense of people like yourself.
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They burned a few buildings. Trump was using a heavy hand against protesters so a few of them burned some police precincts down and torched a few other buildings. That doesn't illegitimate their cause or grievance. Even though I'm a communist, I was in favor of the January 6th Capitol protests, along with its aggressive civil disobedience. You right-wingers think all communists are your enemies politically and that's not necessarily the case. Most of the MAGA right is comprised of working-class people who have been hoodwinked by Donald Trump. He's good at playing the part of a populist leader who cares for the working class. Heck, he even fooled me in 2016 and got my vote.

Trump doesn't give a rat's ass about Bubba. He hates rednecks. I just pretend to hate rednecks here on the forum when I make fun of them, but I see hillbillies as victims.

You're the victims of the wealthy elite, using a divide-and-conquer strategy, dividing the working class by race, religion..etc. The American liberals are also controlled by the same wealthy elites, who use the same tactics. Dividing the working class by race, sexual orientation, and other categories, to keep the working class from organizing itself against their power and control of our economy, and government legislation (domestic and foreign policy).

When the working class unites and stands for their interests together, that will be the end of the oligarchy. The people will finally rule this country. Another word for it is "democracy" (rule of the people). We now have a plutocratic oligarchal system, where big money interests rule at the expense of the working class, and that includes rednecks. At the expense of people like yourself.

OK, so you are a communist. You also include a Bible quote with all your posts. Does that make you a Christian communist?

Christian communism is a theological view that the teachings of Jesus compel Christians to support religious communism. Although there is no universal agreement on the exact dates when communistic ideas and practices in Christianity began, many Christian communists argue that evidence from the Bible suggests0 that the first Christians, including the Apostles in the New Testament, established their own small communist society in the years following Jesus' death and resurrection.[1] Many advocates of Christian communism and other communists, including Karl Kautsky, argue that it was taught by Jesus and practised by the apostles themselves.[2] This is generally confirmed by historians.[3]

There are those who view that the early Christian Church, such as that one described in the Acts of the Apostles, was an early form of communism and religious socialism. The view is that communism was just Christianity in practice and Jesus was the first communist.[4]


I do agree that our nation has lost its way and greed and corruption have once again put the rich at the top, running things. That was been the way government essentially has worked throughout history until the American Revolution which gave the people more power.

I believe the basic concepts of our nation and our Constitution enabled us to become the leading nation in the world. If we can find a way to (hopefully) peacefully restore integrity in our government, we can once agin have pride In our nation.


Certainly, the concepts that Thomas Jefferson included in the Declaration Independence– that "all men are created equal," and that government derives its power from the "consent of the governed" – were revolutionarily democratic ideals [source: National Archives]. Yet it wasn't until the ratification of the Constitution more than a decade later in 1789 that the democratic principles of the new nation were put into practice. Without the Constitution, the document that guaranteed the protection of civil rights and the restraints put on the state, the democracy birthed by the Declaration would have existed only in rhetoric.

Other historians have argued that American democracy wasn't truly born until 1796, when George Washington voluntarily stepped down after two terms as America's first president [source: Stromberg]. It marked the first peaceful transfer of power in the new nation and set a precedent that American presidents weren't leaders for life, but regularly elected by the will of the people.

A strong case can also be made that the most revolutionary aspects of the American Revolution — lofty democratic ideals of equality and full representation — were obtained through a slow evolution rather than a one-time revolution. American democracy may have been born in the 18th century, but that was a "democracy" in which only white men had the right the vote. Only after the eradication of slavery, the extension of voting rights to African-American men and all women, and the passing of Civil Rights legislation barring discriminatory poll taxes and citizenship tests, could America rightfully call itself a democracy.

You will disagree but I will assert that Communism is a failed form of government. It failed in Russia and now Russia is a dictatorship run by Putin. It is beginning to fail in China which finds itself in growing economic problems.

Bernie Sanders once held up Venezuela as an example of how communism could work. Today people are leaving Venezuela and making their way to our Mexican border hoping to gain entry to our nation.

Communism is the Pied Piper of governments. It sound great and attracts followers but it is a dead end and always fails in the end.

OK, so you are a communist. You also include a Bible quote with all your posts. Does that make you a Christian communist?

Christian communism is a theological view that the teachings of Jesus compel Christians to support religious communism. Although there is no universal agreement on the exact dates when communistic ideas and practices in Christianity began, many Christian communists argue that evidence from the Bible suggests0 that the first Christians, including the Apostles in the New Testament, established their own small communist society in the years following Jesus' death and resurrection.[1] Many advocates of Christian communism and other communists, including Karl Kautsky, argue that it was taught by Jesus and practised by the apostles themselves.[2] This is generally confirmed by historians.[3]

There are those who view that the early Christian Church, such as that one described in the Acts of the Apostles, was an early form of communism and religious socialism. The view is that communism was just Christianity in practice and Jesus was the first communist.[4]


I do agree that our nation has lost its way and greed and corruption have once again put the rich at the top, running things. That was been the way government essentially has worked throughout history until the American Revolution which gave the people more power.

I believe the basic concepts of our nation and our Constitution enabled us to become the leading nation in the world. If we can find a way to (hopefully) peacefully restore integrity in our government, we can once agin have pride In our nation.


Certainly, the concepts that Thomas Jefferson included in the Declaration Independence– that "all men are created equal," and that government derives its power from the "consent of the governed" – were revolutionarily democratic ideals [source: National Archives]. Yet it wasn't until the ratification of the Constitution more than a decade later in 1789 that the democratic principles of the new nation were put into practice. Without the Constitution, the document that guaranteed the protection of civil rights and the restraints put on the state, the democracy birthed by the Declaration would have existed only in rhetoric.

