Obama begs Americans to enroll in his failed healthcare plan

The ACA refusing to “fail on its own,” even with years of GOP sabotage piled onto it.
Its failed from the beginning....the whole thing was a lie and an attempt to make healthcare ins a new welfare program to take care of all of Obama's illegal border crashers....
Then it's a damned good thing Trump replaced it with his "beautiful" plan and we all have great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost now.


When is it the Federal Govt's job to do that? g5000
When Roe V Wade struck down abortion bans,
this didn't require replacing those laws with better ones.
It's not federal govt job's to do that, but states need to craft their own laws.
Same with striking down bans on gay marriage, that still
leave the responsibility to State legislatures not federal govt to reform laws.
Trump promised to replace Obamacare. He said he had a "beautiful" plan. Where is it, and why are you having such an obtuse problem understanding this?

I'm still trying to figure out why if Obamacare was going to do so much good and benefit so many people why it had to be mandated. Should't people flock to something that good without having to be forced?
The ACA refusing to “fail on its own,” even with years of GOP sabotage piled onto it.
Its failed from the beginning....the whole thing was a lie and an attempt to make healthcare ins a new welfare program to take care of all of Obama's illegal border crashers....
Then it's a damned good thing Trump replaced it with his "beautiful" plan and we all have great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost now.


When is it the Federal Govt's job to do that? g5000
When Roe V Wade struck down abortion bans,
this didn't require replacing those laws with better ones.
It's not federal govt job's to do that, but states need to craft their own laws.
Same with striking down bans on gay marriage, that still
leave the responsibility to State legislatures not federal govt to reform laws.
Trump promised to replace Obamacare. He said he had a "beautiful" plan. Where is it, and why are you having such an obtuse problem understanding this?

I'm still trying to figure out why if Obamacare was going to do so much good and benefit so many people why it had to be mandated. Should't people flock to something that good without having to be forced?

Adverse selection and insurance companies wouldn't have played along unless the mandate was included.
" Bilking The Public At Large "

* Too Many With Not Enough *
I do not believe we should try to force people to buy HCI or make them pay a penalty (tax) if they don't;
The impetus for reforming government health care is that the costs to those without health care was passed onto the government medicaid program that is driving up the national debt .

Accidentally destroy public property and they come after you with a civil infraction , but drop a baby you cannot afford and the taxpayer gets bilked for all they can give from politicians kissing babies to drool over breasts with milk .

Drive down the street without automotive insurance and screw up something and public policy is to get charged with a crime and sued for liability , but do not bother to have health insurance and expect to get treated and none have a care for how the expenses get paid .

The government does not behave as a private insurance company that takes in premiums and offsets losses with investment , and there is the added government agencies to deal with the private health care providers for claims ; and , insurance companies are for profit and negotiate the costs of procedures ( underhandedly for all we know ) rather than firmly setting them at a minor fraction .

Paying ones own way would only work if one does not get treated or penalized for not owning up to that responsibility , but as it is , every illegal migrant gets treated under medicaid to include anchor baby deliveries ( neonatal care $$$ ) and receives assi the same day .

If ACA told those paying insurance premiums that they would be taxed so that their premiums would be doubled to pay down the national debt due to medical expenses of the government , people would have revolted in the streets ; and , as it stands , insurance premiums for most have more than doubled and nothing has been done to mitigate the national debt .
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Its failed from the beginning....the whole thing was a lie and an attempt to make healthcare ins a new welfare program to take care of all of Obama's illegal border crashers....
Then it's a damned good thing Trump replaced it with his "beautiful" plan and we all have great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost now.


When is it the Federal Govt's job to do that? g5000
When Roe V Wade struck down abortion bans,
this didn't require replacing those laws with better ones.
It's not federal govt job's to do that, but states need to craft their own laws.
Same with striking down bans on gay marriage, that still
leave the responsibility to State legislatures not federal govt to reform laws.
Trump promised to replace Obamacare. He said he had a "beautiful" plan. Where is it, and why are you having such an obtuse problem understanding this?

