Zone1 New religion of Nothingness and Darkness


Jun 9, 2019
Outline of new religion. I assume that God exists. He resides over space where there would be a higher vacuum (vacuum above the cosmic vacuum), which can be treated as nothingness. Some form of God includes the planetary system, above all the Earth and the Sun. Christ was one of his incarnations. There were more such incarnations-avatars than accepted in the Vishnu religion, which mentions only ten avatars. There were probably several dozen of them. It dates back to the appearance of Cro-Magnon Man, approximately 40,000 years ago. Of course, we can assume that there were also incarnations in earlier hominid forms, and there were many of them. Christ is an incarnation of a spiritual being (solar idealith) of the solar system, primarily the Sun, and can also be called the Sun God (let us recall the Egyptian religion). Although Christ was only one of the incarnations of a certain form of God, he is the last, tenth avatar of Vishnu, but I believe that he was not the last avatar and that there will be more.
Over the being of the Son Jesus extends the much greater and more powerful being of the Father. The Father covers the entire universe with his power. He is also the creator of the universe. Above I presented the order of cosmic structures.
As for the cult of the Virgin Mary, it is false. Mary actually migrated after Christ in subsequent human incarnations and will continue to migrate. Therefore, among other things, Marian sanctuaries are unnecessary. I will also add that the concept of the Apocalypse presented in the New Testament is fiction. Instead of Marian sanctuaries, sanctuaries of God the Father should be built. About ultramodern architecture. You can also simply build churches in honor of the Father, although currently there are Fatherly temples, namely synagogues and mosques. However, the portrayal of the Father as strict and threatening, as in Judaism and Islam, is not correct. The father is actually friendly and gentle.
Above the being of the Father resides the highest and most heavenly non-existence of Nothingness. Nothingness is actually the supreme God, or rather the Mother-Goddess, and creates everything. The Gorgias theory can be recalled here, but this would be its new and more interesting version.
Why you sleep at night. Because darkness is inactivity, also passivity, femininity. Darkness and Nothingness is passive, which is why it can take the form as if of a woman. For us humans, Nothingness takes the form as if of a goddess, a woman-mother, but this image should not be taken too literally. In fact, the statement that Nothingness is a woman should be treated as a pictorial metaphor. Nothingness also means freedom and liberty. Mystery is darkness. Nothingness is darkness. Nothingness is the deepest mystery. The doctrine and religion I have presented may seem beautiful because Nothingness and Darkness are beautiful. I would propose creating a new religion of Nothingness and building temples and sanctuaries of Nothingness, about ultramodern architecture. The religion of Nothingness should be considered the most important of all, the temples and sanctuaries of Nothingness the most important. Nothingness is the supreme God, the Mother-Goddess.
The condensation theory of Nothingness assumes that everything is just a condensed form of Nothingness and Darkness. Nothingness and Darkness as the Mother of all gives birth to the cosmos from the seed of the primeval singularity. This singularity was created by God the Father (cosmic idealith). The Father himself probably emerged from Nothingness and Darkness.


diagram. Nothingness is darkness. Symbol of new religion of Nothingness.

Gregory Podgorniak, Poland, 2024

People interested in creating and organizing a new religion of Nothingness, please contact me at the following e-mail address: [email protected]
My religion of Nothingness refers to the concept of the ancient philosophical system of the Greek sophist Gorgias. It also refers to its successors, the ancient Greek skeptics.
Taking five years to produce that bag of smelly socks is a personal disaster for you .
It is everything that you would expect Nothing to be .

I feel that you and one or two Greeks have overlooked the simple fact that a Vacuum is not Nothing .

Swallow Wiki ( even ! ) on the subject and get back to me with your revised edition :-

The effects of vacuum energy can be experimentally observed in various phenomena such as spontaneous emission, the Casimir effect, and the Lamb shift, and are thought to influence the behavior of the Universe on cosmological scales. Using the upper limit of the cosmological constant, the vacuum energy of free space has been estimated to be 10−9 joules (10−2 ergs), or ~5 GeV per cubic meter.[3] However, in quantum electrodynamics, consistency with the principle of Lorentz covariance and with the magnitude of the Planck constant suggests a much larger value of 10113 joules per cubic meter. This huge discrepancy is known as the cosmological constant problem or, colloquially, the "vacuum catastrophe.
I feel that you and one or two Greeks have overlooked the simple fact that a Vacuum is not Nothing
Of course, Vacuum is not Nothingness, because Nothingness is above the Vacuum, above the Space and above the Cosmos (Universe).
"Something" may be beyond the horizon of cosmos, and this "something" which is a greater emptiness than the emptiness of the cosmic vacuum is Nothingness.
Whether this Nothingness is complete emptiness or maybe it contains something is a separate issue.
Perhaps nothingness contains the firstfruits of space itself. And matter is woven from space.
Nothingness has certain zones, firstfruits of space, firstfruits of these firstfruits, and so on through a series of levels until complete Nothingness.

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