POLL: Do you WANT to heal our divisions?

Do you WANT to see our divisions healed?

  • Total voters
Well, if a bitterly divided electorate serves the interests of Democrats and Republicans, I guess it must be good for the country!

Go team!
That your way is objectively better for the country rather than just subjectively better way, according to you.
I don't know what this sinister sounding narrative is supposed to mean. Let's take an actual issue like gun control as an example. I'd like to see a full ban on gun ownership (and I say that as a current owner), whether it comes in the form of a constitutional amendment or packing the Supreme Court, don't care so long as it gets done. Joe Biden certainly doesn't agree with that but he's the lesser of the two evils on gun policy when it comes to him and Trump so why would I allow Trump to win, a person with policies I dislike even more, just on the hopes that I teach Joe Biden and the Democrats a lesson? There's a lot of self importance in that argument. I'm just trying to make the best out of any given situation. I don't imagine I'm saving the Union as you clearly do.

I keep having trouble following your argument. Am I supposed to be the one who thinks the country is falling apart or is that you? :dunno:

My fixation is with your reliance on it. I don't think the country is getting worse. You do. I don't think Joe Biden is evil, just pretty meh. Why don't you address my actual arguments instead of creating all these false narratives to make yourself seem more important than you and your vote are?

Right. You imagine your Paul Revere ride across the internet, screaming about how tyranny is coming, will galvanize a nation into saving itself. I asked you for objective evidence of viability and that's what I get in return. What else am I supposed to do with you when you insist on arguing in dress up and make believe?

^^^Pretzel logic to soothe your psyche after you vote for the guy who said he doesn't want his white kids in the same room as you.

Hmmm.. doesn't sound like you know what a "strawman" is.

I do. Maybe you're confused? I don't think anyone thinks Republican policies (if your on the left) or their obstructionism to liberal polices and vice verse (if you're on the right) are good for the country, we just don't think your solution is better than the ones we've chosen. Your strawman is that because we don't agree with you we must think this is good.
^^^Pretzel logic to soothe your psyche after you vote for the guy who said he doesn't want his white kids in the same room as you.

And then bent over and chose a black VP and Supreme Court Justice. Reality doesn't stop at rhetoric from last century Marvin even though it appears you think it does.
Trump is not an option for healing the nation. And neither is MAGA.

MAGA was a complete failure which crashed the economy. It is anti democratic and fuelled by hate and violence.
Trump and MAGA didn't crash the economy. The democrat governors who shut down their states, restricted people from going to work and earn livings crashed the economy. It's an easy case to prove since every city and state that didn't take draconian measures to "contain" Covid did far better economically than those that did.
And then bent over and chose a black VP and Supreme Court Justice. Reality doesn't stop at rhetoric from last century Marvin even though it appears you think it does.

Kamala isn't black, but she did put a shit ton of black men in prison for smoking weed. You cheered.


I do. I don't think anyone thinks Republican policies (if your on the left) or their obstructionism to liberal polices and vice verse (if you're on the right) are good for the country, we just don't think your solution is better than the ones we've chosen. Your strawman is that because we don't agree with you we must think this is good.
Alright then, if I'm misrepresenting your argument, what is your position? You didn't answer the poll. Why not?
No they shouldn't. Let us know where you MAGA Cult are moving to. You're not welcome here.
MAGA has nothing to do with you, Canuk. It would be MACA, but Canada was never great to begin with. Canada has always been a political lap dog for the UK and slaved to the US economy financially. The only reason Canada even exists is that the UK protected it from the USA when the USA was an expansionist state.
And then bent over and chose a black VP and Supreme Court Justice. Reality doesn't stop at rhetoric from last century Marvin even though it appears you think it does.
Yeah, he picked blacks to appease his black underclass of voters. Neither was chosen for their abilities or knowledge. His black SCOTUS justice can't define what a woman is and thinks the First Amendment is nothing but an inconvenience that limits governmental control of the population.
Yeah, he picked blacks to appease his black underclass of voters. Neither was chosen for their abilities or knowledge. His black SCOTUS justice can't define what a woman is and thinks the First Amendment is nothing but an inconvenience that limits governmental control of the population.
That's your racist narrative. :dunno:

In regards to abortion.

Let’s declare that a law be established that either abortion is legal under any circumstance. And since it is only the woman that gets to decide, as it should be, should she neglect to exercise that right, then, if a child is born, the State will not be allowed to compel the Father pay support.


Abortion shall be illegal, except in the case of rape, incest or the life of the mother, and, since abortion is illegal, the State will mandate that the father provide child support after a dna test proves he is the father.

Wow, now doesn’t everyone feel better? 🥰
The scary, pesky question that dblack nor Mac1958 nor any of the other….”but but but….UNITY!!” people can answer……
Can ANY society comprised of too many people with too many differences between them become united?
Only if they have the ability to be Honest and humble enough to work together & compromise
Like most of us have to do in our daily life's.
but nothing better ever emerges, each cycle things get worse.

But you are doing just what both parties want you to do, you are doing what they have both worked together to get you to do, vote for your side no matter what because the other side is too evil to vote for.

Do you not find it odd that both sides do the exact same thing?

You are slow. Deep State and MSM makes it impossible for a great successful CEO type to take over and fix everything. DJT was the last of the Mohicans........willing to risk it all for his country. Going forward it is AOC or Chelsy vs. ????. Idiocracy is here.
Again, that's your narrative, not mine. It's not my responsibility to act according to your narrative. You act according to your narrative and I'll act according to mine. That's the disconnect you dumb Bingos seem to be having. You imagine everyone sees the same thing you do.

They don't seem to like the primary challenges very much.

No. Why the fuck would I? That's why it's called the establishment and it's who Mac is cheerleading for.
I'm not of the opinion that you're the sharpest tool in the shed, but at least you know that.

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