More evidence that proves biden is unfit for office

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"Normalcy" ? LOL.

Biden declared what used to be called "Easter" a tranny holiday.
When Trump was serving this country, we had peace with Russia, China, Israel, etc. The border was under control. "no bail" releases of paedophiles and other "non violent" offenders just wasn't done.
LOL... Hung up on the whole pedophilia thing again.
Inflation was under control during the Trump years,
That tends to happen when there are no goods on the shelf.
we didn't have bridges collapsing all over the place.
You’re blaming Biden for the Baltimore bridge collapse. Wow.

More evidence that proves biden is unfit for office​

Why bother? The ugly truth, that no one seems to want to discuss, is that there is overwhelming evidence that both Biden and Trump are unfit for office.

But we're going to vote for them anyway. do the actions of someone in New York make Biden unfit for office?

They don’t. I never made that connection.

Biden is unfit for office due to his record of failure and incompetence.

He’s a corrupt career politician with an unaccomplished career that includes every wrong decision. He’s a serial plagiarist. He has a history of being a proud segregationist. He panders to whoever will listen while he relates stories about his past that never occurred. Biden literally cannot offer a single practical, reasonable or substantive idea that promotes any notion of prosperity, freedom, or security for the American people.
President Biden has restored a sense of normalcy to our government. A welcome return after 4 years of chaos under the blob.
That chaos was incited by Dems in Dem cities using Dem activist orgs financed even by Dem Polititians.
Trump has zero wars and Biden has wars in all directions occuring or waiting to occur.
That makes you part of the problem not the solution.
Trump or Biden, prices won't go back downward, unless we go in to a recession....imo....and nobody wants that either.... When we had very high inflation that Reagan inherited somewhat, the best outcome was future wages rising at a higher rate than consumer prices, inflation.
matter of opinion.....when the prices of things go back to "normalcy" then you might have a point.....
Trump or Biden, prices won't go back downward, unless we go in to a recession....imo....and nobody wants that either.... When we had very high inflation that Reagan inherited somewhat, the best outcome was future wages rising at a higher rate than consumer prices, inflation.
if a president is going to take credit for something they didnt create,then they had better well take credit when jobs are lost even if it wasnt their fault.....
if a president is going to take credit for something they didnt create,then they had better well take credit when jobs are lost even if it wasnt their fault.....
They do....whether the president wants to or not, it is one of the statistics evaluated and reported, for each presidential term.
They do....whether the president wants to or not, it is one of the statistics evaluated and reported, for each presidential term.
they get it from the opposing party if its a job loss,not their own....and if its a job gain,their party pats them on the back....the other party,not so all the non die hard party people and so called independents have to make up their own minds on who is telling the truth....
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