Pelosi questions Trump's health, says ‘we’re going to be talking about the 25th Amendment’

Hey, I called it! Post Wuhan Virus and this was the End Game the moment he contracted it. It's so transparent that I called it immediately. Big donors in big cities are unhappy.

Right after Trump cancelled the debates too. Weird...

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi made a dramatic announcement during her weekly press conference Thursday by telling reporters that she intends to discuss a constitutional measure to remove President Trump from office, following questions regarding Trump's health as he recovers from coronavirus.

The 25th Amendment allows for the vice president to become acting president if is determined that the president "is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office."

"Tomorrow, by the way, tomorrow, come here tomorrow," Pelosi said. "We're going to be talking about the 25th Amendment."

Pelosi had earlier questioned the status of Trump's health, as well as exactly how long he has had COVID-19.

“I think that the public needs to know the health condition of the President," Pelosi said. "There's one question that he refused to answer … when was his last negative test?" Pelosi said that this information is necessary in order to “make a judgment about the actions that were taken after that.”
Trump is not cognitively compromised and his health is no longer a concern as he is recovering.. She has no basis...

Proof positive they have lost the last debate.. They are in shear panic mode today...
The House has NOTHING to do with the 25th amendment at all. They can talk all they want about it, doesn't mean shit.
/—-/ Just another false flag to gin up donations to the DNC.
Hey, I called it! Post Wuhan Virus and this was the End Game the moment he contracted it. It's so transparent that I called it immediately. Big donors in big cities are unhappy.

Right after Trump cancelled the debates too. Weird...

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi made a dramatic announcement during her weekly press conference Thursday by telling reporters that she intends to discuss a constitutional measure to remove President Trump from office, following questions regarding Trump's health as he recovers from coronavirus.

The 25th Amendment allows for the vice president to become acting president if is determined that the president "is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office."

"Tomorrow, by the way, tomorrow, come here tomorrow," Pelosi said. "We're going to be talking about the 25th Amendment."

Pelosi had earlier questioned the status of Trump's health, as well as exactly how long he has had COVID-19.

“I think that the public needs to know the health condition of the President," Pelosi said. "There's one question that he refused to answer … when was his last negative test?" Pelosi said that this information is necessary in order to “make a judgment about the actions that were taken after that.”
That's cool nancy, you do that, the rest of us are talking about the second amendment.
Hey, I called it! Post Wuhan Virus and this was the End Game the moment he contracted it. It's so transparent that I called it immediately. Big donors in big cities are unhappy.

Right after Trump cancelled the debates too. Weird...

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi made a dramatic announcement during her weekly press conference Thursday by telling reporters that she intends to discuss a constitutional measure to remove President Trump from office, following questions regarding Trump's health as he recovers from coronavirus.

The 25th Amendment allows for the vice president to become acting president if is determined that the president "is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office."

"Tomorrow, by the way, tomorrow, come here tomorrow," Pelosi said. "We're going to be talking about the 25th Amendment."

Pelosi had earlier questioned the status of Trump's health, as well as exactly how long he has had COVID-19.

“I think that the public needs to know the health condition of the President," Pelosi said. "There's one question that he refused to answer … when was his last negative test?" Pelosi said that this information is necessary in order to “make a judgment about the actions that were taken after that.”

Impeachment wont work in trumps second term so she is lining up the next thing.
Nancy Pelosi says 25th amdt commission isn’t for Trump, but for “future presidents”
Pelosi: ‘This is not about Pres. Trump. He will face the judgment of the voters. But he shows the need to create a process for future presidents … a president’s fitness for office must be determined by science and facts’

So who's if for? Biden? :laughing0301:
Nancy Pelosi says 25th amdt commission isn’t for Trump, but for “future presidents”
Pelosi: ‘This is not about Pres. Trump. He will face the judgment of the voters. But he shows the need to create a process for future presidents … a president’s fitness for office must be determined by science and facts’

So who's if for? Biden? :laughing0301:
/——/ yes. It’s intended to get Dementia Joe out of the way so Kameltoe Harris, who didn’t get one vote, can be president. DemocRATs know they can’t get a uber liberal in the White House as my other way.
Hey, I called it! Post Wuhan Virus and this was the End Game the moment he contracted it. It's so transparent that I called it immediately. Big donors in big cities are unhappy.

