pretty fun POLL


Senior Member
Aug 28, 2003
Aiken, SC
Hey, since that music poll was so overwhelmingly successful (2 replies out of about 20 regular readers, WOO-HOO!) I figured I'd post another one. I like this one a lot for some reason. Enjoy...

10 Best Bands You've Seen Live

09 Things You're Looking Forward To

08 Things You Wear Daily

07 Things That Annoy You

06 Things You Touch Every Day

05 Things You Do Every Day

04 People You'd Want to Spend More Time or Hang out With

03 Movies You Could Watch Over and Over

02 Of Your Favorite Songs At This Moment

01 Person You Could Spend the Rest of Your Life With
10 Best Bands You've Seen Live

I have only been to 1 concert in my life. Of the bands I saw, Incubus and 7 Mary 3 were really great and Puddle of Mudd were... okay.

09 Things You're Looking Forward To

Thanksgiving (get to see my parents)
Christmas (get to see most of my family)
Going to NYC in Dec.
Finishing the script I've been working on for a long long time
Filming that script (that one's more long-term)
Finishing this semester
Kill Bill volume 2
Jersey Girl (Kevin Smith's new movie)
Finishing this semester

08 Things You Wear Daily

White undershirt
T-shirt if it's warm, sweater or sweatshirt if it's cold.
Jeans or khakis
White socks
Shoes (Sketchers)
exercise pants (to exercise in, DUH!)
Another t-shirt to exercise in

07 Things That Annoy You

People who act like they're better than others
Ashton Kutcher
People who try to talk me out of being a writer
People who worry too much about their physical appearance
Today's rock music

06 Things You Touch Every Day

A guitar
My laptop's keyboard
Cell phone
PS2 controller
steering wheel

05 Things You Do Every Day

Pee and poop
Think about the future

04 People You'd Want to Spend More Time or Hang out With

My friend Justin from Charleston
My cousin Lauren
A few people I went to high school with
Yo' momma! :D

03 Movies You Could Watch Over and Over

Empire Records
Breakfast Club
Almost Famous

02 Of Your Favorite Songs At This Moment

"Stacey's Mom" by Fountains of Wayne
"Hey Ya" by Outkast

01 Person You Could Spend the Rest of Your Life With

Like a wife? I haven't really found anyone like that yet. Sorry!
Dan I love these things! :D

10 Best Bands You've Seen Live
I don't know if I've even seen 10! In no particular order: Vanilla Ice, Luciano, the Wailers, Newsboys, Audio Adrenaline, Kry, Rebecca St. James.

09 Things You're Looking Forward To
3:30, having sex, going to South Carolina, running for office, Friday, summer, seeing my mother, watching Matrix Revolutions, getting some sleep

08 Things You Wear Daily
Glasses, wedding band, West Point ring, underwear, pants, shoes, shirt, socks

07 Things That Annoy You
people who drive too slow, people who drive in the wrong lane, liberals who name call and don't debate the issues, people who are too stupid to figure out how to correctly spend the money they have been entrusted with and like to yell at the analysts when we are just trying to keep the taxpayer's money going where it's supposed to go, people who talk with a Yankee accent, dial-up connection speeds, pop-up ads

06 Things You Touch Every Day
my glasses, my ring, the floor, the bed, myself, my wife (get your minds out of the gutter!!!)

05 Things You Do Every Day
breathe, eat, drink, pee, poop

04 People You'd Want to Spend More Time or Hang out With
If I was single... Paris Hilton, Alyssa Milano, Jessica Alba, Laetitia Casta.
Since I'm married... Dubya, Newt Gingrich, Mac Powell (of Third Day), and Keanu Reeves

03 Movies You Could Watch Over and Over
Star Wars (original)

02 Of Your Favorite Songs At This Moment
Punky Reggae Party, by Bob Marley
Faint, by Linkin Park

01 Person You Could Spend the Rest of Your Life With
My wife!
10 Best Bands You've Seen Live
Motley Crue
Bon Jovi
Guns n Roses
Skin n Bones
Bryan Adams
Van Halen
Def Leppard

09 Things You're Looking Forward To
The next time I have sex
Watching the Dems squirm as Bush gets re-elected
My next BJ
My birthday
Summer vacation at shore
Michael Jackson in jail
Barbara Streisand dying
Sleeping tonight

