New Rule: Identity Crisis | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

OP, what's a "Nascar voter?"

Or even a "suburban mom?"

How about "flyover country?"

or "Apalachian voter?"

Is there anything that all these decades old POLITICAL identities have in common?
Bill Maher hits another homerun with this one. Talking about how the democrats need to stop with the identity politics.

New Rule: Identity Crisis | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)​

The one the made me crack up. . . RuPaul a survivalist on a compound selling fossil fuels. :auiqs.jpg:

RuPaul Has a Fracking Empire on His Wyoming Ranch​


Bill Maher hits another homerun with this one. Talking about how the democrats need to stop with the identity politics.

New Rule: Identity Crisis | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)​

Ya know, I’ve always liked mahr. I know he’s a lefty, but, he seems to speak his mind, even when it’s counter productive to his own party. I think that’s a quality sorely lacking on both sides.
Bill Maher hits another homerun with this one. Talking about how the democrats need to stop with the identity politics.

New Rule: Identity Crisis | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)​

I don't know if you have ever watched Gutfeld's show. . . or if you have the attention span for long form sit down interviews, It you do, this might be of interest to you.

Hotep Jesus CALLS OUT Mainstream Media Lies | Maintaining With Tyrus​

You do know that Bill Maher is a shock comic who just says shit to wind people up.
There is no proof that this in not truthful PoV, and he does not mean what he says on this. He repeats this PoV in many of his Club Random sit downs.

. . . . you are an disinfo operative, whose standard operating procedure when you got nothing, is to slander information sources that blow holes in the narratives that you push. Intelligent folks know that this is a fallacy. :rolleyes:


. . . Another fail on your part! :lol:

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