Obama begs Americans to enroll in his failed healthcare plan


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
This time, you really can keep your doctor if you sign on for Obamacare health insurance, claims former President Obama.

Obama Begs Americans To Enroll In His Failed Healthcare Plan

He is begging, he's conning, he knows his lovers can't say no even if they know his care is full of it.
Idiots will bite their noes to spite their faces. They self sabotage because when you are on the dumber side of humanity well it's easy to get you dumb asses to fall for anything as long as your in love with it.

It's going to be sooooo funny watching the idiots who listen to him come back six months later whining and crying they can't get coverage watch!!
"You're going to have such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost, and it's going to be so easy!"

This time, you really can keep your doctor if you sign on for Obamacare health insurance, claims former President Obama.

Obama Begs Americans To Enroll In His Failed Healthcare Plan

He is begging, he's conning, he knows his lovers can't say no even if they know his care is full of it.
Idiots will bite their noes to spite their faces. They self sabotage because when you are on the dumber side of humanity well it's easy to get you dumb asses to fall for anything as long as your in love with it.

It's going to be sooooo funny watching the idiots who listen to him come back six months later whining and crying they can't get coverage watch!!

Simple, get all the Democrats to pay for health care for the members who believe in health care for all.
Then use that platform to lobby to defund Prisons and the Death Penalty in order to fund enough
teaching hospitals and medical education programs and internships to serve in public health to meet this demand.

Since Democrats declare in their platform the belief that health care is a right,
and don't believe in the death penalty, why not allow them to fund what they believe in?

They want to adopt, sponsor and provide for migrant workers, they can build
campus jobs, housing, health care and services along the border. And send
people to schools instead of prisons, as long as they agree to support those
costs and quit funding war and the death penalty. (Other people who want to
fund military service and VA reform can pay for that, instead of paying for abortion,
drug use, illegal immigration/trafficking, and crimes that can be prevented
by working with Christian faith based groups to heal addictions and prevent abuses.)

Let people vote with their dollars and party members what programs they want to support.
then groups with more money and resources can mentor and microlend to help
groups with less to build their own programs to be sustainable instead of depending on govt.
The ACA refusing to “fail on its own,” even with years of GOP sabotage piled onto it.
Its failed from the beginning....the whole thing was a lie and an attempt to make healthcare ins a new welfare program to take care of all of Obama's illegal border crashers....
The ACA refusing to “fail on its own,” even with years of GOP sabotage piled onto it.
Its failed from the beginning....the whole thing was a lie and an attempt to make healthcare ins a new welfare program to take care of all of Obama's illegal border crashers....
Failed from the beginning? Hmm. Remember, enrollment for next year ends Satirday.
The ACA refusing to “fail on its own,” even with years of GOP sabotage piled onto it.
Its failed from the beginning....the whole thing was a lie and an attempt to make healthcare ins a new welfare program to take care of all of Obama's illegal border crashers....
Then it's a damned good thing Trump replaced it with his "beautiful" plan and we all have great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost now.

The ACA refusing to “fail on its own,” even with years of GOP sabotage piled onto it.
Its failed from the beginning....the whole thing was a lie and an attempt to make healthcare ins a new welfare program to take care of all of Obama's illegal border crashers....
Then it's a damned good thing Trump replaced it with his "beautiful" plan and we all have great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost now.


When is it the Federal Govt's job to do that? g5000
When Roe V Wade struck down abortion bans,
this didn't require replacing those laws with better ones.
It's not federal govt job's to do that, but states need to craft their own laws.
Same with striking down bans on gay marriage, that still
leave the responsibility to State legislatures not federal govt to reform laws.
Failed from the beginning? Hmm. Remember, enrollment for next year ends Satirday
Yes failed from the beginning....remember the web site roll out?.....are you on Obama care?....do you have a government subsidy?....if you do you are on welfare...enjoy!.....
Millions of Americans depend on it

Why haven’t republicans offered an alternative?
The ACA refusing to “fail on its own,” even with years of GOP sabotage piled onto it.
Its failed from the beginning....the whole thing was a lie and an attempt to make healthcare ins a new welfare program to take care of all of Obama's illegal border crashers....
Then it's a damned good thing Trump replaced it with his "beautiful" plan and we all have great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost now.


