Obama Was Behind Russian Collusion Like I Said Years Ago

Obama worked out arrangements for foreign countries to spy on Trump officials.

Yes, Obama is a traitor.

This pretty much seals it.

Meanwhile Biden lied to us claiming Trump told Russia to invade NATO countries.

The Obama/Biden cabal is nothing but a pack of lies.

With every problem, always focus on ROOT CAUSE. Case in point OBAMA.
Thread summary: The Trump loser-traitor shithumans are off the rails again.

And why are they off the rails? They're hardcore addicts. They're addicted to the dopamine rush they get from hating. Thus, they kiss the ass of anyone who'll give them their daily hate-fix.
Thread summary: The Trump loser-traitor shithumans are off the rails again.

And why are they off the rails? They're hardcore addicts. They're addicted to the dopamine rush they get from hating. Thus, they kiss the ass of anyone who'll give them their daily hate-fix.
What does saying Obama and others are guilty of crimes that is hateful? Facts are facts.
Obama very liked hoaxed his country into not invading Syria. He offered a 'redline' to Assad that Assad could agree upon.

Both Russia and America searched Syria for WMD's and found none.

Coaxed his country ? What country? What are you talking about?
With every problem, always focus on ROOT CAUSE. Case in point OBAMA.

Absolutely. ^^^

Who's your daddy!


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