Other historians have argued that American democracy wasn't truly born until 1796, when George Washington voluntarily stepped down after two terms as America's first president [source: Stromberg]. It marked the first peaceful transfer of power in the new nation and set a precedent that American presidents weren't leaders for life, but regularly elected by the will of the people.

A strong case can also be made that the most revolutionary aspects of the American Revolution — lofty democratic ideals of equality and full representation — were obtained through a slow evolution rather than a one-time revolution. American democracy may have been born in the 18th century, but that was a "democracy" in which only white men had the right the vote. Only after the eradication of slavery, the extension of voting rights to African-American men and all women, and the passing of Civil Rights legislation barring discriminatory poll taxes and citizenship tests, could America rightfully call itself a democracy.

You will disagree but I will assert that Communism is a failed form of government. It failed in Russia and now Russia is a dictatorship run by Putin. It is beginning to fail in China which finds itself in growing economic problems.

Bernie Sanders once held up Venezuela as an example of how communism could work. Today people are leaving Venezuela and making their way to our Mexican border hoping to gain entry to our nation.

Communism is the Pied Piper of governments. It sound great and attracts followers but it is a dead end and always fails in the end.

View attachment 8596940

There are a few misconceptions in your post. What made America an empire was its slave labor and its Westward frontier expansion, creating the need for quick and mass industrialization and plenty of jobs, which attracted millions of European immigrants and a considerable number of Asians.

After WW2 the United States was essentially unscathed thanks to those two vast oceans guarding its flanks, preventing the Germans and Japanese from invading it during the war. The US became the industrial manufacturing hub of the world, hence the USD became the reserve currency for world trade, processing every transaction through its central bank (FED). The US has complete control over the Western world's banking system and overbearing influence over all of the financial institutions in the third world. I haven't even mentioned it's hundreds of military bases throughout the world.

Western Europe and Japan were in need of American financial assistance and products after WW2, creating the largest middle class in world history in the United States (and eventually in Western Europe and Japan as well). The demand for American products and loans, and the dollar being the world's reserve currency, transformed the US into the modern empire it is today.

The Soviet Union didn't have a "Marshal Plan", they had to pick themselves up by their bootstraps, despite the devastation they suffered in WW2. Notwithstanding the fact that the USSR lost a significant % of its national infrastructure fighting four million German invaders, it was able to rebuild on its own and became a nuclear superpower rivaling the United States within 15 years after the war. By 1970 the Soviet Union had the second largest economy in the world. Not bad for a new country, that was constantly in a state of war, fighting for its survival, against better-established, powerful adversaries.

Anyways, what is being described here:

And in these other videos:

Ensures that socialism is the inevitable successor of capitalism, just as capitalism was the successor of feudalism and chattel slavery. Socialism is in our future, so we might as well begin preparing for the transition now.
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00000000Th0ere 0are a few misconceptions in your post. What made America an empire was its slave labor and its Westward frontier expansion, creating the need for quick and mass industrialization and plenty of jobs, which attracted millions of European immigrants and a considerable number of Asians.

After WW2 the United States was essentially unscathed thanks to those two vast oceans guarding its flanks, preventing the Germans and Japanese from invading it during the war. The US became the industrial manufacturing hub of the world, hence the USD became the reserve currency for world trade, processing every transaction through its central bank (FED). The US has complete control over the Western world's banking system and overbearing influence over all of the financial institutions in the third world. I haven't even mentioned it's hundreds of military bases throughout the world.

Western Europe and Japan were in need of American financial assistance and products after WW2, creating the largest middle class in world history in the United States (and eventually in Western Europe and Japan as well). The demand for American products and loans, and the dollar being the world's reserve currency, transformed the US into the modern empire it is today.

The Soviet Union didn't have a "Marshal Plan", they had to pick themselves up by their bootstraps, despite the devastation they suffered in WW2. Notwithstanding the fact that the USSR lost a significant % of its national infrastructure fighting four million German invaders, it was able to rebuild on its own and became a nuclear superpower rivaling the United States within 15 years after the war. By 1970 the Soviet Union had the second largest economy in the world. Not bad for a new country, that was constantly in a state of war, fighting for its survival, against better-established, powerful adversaries.

Anyways, what is being described here:

And in these other videos:

Ensures that socialism is the inevitable successor of capitalism, just as capitalism was the successor of feudalism and chattel slavery. Socialism is in our future, so we might as well begin preparing for the transition now.

Socialism and its nasty brother Communism have had their chance to replace capitalism and failed dramatically often with a tragic loss of innocent life.


By R.J. Rummel​


Communism has been the greatest social engineering experiment we have ever seen. It failed utterly and in doing so it killed over 100,000,000 men, women, and children, not to mention the near 30,000,000 of its subjects that died in its often aggressive wars and the rebellions it provoked. But there is a larger lesson to be learned from this horrendous sacrifice to one ideology. That is that no one can be trusted with power. The more power the center has to impose the beliefs of an ideological or religious elite or impose the whims of a dictator, the more likely human lives are to be sacrificed. This is but one reason, but perhaps the most important one, for fostering liberal democracy.

Let’s look at life in Venezuela, the nation Bernie Sanders used as a positive example for socialism.

Reports are that Venezuela is giving Up socialism.

Venezuela is quietly quitting socialism​

Of course many other nations have tried and rejected socialism.

Some nations have moved from socialism to “cuddly capitalism“ which may be where our nation is headed.

We definitely will face change as we replace hamburger flippers with robots and many well educated white collar jobs with AI. I feel cuddly capitalism may be the solution. As I have often said we do live in interesting times which is rumored to be a Chinese curse.


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