When is it the Federal Govt's job to do that? g5000
When Roe V Wade struck down abortion bans,
this didn't require replacing those laws with better ones.
It's not federal govt job's to do that, but states need to craft their own laws.
Same with striking down bans on gay marriage, that still
leave the responsibility to State legislatures not federal govt to reform laws.
Trump promised to replace Obamacare. He said he had a "beautiful" plan. Where is it, and why are you having such an obtuse problem understanding this?
The ACA refusing to “fail on its own,” even with years of GOP sabotage piled onto it.
Its failed from the beginning....the whole thing was a lie and an attempt to make healthcare ins a new welfare program to take care of all of Obama's illegal border crashers....
Then it's a damned good thing Trump replaced it with his "beautiful" plan and we all have great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost now.


When is it the Federal Govt's job to do that? g5000
When Roe V Wade struck down abortion bans,
this didn't require replacing those laws with better ones.
It's not federal govt job's to do that, but states need to craft their own laws.
Same with striking down bans on gay marriage, that still
leave the responsibility to State legislatures not federal govt to reform laws.
Trump promised to replace Obamacare. He said he had a "beautiful" plan. Where is it, and why are you having such an obtuse problem understanding this?

The solution is not going to come from Trump alone.
The solution will come from all parties providing for their own members
the policies and platforms they have promised.

So if Democrats want health care for all, this means Democrats fulfilling their
campaign promises and platform principles of REFORMING prisons and
criminal justice budgets to convert resources and facilities into
Teaching Hospitals, medical education training and treatment programs
in every district so there is equal and affordable access.

If Republicans keep promising to reform the VA, then their part in health
care reform can focus on Veteran benefits first, then caring for disabled
and elderly, and Catastrophic medical emergencies. And leave the daily
health care and routine medical services to people to choose whichever
"collective cooperative" plan they want to go with that respects their beliefs.
Prochoice advocates who want reproductive care for women can set up and fund those
programs with their taxes. Prolife advocates who don't want any public funds or taxes
going there can set up their own programs to fund and manage under terms they consent to as well.

The solutions will come from the people organized by State and/or by Party
because people have different beliefs about health care they refuse to compromise.

The President cannot dictate or set this up, nor can Congress.
We might be able to reach agreements on how to separate policies and funding
either by State or by Party or a combination of both, where only where all
parties AGREE on policy can that be federally funded where it doesn't
cause "taxation without representation" or "discrimination by creed."

Thank you g5000
Just because Trump doesn't have the solution
doesn't mean he isn't the key to pulling the best ideas
from all parties to FORM that solution. The Conservatives
who seem to have the best clues are Senator Rand Paul
promoting "associations" for providing health care that respects
free market choice, Sean Hannity and others pushing for
health care COOPERATIVES that reduce the monthly costs
while respecting free market choice and only relegating
"catastrophic" emergencies to the level of federal assistance,
while the Green Party progressives also push for locally
managed health services cooperatives as well.

The Democrats are as much if not more into CENSORING
the Green Progressive solutions because of this insistence on
"running health care through federal govt". This is why the
Socialistic approach clashes, because the politicians keep
pushing this "through" govt instead of developing the structures
and programs independently as locally owned cooperative networks.

If all the parties quit pushing the politics, then maybe we could
bring out the COMMON solution of "health care cooperatives"
that both left and right have been advocating, but this has
been censored because of the politics of "depending on govt."
Whether this means "depending on Democrats to get into office"
or "depending on Trump to push a solution" NEITHER is the solution!
The solution is the PEOPLE taking back control, ownership
and management of health care, and only using govt to set up the
sites in every district and licensing the medical education and practice.
But the actual terms and programs belong to the people to decide,
and then approving govt funding for what each district or state decides,
not govt deciding or dictating for us.
Thank you g5000
Just because Trump doesn't have the solution
doesn't mean he isn't the key to pulling the best ideas
from all parties to FORM that solution.