08 Things You Wear Daily
Any baseball hat
Same underwear for 3 weeks
Sneakers (Skechers)
My wifes patience

07 Things That Annoy You
Liberals :D
Barbara Streisand
No sex
Slow drivers
People who illegaly park in front of my house
Obese people
Waking up

06 Things You Touch Every Day
My pee pee
My hiny
My wife's boobs
Crickets for my lizards
My dog
My wifes heart

05 Things You Do Every Day
Spank the gorilla
Watch TV
Listen to mp3's

04 People You'd Want to Spend More Time or Hang out With
My dog
My lizards
Naked women

03 Movies You Could Watch Over and Over
Diary of Desires
Fast Times at Ridgemont High
Cheech and Chong

02 Of Your Favorite Songs At This Moment
Asbolution by Lilliane Axe
Baby be mine by White Lion

01 Person You Could Spend the Rest of Your Life With
My wife (especially if she looked like Pamela Anderson)
10 Best Bands You've Seen Live - Billy Joel/Elton John, Styx, Bon Jovi (only other one I've been to is Bryan Adams... I'll respectfully leave him off this list)

09 Things You're Looking Forward To - hitting the lottery, quitting my job, seeing my daughter again (shes on visitation with her dad right now), moving, my daughter FINALLY being potty trained, Bush winning the next election, thinking of #s 7, 8 & 9.

08 Things You Wear Daily - hmm... makeup, bra, clothes, shoes, my charming personality [/sarcasm].

07 Things That Annoy You - the fact that I only get 7 to name.

06 Things You Touch Every Day - phone, keyboard, files, my daughter's hair, my car, keys.

05 Things You Do Every Day - work, work, sleep, sleep, sleep

04 People You'd Want to Spend More Time or Hang out With - my child, my grandparents, my sister, my friends

03 Movies You Could Watch Over and Over - Titanic, Almost Famous, Copycat

02 Of Your Favorite Songs At This Moment - (at this moment) Eminem, anything 80s 90s

01 Person You Could Spend the Rest of Your Life With - other than the obvious (my child)... my perfect mate (if there is such a thing hehehe)
10 Best Bands You've Seen Live
Ozzy Osbourne, REO Speedwagon, Rolling Stones x3, Van Halen, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Bon Jovi, and Husker Du
09 Things You're Looking Forward To
watching my son grow up, watching my son’s kids grow up, retiring, next vacation, dessert, Christmas and Thanksgiving Dinners,

08 Things You Wear Daily
Bra, panties, a bracelet, shoes, perfume, make up, mousse and hairspray.

07 Things That Annoy You
Smelly people, snoring (especially Jerome’s), taxes, welfare, bee stings, children being hurt and the French
06 Things You Touch Every Day

my bed, my pillow, a towel, soap, money and food
05 Things You Do Every Day
Eat, pee, brush my teeth, kiss my son and tell him I love him

04 People You'd Want to Spend More Time or Hang out With

My: son, husband, sister, grandmother and self
03 Movies You Could Watch Over and Over

Beverly Hills Cop 2, Casablanca and the Harry Potter movies
02 Of Your Favorite Songs At This Moment
Turbo Lover by Judas Priest and Fighter by Christina Aguillera (sp?)

01 Person You Could Spend the Rest of Your Life With
Apparently, not my husband! (I do NOT look like Pamela Anderson)
10 Best Bands You've Seen Live

This is embarassing but I've never been to a concert in my life.

09 Things You're Looking Forward To

getting another job
getting my own home again
getting med insurance for my wife again
getting my stepkids back in my own home
mowing my own lawn
having a cat again
less traffic and driving
less debt
more money

08 Things You Wear Daily

tennis shoes, glasses, shirt, jeans, socks, smile

07 Things That Annoy You

dirty dishes, my yapping pomeranians (3), my ex siamese cat, hot weather, and being bored

06 Things You Touch Every Day

my wife, my dogs (3), the TV, and my computers.