I'm still trying to figure out why if Obamacare was going to do so much good and benefit so many people why it had to be mandated. Should't people flock to something that good without having to be forced?

Adverse selection and insurance companies wouldn't have played along unless the mandate was included.

That doesn't really have anything to do with why something claimed to be so good had to be mandated.
Then it's a damned good thing Trump replaced it with his "beautiful" plan and we all have great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost now.


When is it the Federal Govt's job to do that? g5000
When Roe V Wade struck down abortion bans,
this didn't require replacing those laws with better ones.
It's not federal govt job's to do that, but states need to craft their own laws.
Same with striking down bans on gay marriage, that still
leave the responsibility to State legislatures not federal govt to reform laws.
Trump promised to replace Obamacare. He said he had a "beautiful" plan. Where is it, and why are you having such an obtuse problem understanding this?

I'm still trying to figure out why if Obamacare was going to do so much good and benefit so many people why it had to be mandated. Should't people flock to something that good without having to be forced?

Adverse selection and insurance companies wouldn't have played along unless the mandate was included.

That doesn't really have anything to do with why something claimed to be so good had to be mandated.

It does if you do your own research.
When is it the Federal Govt's job to do that? g5000
When Roe V Wade struck down abortion bans,
this didn't require replacing those laws with better ones.
It's not federal govt job's to do that, but states need to craft their own laws.
Same with striking down bans on gay marriage, that still
leave the responsibility to State legislatures not federal govt to reform laws.
Trump promised to replace Obamacare. He said he had a "beautiful" plan. Where is it, and why are you having such an obtuse problem understanding this?

I'm still trying to figure out why if Obamacare was going to do so much good and benefit so many people why it had to be mandated. Should't people flock to something that good without having to be forced?

Adverse selection and insurance companies wouldn't have played along unless the mandate was included.

That doesn't really have anything to do with why something claimed to be so good had to be mandated.

It does if you do your own research.

If the insurance companies supported the mandate, the did so because of $$$$$$. That doesn't equate to it being a better system when it comes to care itself.
Trump promised to replace Obamacare. He said he had a "beautiful" plan. Where is it, and why are you having such an obtuse problem understanding this?

I'm still trying to figure out why if Obamacare was going to do so much good and benefit so many people why it had to be mandated. Should't people flock to something that good without having to be forced?

Adverse selection and insurance companies wouldn't have played along unless the mandate was included.

That doesn't really have anything to do with why something claimed to be so good had to be mandated.

It does if you do your own research.

If the insurance companies supported the mandate, the did so because of $$$$$$. That doesn't equate to it being a better system when it comes to care itself.

If? It was their doing, in the original form obama did not have mandate in it.

So you're saying the greedy insurance companies should have just taken all the sick people and have no healthy ones paying premiums to offset claims?
I'm still trying to figure out why if Obamacare was going to do so much good and benefit so many people why it had to be mandated. Should't people flock to something that good without having to be forced?

Adverse selection and insurance companies wouldn't have played along unless the mandate was included.

That doesn't really have anything to do with why something claimed to be so good had to be mandated.

It does if you do your own research.

If the insurance companies supported the mandate, the did so because of $$$$$$. That doesn't equate to it being a better system when it comes to care itself.

If? It was their doing, in the original form obama did not have mandate in it.

So you're saying the greedy insurance companies should have just taken all the sick people and have no healthy ones paying premiums to offset claims?

Apparently they didn't since Obama wanted it mandated.

Insurance companies should be able to take on or deny anyone they want based on a risk assessment.
I used it when I retired. Because I couldn’t get Medicare until I turned 65. And I retired at 63.
Thank you Obama.
Millions of Americans depend on it

Why haven’t republicans offered an alternative?

It's a scam, plain and simple. When you get sick you can't afford the deductibles.

If obozo care was so good, where are all the success stories?

All it is is a path to single payer

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