Right after Trump cancelled the debates too. Weird...

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi made a dramatic announcement during her weekly press conference Thursday by telling reporters that she intends to discuss a constitutional measure to remove President Trump from office, following questions regarding Trump's health as he recovers from coronavirus.

The 25th Amendment allows for the vice president to become acting president if is determined that the president "is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office."

"Tomorrow, by the way, tomorrow, come here tomorrow," Pelosi said. "We're going to be talking about the 25th Amendment."

Pelosi had earlier questioned the status of Trump's health, as well as exactly how long he has had COVID-19.

“I think that the public needs to know the health condition of the President," Pelosi said. "There's one question that he refused to answer … when was his last negative test?" Pelosi said that this information is necessary in order to “make a judgment about the actions that were taken after that.”
Mentally sick Nancy Pelosi questions anyone else's state of mind. Someone reopen Bedlam and deposit nutcase nancy there!
Pelosi questions Trump's health?
What the hell does she think of Biden's health? :auiqs.jpg:

This could be a prelude to removing BIDEN should the democrats cheat out a "win."
there is no doubt in my mind about that. The stage is set to get a communist in the White House via the back door
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Pelosi questions Trump's health?
What the hell does she think of Biden's health? :auiqs.jpg:

This could be a prelude to removing BIDEN should the democrats cheat out a "win."
there is no doubt in my mind about that. The stage is set to get a communist in the White House via the back door
Too bad they never enforced Ike's Anti communist Law of 1954. Today's sociocommunist Democrat far left has been pushed, because quite frankly, Ike had it so right: communists destroy the precept of shared government and eventually start eliminating anyone who shows why the communist government has a bad. By elimination, the process is usually assassination by KGB, except in the case of well-liked dignitaries who are sent to a retraining camp in windblown, subzero Siberia where short sentencing turns into years.
Hey, I called it! Post Wuhan Virus and this was the End Game the moment he contracted it. It's so transparent that I called it immediately. Big donors in big cities are unhappy.

Right after Trump cancelled the debates too. Weird...

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi made a dramatic announcement during her weekly press conference Thursday by telling reporters that she intends to discuss a constitutional measure to remove President Trump from office, following questions regarding Trump's health as he recovers from coronavirus.

The 25th Amendment allows for the vice president to become acting president if is determined that the president "is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office."

"Tomorrow, by the way, tomorrow, come here tomorrow," Pelosi said. "We're going to be talking about the 25th Amendment."

Pelosi had earlier questioned the status of Trump's health, as well as exactly how long he has had COVID-19.

“I think that the public needs to know the health condition of the President," Pelosi said. "There's one question that he refused to answer … when was his last negative test?" Pelosi said that this information is necessary in order to “make a judgment about the actions that were taken after that.”
Fake News. This goes nowhere without the VP being on board. They are claiming this is being sought for Trump, when the net's being spread for Biden. Smirky Kamala will get right on it.

Kamala Harris Bravely Defies Mansplaining ‘Do Not Eat’ Warning On Silica Gel Packet.

"This is what women have to deal with every day," Kamala said to her captive audience, which was literally captive because she had captured them. "We buy a pretty pair of heels on Amazon and when we open the package, we are assaulted by patriarchal mansplaining from these silica gel packets in the box. Who says we can't eat them? Did a man write this?"

Kamala Harris began popping them in her mouth one at a time and swallowing them. "What are these even made of?" she said. "They're not bad! They taste like male tears and female empowerment!"

The audience stood and cheered wildly, obviously touched by this powerful statement.

Media crews are currently monitoring Senator Harris to make sure they record what happens next since everyone wonders what happens when you eat those things.

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