05 Things You Do Every Day

work on my computers
feed my dogs
kiss my wife
watch charmed and startrek
look for a job

04 People You'd Want to Spend More Time or Hang out With

can't think of anyone at the moment

03 Movies You Could Watch Over and Over

Once I hit #30 i took the crow off my list
any episode of CSI or CSI: Miami
Lord of the rings

02 Of Your Favorite Songs At This Moment

mudshovel by staind
dust in the wind by kansas

01 Person You Could Spend the Rest of Your Life With

my wife
10 Best Bands You've Seen Live
In order:
Neds Atomic Dustbin, Guns & Roses, Billy Idol, Metallica, Live, Hootie & the Blowfish, Poison, Aerosmith, Mathew Sweet and Black Crows.

09 Things You're Looking Forward To
Having my own house, retirement, a savings account, trip back to NJ, my kids smiles when I come home, morning coffee, payday, Christmas and no more diapers!!

08 Things You Wear Daily
My sexy red vest!! LOL, socks, jeans, shirt, sneakers, lotion, whitey tighties and snot.

07 Things That Annoy You
Eminem, Marilyn Manson, tripping over toys, my in-laws, having to ride with the window open cause the heat in the car aint workin, potty accidents and my in-laws dog.

06 Things You Touch Every Day
My daughters hair, toilet paper, money, the remote, my mouse and smokes.

05 Things You Do Every Day
Pick my nose, go for coffee, drop a duece, love my kids and look at the wife. LOL

04 People You'd Want to Spend More Time or Hang out With
Hugh Hefner, my lil bro, my kids and Kevin

03 Movies You Could Watch Over and Over
Nightmare Before Christmas, The Patriot (Mel Gibson) and Kingpin

02 Of Your Favorite Songs At This Moment
Headstrong (not sure who sings it)
Send the Pain Below - Chevelle

01 Person You Could Spend the Rest of Your Life With
Janeen :rolleyes: :D
10 Best Bands You've Seen Live

Blue's Concert
Bon Jovi
Country Festival - Madison Square
Elton John
Lynard Skynard - freag it if I spelled that wrong! :)
Molly Hatchet
Rod Stewart
ZZ Top
Think that was it!

09 Things You're Looking Forward To

Thanksgiving - as long as Jim isn't cooking! :)
Watching my kids grow
Winning the pick 6
ending the hate in this world
quit smoking
smacking around Jackass
moving out of here

08 Things You Wear Daily

make up

07 Things That Annoy You

my Kids! hehe! at times
men picking their noses at a light
people blowing their noses in restraunt while your eating

06 Things You Touch Every Day

hair, my dog, my cat, my keys, smokes, body in the shower! hehe!

05 Things You Do Every Day

Get up
do run
take Son to school
do run
cook and clean

04 People You'd Want to Spend More Time or Hang out With

all my family
Jackass, but he finds excuses not to spend time
my kids

03 Movies You Could Watch Over and Over

Wizard of Oz
March of wooden soldiers

02 Of Your Favorite Songs At This Moment

I don't have any favorites

01 Person You Could Spend the Rest of Your Life With:

Why couldn't it be who I could live without??? :D
I suppose the answer is ??
Originally posted by janeeng
10 Best Bands You've Seen Live

Bon Jovi

Jackass, but he finds excuses not to spend time

03 Movies You Could Watch Over and Over

Wizard of Oz
March of wooden soldiers

02 Of Your Favorite Songs At This Moment

Damn forgot about Bon Jovi. That would move into my top 10!!

I find excuses??? I think you and Jim screwed the pooch this past weekend!!!

2 great movies!! I didnt think anyone else watched the March of the Wooden Soldiers. :D
Originally posted by Jackass
I find excuses??? I think you and Jim screwed the pooch this past weekend!!!

HUH? You're starting to sound like Stef! You asked us for sunday, you POS! Who in the hell goes out for drinks on a sunday night?

When will you be in town again? I'm gonna give you an ass whoopin! :)
Oh sorry Jim...forgot you had to go to work on Monday!!! :rolleyes: :D

Alot of people go out on Sundays!! We could have just went out and watched the game..DEEK!!
If I am going to be seen in public with you I DEFINITELY need alcohol! And no, it won't look good showing up at pre-school monday morning smelling like a brewery! (not to mention I need LOTS of sleep after drinking, the boy would have been raising himself for the day!)
HAHAHAHA Well of course there would have been alcohol!!
You cant take a nap during school?

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