Problem solving-the American way vs. the Russian way.


Gold Member
Oct 28, 2023
If you are standing in the middle of a herd with a bunch of other herd animals that are standing in the middle of the herd, saying what you see can be very uncomfortable to those around you. People want to feel good even in the process of their planned extinction. We exist in a snow globe experiment and the experiment is about to reset the population to a more manageable size. Moving to the center of the herd works well for herd animals if a predator is lurking but that is in nature. What is coming is not natural.

In nature, if you are at the top of the food chain, you eat what is below you. That wasn't my idea; nature was here long before me. I upset people because I suggest that we are not at the top of the food chain. I've been watching old videos of Phil Schneider, an American geologist and engineer. His statements thirty years ago predicted exactly what is happening now.

Let's take a modern example of how truth is dispersed among the population. Tucker Carlson, a conservative-minded commentator, just interviewed Vladimir Putin. Putin is reportedly a very bad man who poisoned a critic, Alexei Navalny. Navalny did not die so as the story goes, Putin threw him into prison where he later died. Navalny was saying things about Putin that were exposing bad deeds and Putin took him out. In US legacy media this is said to be true and authentic.

We are supposed to believe that nothing like this could ever happen in the US because in the US all the politicians and leaders are much too good to do anything like that. But wait a minute. Do you remember Bill and Hillary Clinton? Do you recall a man named Vince Foster? Foster was a trusted operative in the Clinton circle who got a sudden attack of consciense and was about blurt out a bunch of dirty details about the corruption of the Clintons.

Because US leaders are so much more angelic than Russian leaders, outright murder does not happen. No. Over here if someone goes off script and theatens to spill the proberbial beans, they are "suicided". That is a verb, not a noun. We were told to believe that Foster, who obviously went crazy, shot himself with a composite, untraceable gun in a public park with no suicide note. But later, after experts intervened, a note was found explaining that Foster just went off the rails and the Clintons were like saints who were shocked and appalled at the incident.

Now, we know from Lord Acton that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Nothing, not friendship, or even love, can overcome absolute corruption. So if a player in the game of corruption steps out of bounds, that player is removed to keep the game going. Poor Vince Foster, like Navalny learned that lesson the hard way. But the Russians are much more straightforward than US politicians. The Russians just get the job done and spend little time making the people believe absurd scenarios where people just go nuts and take themelcves out. Hillary Clinton is good you know, and Vladimir Putin is bad! See? It's just that simple. Hillary clinton was nearly elected President of the United States. Do you see why foster had to go? With all those chips on the table would you arrange an unforunate circumstance for a friend who might reveal your cards? Be honest now, don't forget those chips!

Did you get the lesson? In Russia. people are murdered, in the US they are suicided. It's a subtle difference in action with a similar result in outcome. Jeffrey Epstein comes to mind as a "suicided" problem solved the American way.Let's get back to Schneider. How the hell did he know what was going to be happening thirty years into the future? That's just weird. The people in my home city don't think about Phil Schneider. They believe that the man I voted for in 2020 is bad! They believe that I am bad and they believe that you are bad as well.

Schneider said that the population is going to be reduced by five/sixths. That's billions down the tubes for some reason. I am somewhat bothered by this and you should be too. But maybe you are like those poor souls that dug their own mass graves in Germany and ran to the edge of the graves to be shot so the shooters would not have to drag them to the hole. This would be a good way for you to support your government that is better than the Russians.

Yeah, you should go with that. Let me know how it works out.
If you are standing in the middle of a herd with a bunch of other herd animals that are standing in the middle of the herd, saying what you see can be very uncomfortable to those around you. People want to feel good even in the process of their planned extinction. We exist in a snow globe experiment and the experiment is about to reset the population to a more manageable size. Moving to the center of the herd works well for herd animals if a predator is lurking but that is in nature. What is coming is not natural.

In nature, if you are at the top of the food chain, you eat what is below you. That wasn't my idea; nature was here long before me. I upset people because I suggest that we are not at the top of the food chain. I've been watching old videos of Phil Schneider, an American geologist and engineer. His statements thirty years ago predicted exactly what is happening now.

Let's take a modern example of how truth is dispersed among the population. Tucker Carlson, a conservative-minded commentator, just interviewed Vladimir Putin. Putin is reportedly a very bad man who poisoned a critic, Alexei Navalny. Navalny did not die so as the story goes, Putin threw him into prison where he later died. Navalny was saying things about Putin that were exposing bad deeds and Putin took him out. In US legacy media this is said to be true and authentic.

We are supposed to believe that nothing like this could ever happen in the US because in the US all the politicians and leaders are much too good to do anything like that. But wait a minute. Do you remember Bill and Hillary Clinton? Do you recall a man named Vince Foster? Foster was a trusted operative in the Clinton circle who got a sudden attack of consciense and was about blurt out a bunch of dirty details about the corruption of the Clintons.

Because US leaders are so much more angelic than Russian leaders, outright murder does not happen. No. Over here if someone goes off script and theatens to spill the proberbial beans, they are "suicided". That is a verb, not a noun. We were told to believe that Foster, who obviously went crazy, shot himself with a composite, untraceable gun in a public park with no suicide note. But later, after experts intervened, a note was found explaining that Foster just went off the rails and the Clintons were like saints who were shocked and appalled at the incident.

