Next... Anchor Babies.


Gold Member
May 7, 2010
Sooner State
Looks like Arizona legislators aren't done yet;
Arizona's Next Immigration Target: Children of Illegals - Yahoo! News

Anchor babies" isn't a very endearing term, but in Arizona those are the words being used to tag children born in the U.S. to illegal immigrants. While not new, the term is increasingly part of the local vernacular because the primary authors of the nation's toughest and most controversial immigration law are targeting these tots - the legal weights that anchor many undocumented aliens in the U.S. - for their next move.

Buoyed by recent public opinion polls suggesting they're on the right track with illegal immigration, Arizona Republicans will likely introduce legislation this fall that would deny birth certificates to children born in Arizona - and thus American citizens according to the U.S. Constitution - to parents who are not legal U.S. citizens. The law largely is the brainchild of state Sen. Russell Pearce, a Republican whose suburban district, Mesa, is considered the conservative bastion of the Phoenix political scene. He is a leading architect of the Arizona law that sparked outrage throughout the country: Senate Bill 1070, which allows law enforcement officers to ask about someone's immigration status during a traffic stop, detainment or arrest if reasonable suspicion exists - things like poor English skills, acting nervous or avoiding eye contact during a traffic stop.

So is Arizona going to far or is this another step in the right direction?
What would it take to get this done? Does it require an amendment or can the state just do it themselves?
American citizenship is the birthright of every child born here. This is a blatantly unconstitutional bill and one that does Arizona no good.

Wrong. If they are loyal to Mexico, kick em out! There will be a war with Mexico in the near future. You don't want to have to fight front and rear.
What would it take to get this done? Does it require an amendment or can the state just do it themselves?

They'd basically have to enact a new amendment to repeal the old(14th), like the 18th was repealed by the 21st. Can a State do it themeselves;
The Supremacy Clause and Federal Preemption

The preemption doctrine derives from the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution which states that the "Constitution and the laws of the United States...shall be the supreme law of the land...anything in the constitutions or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding." This means of course, that any federal law--even a regulation of a federal agency--trumps any conflicting state law.

Though I disagree that Federal law should be the "supreme law of the land" I am a firm believer that you can't pick and choose laws to abide by.
American citizenship is the birthright of every child born here. This is a blatantly unconstitutional bill and one that does Arizona no good.

Wrong. If they are loyal to Mexico, kick em out! There will be a war with Mexico in the near future. You don't want to have to fight front and rear.

What a horse's ass. In case you have not noticed, most newborns have no national allegiance. And WTF thinks we're going to war with Mexico? We can barely bring ourselves to stop gushing over Calderon.
American citizenship is the birthright of every child born here. This is a blatantly unconstitutional bill and one that does Arizona no good.

Wrong. If they are loyal to Mexico, kick em out! There will be a war with Mexico in the near future. You don't want to have to fight front and rear.

What a horse's ass. In case you have not noticed, most newborns have no national allegiance. And WTF thinks we're going to war with Mexico? We can barely bring ourselves to stop gushing over Calderon.

Though I wish I could disagree with Bullfighter on this one Madeline, I can't. I also think we're on the brink of a war with our Southern invaders. As for Our Government gushing over Calderon, the first shot will not come a soldier on either side but a group of "good" samaritans who are tired by the inaction of our elected officials...
Arizona has the ears of the nation. It has the opportunity to speak clearly and forcefully about the issues of illegal immigration. Legislation like this just plays into the hands of those who would like to persuade us that anyone who opposes Amnesty for illegals is a racist creep.

They are pissing away their credibility with this, and the chance to lead the nation away from the abyss. It's a terrible shame.
American citizenship is the birthright of every child born here. This is a blatantly unconstitutional bill and one that does Arizona no good.

Wrong. If they are loyal to Mexico, kick em out! There will be a war with Mexico in the near future. You don't want to have to fight front and rear.

What a horse's ass. In case you have not noticed, most newborns have no national allegiance. And WTF thinks we're going to war with Mexico? We can barely bring ourselves to stop gushing over Calderon.

Yes most not ALL. Just who do think is doing all the protesting in the state of CA? anchor babies who dont want their illegal parents deported. Anchor babies will vote and do anything to protect their illegal parents status in this country.
"Anchor babies" are American citizens. Not "anchor babies". Until the constitution changes, they deserve the same respect and decency as any other American citizen.
Polls have shown that Americans of Mexican dissent are divided on the issue of illegal immigration. Still, I don't doubt that the children of illegals love their parents and want them to stay. I fail to see why this natural human emotion is a cause to criticize them....would it be better if Mexican-Americans had no regard for their families? Do you love your parents? If their immigration status was challenged, would you help them?

