Our Incompetent Elite Is Opening Up America To Attack


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Our Incompetent Elite Is Opening Up America to Attack

9 Jan 2024 ~~ By Burt Schlichter

My first Townhall Column of the year was my top 2024 predictions, but one prediction did not fit with its snarky vibe. Let me make it now. In 2024, we’re going to see a massive terrorist attack here in the United States. I’m not going to sugarcoat it – I’m worried that we’re facing a terrorist threat unlike anything we’ve ever seen and that a lot of Americans are going to die. It does not have to happen, but because the people running this country are so corrupt, malicious, and incompetent, it will.
The people running this country have made choices – like throwing open the border – that are going to kill a lot of Americans because our enemies, unlike our alleged leaders, are serious people. They’re serious about subjugating and killing us. But the only things our leadership is serious about are keeping their names off pervert passenger lists, skimming endless Ukrainian cash, and pronouns, pronouns, pronouns, always pronouns. We have a distinctly unserious elite in the most serious of times.
What would be the effect if our jihadist enemies launched such an attack here in America? Again, while they would target some infrastructure – we are enormously vulnerable because we imagine we are safe – the real target would be the heart of our country. They would seek to use hideous bloodshed and publicized atrocities – including rape and mutilation – to scare us into folding up into the fetal position and pulling back from the world in reaction to the sheer scope of the violence and murder they would inflict. Imagine – because they have – murders and atrocities across the country, uploaded on the web, with waves of strikes occurring inside the decision cycle of our totally inept current administration, politicized federal law enforcement, and woke military.
It can happen. I fear it will.
Do you think the enemy doesn’t see our weakness? Do you think the enemy hasn’t thought about this? No, the enemy knows exactly where we are vulnerable, and that’s where we’re going to strike, just like Hamas did to Israel. They are weaker than us militarily, but I fear they are stronger than us in terms of commitment. As we saw with the Claudine Gay nonsense, our elite is committed to nothing but the perpetuation of its own scummy power. It’s not competent, it’s not courageous, and it’s not capable. It’s weak, and it’s stupid – America is run by Fredos, who insist they aren’t dumb like everybody says, that they’re smart and want respect.

The elite are CORRUPT. They care only about enriching themselves and all the perks that go along with being in power. They are bought and paid for by wealthy donors who care about themselves.
Thus, the reason, we see more than $100 billion poured into Ukraine but were told $3.5 billion for a border wall was too costly.
The cartels now get $10k per person to lead economic opportunists to be processed by border agents. Does anyone really think they don’t have pricier concierge service which guarantees undetected, no questions asked entry?
This is not incompetence but by devious design.
Tax paying Americans have become the silent partners as Obama's Fundamental Transformation of America continues.

Our Incompetent Elite Is Opening Up America to Attack

9 Jan 2024 ~~ By Burt Schlichter

My first Townhall Column of the year was my top 2024 predictions, but one prediction did not fit with its snarky vibe. Let me make it now. In 2024, we’re going to see a massive terrorist attack here in the United States. I’m not going to sugarcoat it – I’m worried that we’re facing a terrorist threat unlike anything we’ve ever seen and that a lot of Americans are going to die. It does not have to happen, but because the people running this country are so corrupt, malicious, and incompetent, it will.
The people running this country have made choices – like throwing open the border – that are going to kill a lot of Americans because our enemies, unlike our alleged leaders, are serious people. They’re serious about subjugating and killing us. But the only things our leadership is serious about are keeping their names off pervert passenger lists, skimming endless Ukrainian cash, and pronouns, pronouns, pronouns, always pronouns. We have a distinctly unserious elite in the most serious of times.
What would be the effect if our jihadist enemies launched such an attack here in America? Again, while they would target some infrastructure – we are enormously vulnerable because we imagine we are safe – the real target would be the heart of our country. They would seek to use hideous bloodshed and publicized atrocities – including rape and mutilation – to scare us into folding up into the fetal position and pulling back from the world in reaction to the sheer scope of the violence and murder they would inflict. Imagine – because they have – murders and atrocities across the country, uploaded on the web, with waves of strikes occurring inside the decision cycle of our totally inept current administration, politicized federal law enforcement, and woke military.
It can happen. I fear it will.
Do you think the enemy doesn’t see our weakness? Do you think the enemy hasn’t thought about this? No, the enemy knows exactly where we are vulnerable, and that’s where we’re going to strike, just like Hamas did to Israel. They are weaker than us militarily, but I fear they are stronger than us in terms of commitment. As we saw with the Claudine Gay nonsense, our elite is committed to nothing but the perpetuation of its own scummy power. It’s not competent, it’s not courageous, and it’s not capable. It’s weak, and it’s stupid – America is run by Fredos, who insist they aren’t dumb like everybody says, that they’re smart and want respect.