Now, we know from Lord Acton that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Nothing, not friendship, or even love, can overcome absolute corruption. So if a player in the game of corruption steps out of bounds, that player is removed to keep the game going. Poor Vince Foster, like Navalny learned that lesson the hard way. But the Russians are much more straightforward than US politicians. The Russians just get the job done and spend little time making the people believe absurd scenarios where people just go nuts and take themelcves out. Hillary Clinton is good you know, and Vladimir Putin is bad! See? It's just that simple. Hillary clinton was nearly elected President of the United States. Do you see why foster had to go? With all those chips on the table would you arrange an unforunate circumstance for a friend who might reveal your cards? Be honest now, don't forget those chips!

Did you get the lesson? In Russia. people are murdered, in the US they are suicided. It's a subtle difference in action with a similar result in outcome. Jeffrey Epstein comes to mind as a "suicided" problem solved the American way.Let's get back to Schneider. How the hell did he know what was going to be happening thirty years into the future? That's just weird. The people in my home city don't think about Phil Schneider. They believe that the man I voted for in 2020 is bad! They believe that I am bad and they believe that you are bad as well.

Schneider said that the population is going to be reduced by five/sixths. That's billions down the tubes for some reason. I am somewhat bothered by this and you should be too. But maybe you are like those poor souls that dug their own mass graves in Germany and ran to the edge of the graves to be shot so the shooters would not have to drag them to the hole. This would be a good way for you to support your government that is better than the Russians.

Yeah, you should go with that. Let me know how it works out.
The lesson here is that you follow debunked conspiracy theories. I don't believe there is any intrinsic value to following debunked conspiracy theories. Why do you do it? Boredom? :dunno:
The lesson here is that you follow debunked conspiracy theories. I don't believe there is any intrinsic value to following debunked conspiracy theories. Why do you do it? Boredom? :dunno:
Listen to what he says thirty years ago. Listen carefully.
So are you, like most Republicans, trying to impart that Vladimir Putin is not such a bad guy? Are you trying to impart that American politicians are just as bad, only much less obvious?

You devote a good part of your story to Vince Foster, as if his suicide is somehow releavant and in some small way connected to American political murders of _____ (insert name here)

Bringing up the old Clinton canard of them somehow being able to "murder" is of course ridiculous to those of us in the reality based world, but what is the most tragic part of all of this is you fail to see or comprehend, like millions of other Trump supporters, that the closest thing this country has ever had to someone like Putin being in charge of it is none other than Donald Trump.

Unless you would like to see us more like Russia, which I think I'm just now beginning to realize is true with millions of Americans.

You and yours remain the greatest threat to American democracy.
If you are standing in the middle of a herd with a bunch of other herd animals that are standing in the middle of the herd, saying what you see can be very uncomfortable to those around you. People want to feel good even in the process of their planned extinction. We exist in a snow globe experiment and the experiment is about to reset the population to a more manageable size. Moving to the center of the herd works well for herd animals if a predator is lurking but that is in nature. What is coming is not natural.

In nature, if you are at the top of the food chain, you eat what is below you. That wasn't my idea; nature was here long before me. I upset people because I suggest that we are not at the top of the food chain. I've been watching old videos of Phil Schneider, an American geologist and engineer. His statements thirty years ago predicted exactly what is happening now.

Let's take a modern example of how truth is dispersed among the population. Tucker Carlson, a conservative-minded commentator, just interviewed Vladimir Putin. Putin is reportedly a very bad man who poisoned a critic, Alexei Navalny. Navalny did not die so as the story goes, Putin threw him into prison where he later died. Navalny was saying things about Putin that were exposing bad deeds and Putin took him out. In US legacy media this is said to be true and authentic.

We are supposed to believe that nothing like this could ever happen in the US because in the US all the politicians and leaders are much too good to do anything like that. But wait a minute. Do you remember Bill and Hillary Clinton? Do you recall a man named Vince Foster? Foster was a trusted operative in the Clinton circle who got a sudden attack of consciense and was about blurt out a bunch of dirty details about the corruption of the Clintons.

Because US leaders are so much more angelic than Russian leaders, outright murder does not happen. No. Over here if someone goes off script and theatens to spill the proberbial beans, they are "suicided". That is a verb, not a noun. We were told to believe that Foster, who obviously went crazy, shot himself with a composite, untraceable gun in a public park with no suicide note. But later, after experts intervened, a note was found explaining that Foster just went off the rails and the Clintons were like saints who were shocked and appalled at the incident.

Now, we know from Lord Acton that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Nothing, not friendship, or even love, can overcome absolute corruption. So if a player in the game of corruption steps out of bounds, that player is removed to keep the game going. Poor Vince Foster, like Navalny learned that lesson the hard way. But the Russians are much more straightforward than US politicians. The Russians just get the job done and spend little time making the people believe absurd scenarios where people just go nuts and take themelcves out. Hillary Clinton is good you know, and Vladimir Putin is bad! See? It's just that simple. Hillary clinton was nearly elected President of the United States. Do you see why foster had to go? With all those chips on the table would you arrange an unforunate circumstance for a friend who might reveal your cards? Be honest now, don't forget those chips!

Did you get the lesson? In Russia. people are murdered, in the US they are suicided. It's a subtle difference in action with a similar result in outcome. Jeffrey Epstein comes to mind as a "suicided" problem solved the American way.Let's get back to Schneider. How the hell did he know what was going to be happening thirty years into the future? That's just weird. The people in my home city don't think about Phil Schneider. They believe that the man I voted for in 2020 is bad! They believe that I am bad and they believe that you are bad as well.

Schneider said that the population is going to be reduced by five/sixths. That's billions down the tubes for some reason. I am somewhat bothered by this and you should be too. But maybe you are like those poor souls that dug their own mass graves in Germany and ran to the edge of the graves to be shot so the shooters would not have to drag them to the hole. This would be a good way for you to support your government that is better than the Russians.

Yeah, you should go with that. Let me know how it works out.
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