My one uncle is the only "natural" American citizen of his generation. If my family had emigrated here from Japan or Germany and not Scotland, should we have been hated during WW II?

Your reasoning is crapola, syrenn, unless you are a Native American. And even then it's still crapola. It is not immoral to want a decent life for the people you love.
I don't disagree with you about wanting a decent life. Come here legally. Children of illegals are illegal.

Any child born in the US is an American citizen every bit as much as you are, syrenn. Wishing that were different is not going to change it...and in my opinion, it should not be changed.
Any child born in the US is an American citizen every bit as much as you are, syrenn. Wishing that were different is not going to change it...and in my opinion, it should not be changed.

Agreed and they do deserve all rights, their parents do not. You have a right to your opinion. :) I have a differing opinion and think the law needs to be changed.
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Wrong. If they are loyal to Mexico, kick em out! There will be a war with Mexico in the near future. You don't want to have to fight front and rear.

What a horse's ass. In case you have not noticed, most newborns have no national allegiance. And WTF thinks we're going to war with Mexico? We can barely bring ourselves to stop gushing over Calderon.

Yes most not ALL. Just who do think is doing all the protesting in the state of CA? anchor babies who dont want their illegal parents deported. Anchor babies will vote and do anything to protect their illegal parents status in this country.

If you are not loyal to the American system then OUT!

For those who are not supporting the federal laws of immigration today, maybe I won't support the FEDERAL/STATE/LOCAL INCOME TAX tomorrow.
Looks like Arizona legislators aren't done yet;
Arizona's Next Immigration Target: Children of Illegals - Yahoo! News

Anchor babies" isn't a very endearing term, but in Arizona those are the words being used to tag children born in the U.S. to illegal immigrants. While not new, the term is increasingly part of the local vernacular because the primary authors of the nation's toughest and most controversial immigration law are targeting these tots - the legal weights that anchor many undocumented aliens in the U.S. - for their next move.

Buoyed by recent public opinion polls suggesting they're on the right track with illegal immigration, Arizona Republicans will likely introduce legislation this fall that would deny birth certificates to children born in Arizona - and thus American citizens according to the U.S. Constitution - to parents who are not legal U.S. citizens. The law largely is the brainchild of state Sen. Russell Pearce, a Republican whose suburban district, Mesa, is considered the conservative bastion of the Phoenix political scene. He is a leading architect of the Arizona law that sparked outrage throughout the country: Senate Bill 1070, which allows law enforcement officers to ask about someone's immigration status during a traffic stop, detainment or arrest if reasonable suspicion exists - things like poor English skills, acting nervous or avoiding eye contact during a traffic stop.
So is Arizona going to far or is this another step in the right direction?
When the fed, including scotus, undermines American sovereignty, it;s well within Arizona's right to do what is necessary to do so.
American citizenship is the birthright of every child born here. This is a blatantly unconstitutional bill and one that does Arizona no good.

It's not unconstitutional at all. As children of non-citizens, they are citizens of their parents' country. Thus they are subject to that nation's jurisdiction and not wholly to that of the US. Hence they do not meet the conditions laid out in the 14th amendment.

What 'Subject to the Jurisdiction Thereof' Really Means
What a horse's ass. In case you have not noticed, most newborns have no national allegiance. And WTF thinks we're going to war with Mexico? We can barely bring ourselves to stop gushing over Calderon.

Yes most not ALL. Just who do think is doing all the protesting in the state of CA? anchor babies who dont want their illegal parents deported. Anchor babies will vote and do anything to protect their illegal parents status in this country.

If you are not loyal to the American system then OUT!

For those who are not supporting the federal laws of immigration today, maybe I won't support the FEDERAL/STATE/LOCAL INCOME TAX tomorrow.

WTF does it mean to "be loyal to the American system"? MY America system allows for freedom of speech and thought....I'm not obligated to bless everything the government does in order to remain here. And WTF would you deport me to anyway? Daddy was a Scottish immigrant but we can't even tell where Mommy was from, though my brother thinks she was Dutch. Gonna cut me in half and ship body parts all over Europe?

Reasonable, patriotic Americans can disagree about immigration just as they can anything else. If this offends you, move somewhere that group think is prized. May I suggest China?
American citizenship is the birthright of every child born here. This is a blatantly unconstitutional bill and one that does Arizona no good.

Wrong. If they are loyal to Mexico, kick em out! There will be a war with Mexico in the near future. You don't want to have to fight front and rear.

What a horse's ass. In case you have not noticed, most newborns have no national allegiance. And WTF thinks we're going to war with Mexico? We can barely bring ourselves to stop gushing over Calderon.

When a nation's army crosses national borders and threatens law enforcement, that's not a good sign for international relations.

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