POLL: Do you WANT to heal our divisions?

Do you WANT to see our divisions healed?

  • Total voters
No. I imagine that if we stop voting for them, they stop getting electing. It's very simple.

Listen, they've beat you down to the point that you think of it as some kind of privilege to get to choose between two "evils". Fuck that.

What does it get me? A clean conscience for starters. If you dumb fucks want to bury our country, I might not be able to stop you, but I won't join in.

If even twenty percent of the electorate grows a spine and tells both the Democrats and Republicans to get fucked, the majors will be falling all over themselves trying to figure out how to get those voters back. That's the most likely outcome. They'll change as a result of voters refusing to vote for them. Either that or, as the momentum swings, they'll eventually lose to candidates that voters actually want.

Ultimately we need systemic changes (like RCV) so that strategic voting doesn't work. So that the fear-mongering doesn't work. But we won't get that as long as the two parties are dominating.

Show us what you got for us to Vote for to SAVE the Nation by NOV 2024? You don't even have a possible candidate on the ballot in enough states? You talk talk talk like GaterMac but you never once said what the THRID OPTION is .....that would work.....by NOV 20204.

Shove your RCV.....simply another scam to let DEMS chose which R gets to participate.
I don't think my country is getting buried because any candidate gets elected. That's your frail premise, not mine.
No, that's yours. You're hell bent on not "allowing" a candidate to get elected. So much so that you'll vote for a bad candidate on purpose.

The burial of the country is happening over time, as each cycle, the dimwits vote for worse and worse candidates.
Yeah If. I don't operate on cosplay and make believe as easily as you do.
What is your fixation on cosplay all about? That's where people dress up as their favorite characters from movies and the like, right? Are you trying to make a point with this?

The most likely outcome is that 2% show up for that other candidate, not 20% and the mainstream continues to ignore you like the insignificant voter that you are.
If people listen to your voting advice, yes. That's why I'm trying to tell them that your wrong. I'm trying make that 20% happen. To make things better, instead of continue to circle the drain with lesser and lesser and lesser.
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They have to claim that anyone who dares to disagree with them is a leftist, because it's the only way they can justify their arrogant ignorance.

I was just watching an interview with former Judge Michael Luttig, a longtime conservative judicial icon. These misguided souls think that THEY are the informed patriots and HE is the traitorous bad guy. This is a fucking sickness.
I’m the most pro choice poster on this board. I keep posting a common sense solution, that you would think the left would embrace as it gives women full and complete control of the reproductive process, and the left always are the ones expressing the most vitriol against it.

Go figure. 🤷‍♂️
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No, that's yours. You're hell bent on not "allowing" a candidate to get elected. So much so that you'll vote for a bad candidate on purpose.
I don't know what this sinister sounding narrative is supposed to mean. Let's take an actual issue like gun control as an example. I'd like to see a full ban on gun ownership (and I say that as a current owner), whether it comes in the form of a constitutional amendment or packing the Supreme Court, don't care so long as it gets done. Joe Biden certainly doesn't agree with that but he's the lesser of the two evils on gun policy when it comes to him and Trump so why would I allow Trump to win, a person with policies I dislike even more, just on the hopes that I teach Joe Biden and the Democrats a lesson? There's a lot of self importance in that argument. I'm just trying to make the best out of any given situation. I don't imagine I'm saving the Union as you clearly do.
The burial of the country is happening over time, as each cycle, the dimwits vote for worse and worse candidates.
I keep having trouble following your argument. Am I supposed to be the one who thinks the country is falling apart or is that you? :dunno:
What is your fixation on cosplay all about? That's where people dress up as their favorite characters from movies and the like, right? Are you trying to make a point with this?
My fixation is with your reliance on it. I don't think the country is getting worse. You do. I don't think Joe Biden is evil, just pretty meh. Why don't you address my actual arguments instead of creating all these false narratives to make yourself seem more important than you and your vote are?
If people listen to your voting advice, yes. That's why I'm trying to tell them that your wrong. I'm trying make that 20% happen. To make things better, instead of continue to circle the drain with lesser and lesser and lesser.
Right. You imagine your Paul Revere ride across the internet, screaming about how tyranny is coming, will galvanize a nation into saving itself. I asked you for objective evidence of viability and that's what I get in return. What else am I supposed to do with you when you insist on arguing in dress up and make believe?
Which part confused you?

It doesn't matter, at all, whether it's a ringing endorsement. What matters is that they vote for bad candidates, on purpose, and elect them. All in the name of party loyalty. Please, stop doing that.

That's quite clear.

over time I have seen you write that we should have a consensus on who we elect and that legislators should only pass good laws and things like that.