You still haven't caught on Trump was massively hoaxing you, have you. Just as the GOP massively hoaxed the rubes for seven years.

See the OP of this topic: The Emperor Has No Clothes

Trump has been so busy golfing, he forgot to fulfill his number one campaign promise.

"My first day in office, I'm going to ask Congress to put a bill on my desk getting rid of this disastrous law, and replacing it with reforms that expand choice, freedom, affordability. You're going to have such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost, and it's going to be so easy."

This is why we have Obamacare:

Thank you g5000
Just because Trump doesn't have the solution
doesn't mean he isn't the key to pulling the best ideas
from all parties to FORM that solution.

You still haven't caught on Trump was massively hoaxing you, have you. Just as the GOP massively hoaxed the rubes for seven years.

See the OP of this topic: The Emperor Has No Clothes

Trump has been so busy golfing, he forgot to fulfill his number one campaign promise.

"My first day in office, I'm going to ask Congress to put a bill on my desk getting rid of this disastrous law, and replacing it with reforms that expand choice, freedom, affordability. You're going to have such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost, and it's going to be so easy."

Dear g5000
I agree that Trump pushing a symbolic WALL is like Obama pushing symbolic "health care reform"

If you are saying Trump has no solution to replace "health care" policies
then the equivalent is the Democrats aren't offering solutions to replace the Wall either!

Same with Global Warming, it's all yes or no, and nobody's is talking about
real solutions that work INDEPENDENT of agreeing or disagreeing (with either Global Warming or the Wall or Health care through govt).

The solutions all come from people developing and investing
in educational and correctional programs DIRECTLY.

So until people depend and promote our own solutions,
you are right that ANYONE either Trump or Obama, either
the GOP or Democrats can "pimp the vote" and SAY they are fighting for this or that.

But the solutions we need to fund with our labor and resources
still rely on leadership and programs OUTSIDE of Govt, not funding more elections for symbolic talk.

BTW I still believe Trump's way of trumpeting his own ideas
IS the solution for EVERYONE to start advocating and organizing funding for THEIR best ideas.

We take the BEST IDEAS from every person and party that has one,
that IS the way to form a solution from all this shouting match going on.

Trump's insistence on speaking for himself is the right approach for everyone to take charge and leadership.
It's not about Trump but everyone being just like him and taking responsibility to promote our own visionary ideas and organizing funding support to back them up.
The ACA would have worked well if it had been free of pre existing conditions and epidemic deceases like obesity diabetes cancer and so on. Third world countries have successful national health care schemes. And this is why.
I think we'd be better off getting rid of ObamaCare and working out some kind of compromise deal. I do not believe we should try to force people to buy HCI or make them pay a penalty (tax) if they don't; I'd rather see a separate income or consumption tax of some kind that everybody pays to cover the costs of pre-existing conditions or catastrophic situations.
I think we'd be better off getting rid of ObamaCare and working out some kind of compromise deal. I do not believe we should try to force people to buy HCI or make them pay a penalty (tax) if they don't; I'd rather see a separate income or consumption tax of some kind that everybody pays to cover the costs of pre-existing conditions or catastrophic situations.
Vary interesting. Catastrophic situations are always insurable because they are random. But pre existing conditions are never insurable, so inventing a form of tax for them would be robbery.
The ACA refusing to “fail on its own,” even with years of GOP sabotage piled onto it.
Sorry but the gop didnt have to do any thing to hurt it .
It was designed to fail over tine after it destroyed our health care system so the si ngle payer socialist communist system could take over but it failed to fast.
Its lack of of affordable choices and affect on providers and insurance companys and excessive tax doom it .
I have to give obama some credit for a attempt but it was really a poorly planned effort.

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