The elite are CORRUPT. They care only about enriching themselves and all the perks that go along with being in power. They are bought and paid for by wealthy donors who care about themselves.
Thus, the reason, we see more than $100 billion poured into Ukraine but were told $3.5 billion for a border wall was too costly.
The cartels now get $10k per person to lead economic opportunists to be processed by border agents. Does anyone really think they don’t have pricier concierge service which guarantees undetected, no questions asked entry?
This is not incompetence but by devious design.
Tax paying Americans have become the silent partners as Obama's Fundamental Transformation of America continues.
Fear nongering banal codswallop inteded to weaken anddivide us. It is what Fascists do
''Fear-mongering banal codswallop intended to weaken and divide us. It is what Fascists do. '' I cleaned it up for you :)

My response is 9-11, Pearl Harbor, Oklahoma Federal Building. No matter the group foreign or domestic we are coming across as weak and just like in the past the enemies of democracy and freedom are always on the lookout for an attack so also I do expect some sort of an attack against the U.S.A.
It's desperation in an election year where they know they already in big trouble 11 months out.
Just stirring the pot up.

If there is a Black Swan event in '24 I look forward to the mental gymnastics of the dems trying to blame it on Orange Man Bad.

I doubt there will be anything widespread. Maybe a tiny local thing. Too many Americans are armed citizens.

either way, better watch for jihad

Not Imitating Death Wish Is a Death Wish

Afram savages have already ransacked our cities. I don't see any "armed citizens" doing anything to put an end to that invasion from within.

Our Incompetent Elite Is Opening Up America to Attack

9 Jan 2024 ~~ By Burt Schlichter

My first Townhall Column of the year was my top 2024 predictions, but one prediction did not fit with its snarky vibe. Let me make it now. In 2024, we’re going to see a massive terrorist attack here in the United States. I’m not going to sugarcoat it – I’m worried that we’re facing a terrorist threat unlike anything we’ve ever seen and that a lot of Americans are going to die. It does not have to happen, but because the people running this country are so corrupt, malicious, and incompetent, it will.
The people running this country have made choices – like throwing open the border – that are going to kill a lot of Americans because our enemies, unlike our alleged leaders, are serious people. They’re serious about subjugating and killing us. But the only things our leadership is serious about are keeping their names off pervert passenger lists, skimming endless Ukrainian cash, and pronouns, pronouns, pronouns, always pronouns. We have a distinctly unserious elite in the most serious of times.
What would be the effect if our jihadist enemies launched such an attack here in America? Again, while they would target some infrastructure – we are enormously vulnerable because we imagine we are safe – the real target would be the heart of our country. They would seek to use hideous bloodshed and publicized atrocities – including rape and mutilation – to scare us into folding up into the fetal position and pulling back from the world in reaction to the sheer scope of the violence and murder they would inflict. Imagine – because they have – murders and atrocities across the country, uploaded on the web, with waves of strikes occurring inside the decision cycle of our totally inept current administration, politicized federal law enforcement, and woke military.
It can happen. I fear it will.
Do you think the enemy doesn’t see our weakness? Do you think the enemy hasn’t thought about this? No, the enemy knows exactly where we are vulnerable, and that’s where we’re going to strike, just like Hamas did to Israel. They are weaker than us militarily, but I fear they are stronger than us in terms of commitment. As we saw with the Claudine Gay nonsense, our elite is committed to nothing but the perpetuation of its own scummy power. It’s not competent, it’s not courageous, and it’s not capable. It’s weak, and it’s stupid – America is run by Fredos, who insist they aren’t dumb like everybody says, that they’re smart and want respect.

The elite are CORRUPT. They care only about enriching themselves and all the perks that go along with being in power. They are bought and paid for by wealthy donors who care about themselves.
Thus, the reason, we see more than $100 billion poured into Ukraine but were told $3.5 billion for a border wall was too costly.
The cartels now get $10k per person to lead economic opportunists to be processed by border agents. Does anyone really think they don’t have pricier concierge service which guarantees undetected, no questions asked entry?
This is not incompetence but by devious design.
Tax paying Americans have become the silent partners as Obama's Fundamental Transformation of America continues.
Magaturd fear porn.