I once thought the same way - then I turned 13.
Mkay. They say the same kind of hysterical shit about the Republicans. OMG!!!!!
Maybe, but is it true, though?

ActBlue is funding and instigating chaos, rebellion, and antisemitism on American college campuses right now. That's a provable fact.

Just like the Nazis did. And that's what Democrats are doing.
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Isn't it nice to see Ds and Rs agree? "We love the dysfunctional division we've foisted on the country!"

R's and D's are the Government. - it's who does the foisting.

Plumbers do plumbing.
Electricians do electrical work.
Drywallers do drywalling.
Car salesmen sell cars.

See a pattern?
No, not in neither case. It's just fear mongering that they use to scare voters into voting for bad candidates.
Right now, the Democrats, an American political party..their goal is to raze America to ashes and then rise from the ashes with New Communist NWO America.
In reality, the end result will be a return to feudalism. Most people will be enslaved. Dissenters will be killed.
Don't advocate for yourself to be a serf, this is America. Don't squander what so many good people fought, bled, and died for.
I don't see how Obama could have undone what so many good Americans fought, bled, and died for in the Civil Rights Movement, but somehow that's in effect right now. I guess all it took was the right lies.
MLK Jr. died for that, thousands of Americans fought for it, and Obama undid all the good they did, and it seems to be sticking, and I hate that.
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Right now, the Democrats, an American political party..their goal is to raze America to ashes and then rise with New Communist NWO America.
In reality, the end result will be a return to feudalism.
OMG! I'm just going to piss myself and vote for Trump, stat!
No, not in neither case. It's just fear mongering that they use to scare voters into voting for bad candidates.

Weird that in your childlike world, you don't even consider that the people electing the winning candidates might just actually think that they are good and not bad.
Weird that in your childlike world, you don't even consider that the people electing the winning candidates might just actually think that they are good and not bad.
No, I totally get that some people actually like these bozos. But not most. And that's what's frustrating. We see poll after poll saying that most voters realize both candidates suck, that we are being "offered" a horrible choice. But the fear-mongering eventually beats them down and they fall in line. And we get lesser. And lesser, and lesser.
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My options then are to either don't vote, cast a protest vote and potentially let the worse candidate win or maybe help a middling Democrat eek out a victory and hope someone better emerges for a primary next time around. Or do you geniuses in the middle see some other political calculation I'm missing?

but nothing better ever emerges, each cycle things get worse.

But you are doing just what both parties want you to do, you are doing what they have both worked together to get you to do, vote for your side no matter what because the other side is too evil to vote for.

Do you not find it odd that both sides do the exact same thing?
but nothing better ever emerges, each cycle things get worse.
Again, that's your narrative, not mine. It's not my responsibility to act according to your narrative. You act according to your narrative and I'll act according to mine. That's the disconnect you dumb Bingos seem to be having. You imagine everyone sees the same thing you do.
But you are doing just what both parties want you to do, you are doing what they have both worked together to get you to do, vote for your side no matter what because the other side is too evil to vote for.
They don't seem to like the primary challenges very much.
Do you not find it odd that both sides do the exact same thing?
No. Why the fuck would I? That's why it's called the establishment and it's who Mac is cheerleading for.
Again, that's your narrative, not mine. It's not my responsibility to act according to your narrative. You act according to your narrative and I'll act according to mine. That's the disconnect you dumb Bingos seem to be having. You imagine everyone sees the same thing you do.

Well, do tell, is Biden better than Hillary? Is Biden better than Obama? Who do you think might emerge in 2028 that will be better?

They don't seem to like the primary challenges very much.

In the end the same party is sent back to DC and nothing ever changes.

What you do is the very definition of insanity
Well, do tell, is Biden better than Hillary? Is Biden better than Obama? Who do you think might emerge in 2028 that will be better?
Absolutely. Both Obama didn't support gay marriage until his second term, he kept Marijuana a schedule 1 narcotic, supported bank bail outs, tax cuts for the rich, drone striking Americans. Biden isn't the best but I believe his empathy can be used to push him more an issues I agree with than Obama or Hillary would be.
In the end the same party is sent back to DC and nothing ever changes.
Again, your narrative. I love to see the squad fight and grow their support election after election.
What you do is the very definition of insanity
Questioning your narratives? Do you imagine yourself beyond such things?
Well, if a bitterly divided electorate serves the interests of Democrats and Republicans, I guess it must be good for the country!

Go team!
Well, if a bitterly divided electorate serves the interests of Democrats and Republicans, I guess it must be good for the country!

Go team!
If strawmen were good arguments you wouldn't have to say them out of the side of your mouth.

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