Politico Presents Bizarre Election Year Black Swan Event Predictions


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Politico Presents Bizarre Election Year Black Swan Event Predictions

7 Jan 2024 ~~ By P.J. Gladnick

Politico had an unusual homework assignment for a number of futurists, political analysts, and prognosticators. It was to put on their Nostradamus caps to predict what, if any, Black Swan events could affect the 2024 presidential election. The results ranged from the somewhat reasonable to the downright bizarre as you can see in Friday's "The Unpredictable But Entirely Possible Events That Could Throw 2024 Into Turmoil."
One of the assignees was the melodramatic Marquette University political science professor, Julia Azari, who rather than write a simple prediction interpreted her job as writing a novel starting with the very Hemingwayisque title of her absurdly specific thus unintentionally hilarious.
Next up we have the head of the Galileo Project, Avi Loeb, who is so far up in the clouds beyond our solar system that he apparently overlooked the part of the assignment about the presidential campaign while focusing entirely on a Black Swan ET event.
Finally, we have a Black Swan event prediction that is a must for all such lists presented by liberals: Global Warming. Brought to you by one Bill McKibben (not to be confused with the Tampa Bill McKibben who is one of the five white guys at the October 19 Trump rally in Julia Azari's Black Swan novella).
Given that 2024 seems almost certain to break 2023’s global temperature record (and this year was already the hottest in 125,000 years), the physics of global warming indicate that we can expect … havoc.
The precise form it will take and spots it will strike can never be known in advance — some combination of fire, flood, storm, drought and sapping heat — but it would be a shock only if it didn’t happen. And perhaps when it does, it will be one more reminder of the folly of electing climate deniers to high office.
Fire, flood, storm, drought, sapping heat, and ingrown toenails. All can be blamed on the all-purpose global warming. And the fringe benefit is it would keep from electing "climate deniers" (aka Trump! Trump! Trump!)

This is from a hypothetical story about an altercation at a Trump rally, written by one of Politico's contributors: "Some question why the matter gets so much press when violence against people of color draws a fraction of the coverage."
A casual reader of this might assume that whites are murdering blacks in wildly disproportionate numbers, but the exact opposite is the case. For example, in 2019 566 whites were murdered by blacks, whereas only 246 blacks were murdered by whites. 92% of black murder victims were killed by other blacks.
So, to answer the Politico writer's question, the reason that the murders of black people receive so little attention is that 92% of the perps are black, and that doesn't serve the narrative.
It should be an interesting year.
I wonder what the Deep State powers have in store for us?

It should be an interesting year.
I wonder what the Deep State powers have in store for us?
Aren't you aware of much of it already ?
It is a law that Deep State always tell you their exact plans in advance

False Flag October 7 is proceeding to plan so far ---- escalation intended to involve US with Israel in their joint downfall .

Financial reset to remove Federal Reserve and US petro dollar --- hugely aided if US suicides itself in an expanded ME war

WHO to run another weaponised pandemic -- see new agreements that come into force this year world wide .

Further tightening of WEF Agenda 2030 Plan which is 100% public and is built totally around further Control .

Taking control of the Internet by pushing Gullibles to Chat variants which will all be politically and economically programme manipulated

Just for starters

The Unpredictable But Entirely Possible Events That Could Throw 2024 Into Turmoil​

A collection of futurists, political analysts and other prognosticators on the possible Black Swans of the presidential campaign.
The most likely scenarios I can imagine would be.

1 another pandemic of some sort. Something to force people to mail in vote, confused and scare people. Maybe covid part 2, maybe something else

2 a financial disaster of some sort that throws everything into chaos. This serves 2 purposes. One of them being that everything is upside down and people aren't focused on elections and allows for foul play in the elections and, two it allows for the switch to a digital currency which would mean loss of privacy and direct control over citizens.

3 some other Jan 6 insurrection nonsense cooked up, only worse. The current administration would love if republicans did something truly violent and damaging, especially if they could tie it to trump somehow. They could really begin a crackdown on republicans and people they don't like. All they need is an excuse to go after republicans and trump supporters.

And a extremely unlikely but still possible thing they could try is to make it so illegals can vote. We have several million illegals running around, if they can vote they sure as hell won't vote for the man who said he will kick them out.

If it looks like they will lose all control I wouldn't put it past them to pull the pins on all of the grenades on the way out the door just so they can spend the next 4 years bad mouthing trump and trying to impeach him.

What a 2024 Election Black Swan Sequence Looks Like

25 Mar 2024 ~~ By Capt. Seth Keshel

Capt. Keshel's article is too long and too varied to summarize;
Better for you to read it, digest it, and mull it over in your own mind.
Check out the posted comments in similar posts for other possibilities as a true "Black Swan" event can't be easily predicted.
IMHO, In the fair world ruled by laws and the Constitution, it is absolutely impossible for Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/Ware/Pedo Peter, Joseph Robinette Biden can win in November with his record of failures and disaster.
However, don’t expect Democrat Neo-Marxists to be good sports and take the loss like adults. They have clearly shown that there is nothing too destructive or vile they won’t employ to keep their grasp on power as we've seen by their applications of biased media propaganda and Lawfare since January 21, 2021.

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