Zone1 My son had one of those Genealogy research things done

You can get different results from different test kits
Only if it's not YOUR DNA.

DNA is mostly carved in stone for every individual. The money from those cheap tests goes towards your test not into interpretation of results. Which is why I recommend getting the raw data download of your DNA.

The RNA? Not so much carved into stone. RNA has multiple functions...but it interprets your DNA (among other things) and can right wrongs, fight infections and make you bald or not depending if it wants to read the Snip that causes early baldness genes or not.
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The RNA? Not so much carved into stone. RNA has multiple functions...but it interprets your DNA (among other things) and can right wrongs, fight infections and make you bald or not depending if it wants to read the Snip that causes early baldness genes or not.
What the vaccines did to the RNA has yet to be determined.
Probably hoping to see some % of Native American. That's the family tales passed down from generation to generation. Great, Great, Great Grandma was 1/2 Cherokee....but it's usually a family urban legend. :)

That you can use to land a job at Harvard and eventually con your way into being a senator.
Until the generation of me, my siblings, and cousins, it was all straight Irish inbreeding. Makes it easy to predict what the doctor is gonna say every few years or so.
What the vaccines did to the RNA has yet to be determined.
The mRNA vaccines are synthetic RNA that tells your immune system which antibodies to produce to stop and destroy the virus.

This is old technology that unless you had a viral cancer you likely would have no knowledge about. The technology has a very successful track record but has had occasional issues with surprise reactions.

What is clear is that the Anti-Vaxxers have a completely political agenda and not a medical agenda. This is based upon EVERY warning they offer as has NEVER been recoded previously. There are recorded side effects that not one Anti-vaxxer has yet to ever mention.
The Anti-Vaxxers have no logic train to support their most common claim of blood clots...unlike those who tell truth about the mRNA vaccines...They have a logic train. The Anti-Vaxxers don't like that logic train so they do not repeat it. They also never discuss the side effect numbers from invermectin...and act as if it's more safe than the vaccine. (It isnt)

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