One teenager in Iowa costs 12 million a year to insure

You have to have ins to drive and now you will have to have ins to live.

Yes, but with auto insurance if you are a bad risk you have to pay a higher premium. In health care if you are a bad risk everyone else has to pay a higher premium.

That's because what we have is not health insurance. It is deceptively referred to as insurance, when in fact what we have are healthcare plans
Or, in this case, what should we do when it's more expense than an insurance company can afford? Or more expensive than a state can afford? More expensive than a nation can afford?

1 full time doctor may cost half a million a year. $1000 in medicine a day comes to $365000 a year. Nation can borrow more, or control the price.

I see. No upper limit, eh?
I see lots of complaints about tax payers covering the bill. Why is no one asking why it costs $1million a month?

Because it's not the specifics of this one situation that matter. The question is, what do we do when it costs too much to keep someone alive?
I see lots of complaints about tax payers covering the bill. Why is no one asking why it costs $1million a month?

Because it's not the specifics of this one situation that matter. The question is, what do we do when it costs too much to keep someone alive?
Why Chemotherapy That Costs $70,000 in the U.S. Costs $2,500 in India

I disagree

You disagree with what? I'm not saying health care isn't over-priced. But there are always going to be the upper limit cases. Modern medicine can generally do far more than most of us can afford in terms of keeping people alive. Should we break the bank on every single case?

I'm mostly try to wake people up and challenge that childish assumption that "no one should die because they can't afford health care". Ultimately, we all die because we can't afford enough health care to keep us alive.
I see lots of complaints about tax payers covering the bill. Why is no one asking why it costs $1million a month?

Because it's not the specifics of this one situation that matter. The question is, what do we do when it costs too much to keep someone alive?
Why Chemotherapy That Costs $70,000 in the U.S. Costs $2,500 in India

I disagree

You disagree with what? I'm not saying health care isn't over-priced. But there are always going to be the upper limit cases. Modern medicine can generally do far more than most of us can afford in terms of keeping people alive. Should we break the bank on every single case?

I'm mostly try to wake people up and challenge that childish assumption that "no one should die because they can't afford health care". Ultimately, we all die because we can't afford enough health care to keep us alive.
Didn't say we should break the bank on every single case.....................said that Medical Treatment is too danged high............which is a leading contributor of why we can't afford enough health care to keep us alive.

To dying .................There are limits on Doctors and Medicines to keep people alive...........We are Human after all.
I see lots of complaints about tax payers covering the bill. Why is no one asking why it costs $1million a month?

Because it's not the specifics of this one situation that matter. The question is, what do we do when it costs too much to keep someone alive?
Why Chemotherapy That Costs $70,000 in the U.S. Costs $2,500 in India

I disagree

You disagree with what? I'm not saying health care isn't over-priced. But there are always going to be the upper limit cases. Modern medicine can generally do far more than most of us can afford in terms of keeping people alive. Should we break the bank on every single case?

I'm mostly try to wake people up and challenge that childish assumption that "no one should die because they can't afford health care". Ultimately, we all die because we can't afford enough health care to keep us alive.
Didn't say we should break the bank on every single case.....................said that Medical Treatment is too danged high............which is a leading contributor of why we can't afford enough health care to keep us alive.

To dying .................There are limits on Doctors and Medicines to keep people alive...........We are Human after all.

I appreciate that, and I certainly agree with you that health care prices are too high. But how we answer the question I'm asking ("What do we do when someone can't afford health care?") directly impacts those prices. If consumers are spending someone else's money they will invariably drive prices up. And that's what's happened. The more we've tried to convince ourselves we really can get something for nothing, the more prices have inflated.
I see lots of complaints about tax payers covering the bill. Why is no one asking why it costs $1million a month?

Because it's not the specifics of this one situation that matter. The question is, what do we do when it costs too much to keep someone alive?
Why Chemotherapy That Costs $70,000 in the U.S. Costs $2,500 in India

I disagree

You disagree with what? I'm not saying health care isn't over-priced. But there are always going to be the upper limit cases. Modern medicine can generally do far more than most of us can afford in terms of keeping people alive. Should we break the bank on every single case?

I'm mostly try to wake people up and challenge that childish assumption that "no one should die because they can't afford health care". Ultimately, we all die because we can't afford enough health care to keep us alive.
Didn't say we should break the bank on every single case.....................said that Medical Treatment is too danged high............which is a leading contributor of why we can't afford enough health care to keep us alive.

To dying .................There are limits on Doctors and Medicines to keep people alive...........We are Human after all.

I appreciate that, and I certainly agree with you that health care prices are too high. But how we answer the question I'm asking ("What do we do when someone can't afford health care?") directly impacts those prices. If consumers are spending someone else's money they will invariably drive prices up. And that's what's happened. The more we've tried to convince ourselves we really can get something for nothing, the more prices have inflated.
Just as we have wind pools..........we must expand high risk pools..............the new bill does that but not enough...............

It is these costs that made the insurance companies leave exchanges.
The world is ignoring nature's law concerning survival of the fittest. We are breeding ourselves out of existence. It's gonna get us faster than faux global whatever. More painfully, too. If we wanted to get it over with it more quickly we could just restrict marriage to brothers and sisters. Side effect, though, would be rapid growth of The Democrat Party. But only for a few years.
Why is it so hard to simply admit that it isn't worth twelve million dollars a year to keep one person alive?

Tell is that when it is a loved one of yours, or if you are a completely selfish ass, when it's you.

Why are you making this personal? I'm not asking anyone to place a dollar value on their loved ones - I certainly don't. But if we're going to make health care an issue of public policy, we're going to have to make these kinds of decisions. Should we spend $1M a month keeping one kid alive, or spread it around? If we could, instead, save a hundred kids who only needed $10K a month each, what would you do? The fact of the matter is, our wealth isn't unlimited. It will always come down to tradeoffs like this.
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