Our Incompetent Elite Is Opening Up America to Attack

9 Jan 2024 ~~ By Burt Schlichter

My first Townhall Column of the year was my top 2024 predictions, but one prediction did not fit with its snarky vibe. Let me make it now. In 2024, we’re going to see a massive terrorist attack here in the United States. I’m not going to sugarcoat it – I’m worried that we’re facing a terrorist threat unlike anything we’ve ever seen and that a lot of Americans are going to die. It does not have to happen, but because the people running this country are so corrupt, malicious, and incompetent, it will.
The people running this country have made choices – like throwing open the border – that are going to kill a lot of Americans because our enemies, unlike our alleged leaders, are serious people. They’re serious about subjugating and killing us. But the only things our leadership is serious about are keeping their names off pervert passenger lists, skimming endless Ukrainian cash, and pronouns, pronouns, pronouns, always pronouns. We have a distinctly unserious elite in the most serious of times.
What would be the effect if our jihadist enemies launched such an attack here in America? Again, while they would target some infrastructure – we are enormously vulnerable because we imagine we are safe – the real target would be the heart of our country. They would seek to use hideous bloodshed and publicized atrocities – including rape and mutilation – to scare us into folding up into the fetal position and pulling back from the world in reaction to the sheer scope of the violence and murder they would inflict. Imagine – because they have – murders and atrocities across the country, uploaded on the web, with waves of strikes occurring inside the decision cycle of our totally inept current administration, politicized federal law enforcement, and woke military.
It can happen. I fear it will.
Do you think the enemy doesn’t see our weakness? Do you think the enemy hasn’t thought about this? No, the enemy knows exactly where we are vulnerable, and that’s where we’re going to strike, just like Hamas did to Israel. They are weaker than us militarily, but I fear they are stronger than us in terms of commitment. As we saw with the Claudine Gay nonsense, our elite is committed to nothing but the perpetuation of its own scummy power. It’s not competent, it’s not courageous, and it’s not capable. It’s weak, and it’s stupid – America is run by Fredos, who insist they aren’t dumb like everybody says, that they’re smart and want respect.

The elite are CORRUPT. They care only about enriching themselves and all the perks that go along with being in power. They are bought and paid for by wealthy donors who care about themselves.
Thus, the reason, we see more than $100 billion poured into Ukraine but were told $3.5 billion for a border wall was too costly.
The cartels now get $10k per person to lead economic opportunists to be processed by border agents. Does anyone really think they don’t have pricier concierge service which guarantees undetected, no questions asked entry?
This is not incompetence but by devious design.
Tax paying Americans have become the silent partners as Obama's Fundamental Transformation of America continues.
The deep state is deeply stupid.
With all the millions of innocent civilians we have murdered, we certainly deserve being attacked.
And an attack is easy, since we have far less internal security than most places.
But it never does any good, so there is no reason to assume anyone would bother.
For example, Osma bin Laden was correct that the US deserved retribution for our war crimes with Desert Storm, the Highway of Death, Vietnam, Grenada, Panama, etc., but 9/11 did nothing but give us an excuse to steal Iraqi oil.
You have made no point whatsoever, excalibur, other than you never should be hired for thoughtful columns.

Good heavens. :)

Our Incompetent Elite Is Opening Up America to Attack

9 Jan 2024 ~~ By Burt Schlichter

My first Townhall Column of the year was my top 2024 predictions, but one prediction did not fit with its snarky vibe. Let me make it now. In 2024, we’re going to see a massive terrorist attack here in the United States. I’m not going to sugarcoat it – I’m worried that we’re facing a terrorist threat unlike anything we’ve ever seen and that a lot of Americans are going to die. It does not have to happen, but because the people running this country are so corrupt, malicious, and incompetent, it will.
The people running this country have made choices – like throwing open the border – that are going to kill a lot of Americans because our enemies, unlike our alleged leaders, are serious people. They’re serious about subjugating and killing us. But the only things our leadership is serious about are keeping their names off pervert passenger lists, skimming endless Ukrainian cash, and pronouns, pronouns, pronouns, always pronouns. We have a distinctly unserious elite in the most serious of times.
What would be the effect if our jihadist enemies launched such an attack here in America? Again, while they would target some infrastructure – we are enormously vulnerable because we imagine we are safe – the real target would be the heart of our country. They would seek to use hideous bloodshed and publicized atrocities – including rape and mutilation – to scare us into folding up into the fetal position and pulling back from the world in reaction to the sheer scope of the violence and murder they would inflict. Imagine – because they have – murders and atrocities across the country, uploaded on the web, with waves of strikes occurring inside the decision cycle of our totally inept current administration, politicized federal law enforcement, and woke military.
It can happen. I fear it will.
Do you think the enemy doesn’t see our weakness? Do you think the enemy hasn’t thought about this? No, the enemy knows exactly where we are vulnerable, and that’s where we’re going to strike, just like Hamas did to Israel. They are weaker than us militarily, but I fear they are stronger than us in terms of commitment. As we saw with the Claudine Gay nonsense, our elite is committed to nothing but the perpetuation of its own scummy power. It’s not competent, it’s not courageous, and it’s not capable. It’s weak, and it’s stupid – America is run by Fredos, who insist they aren’t dumb like everybody says, that they’re smart and want respect.

The elite are CORRUPT. They care only about enriching themselves and all the perks that go along with being in power. They are bought and paid for by wealthy donors who care about themselves.
Thus, the reason, we see more than $100 billion poured into Ukraine but were told $3.5 billion for a border wall was too costly.
The cartels now get $10k per person to lead economic opportunists to be processed by border agents. Does anyone really think they don’t have pricier concierge service which guarantees undetected, no questions asked entry?
This is not incompetence but by devious design.
Tax paying Americans have become the silent partners as Obama's Fundamental Transformation of America continues.
Who wants to bet that “massive” will be in the eye of the beholder? :cool-45:

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