Zone1 Modern American white women have unrealistic expectations of men and that's why we're having so many problems keeping our families together

Is that what you incels are using as an excuse for not getting laid now?
When not bring some substance to the posts.? I don’t know if you’re going to read my whole post and respond in a polite matter as I respond to you politely. Or if you’re going to use the personal attacks.

Romantic comedies are playing a role in destabilizing American society. other things are as well that’s why 60% of young men in this country are single and why the financial times estimates that something like 40% of women in their 40s in the future will be childless and many of them will experience depression issues.

Do you support the fact that so many young people in the USA are depressed and an huge portion of young white and black men are single. Is that something that you would laugh at? Are you going to label these young black and white men offensive names?

Professor Scott Galloway a liberal Jewish educator, has spoken about these issues. We all know the facts 60% of young men or single in this country. They are democrats they are white they are black you name it.

Scholars know that a young single depressed lonely man is the most dangerous thing around. Some of them have gone on to commit mass school shootings. That’s nothing to laugh at or say stupid stuff toward. It is something for our leaders to address and for Hollywood and the media to bring it up and talk about it.

It’s interesting though that you’re using this word Incel The solution to incels is traditional values and masculinity, but it seems like you’re the exact kind of person who would support BLM. You’re the kind of person that would support radical feminism, and a gay person being able to get naked in front of a child at a gay parade, a man being able to play on a woman’s sports team… you support this stuff right? I don’t know if you’ve read this far into the post or you’re going to respond to any of my points with context or thought.

But yes the solution to the fact that we have incels and mass school shooters in the USA is to bring back traditional values, reject BLM and support equality have a meritocracy. You don’t want that though do you.?

People who support BLM and radical feminism are supporting a terrible social system in this country. They are contributing to the downfall of traditional values and an uprise in individualism, which comes with more depression, loneliness and drug use among young people.
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This place, this insane place has become such a receptacle for so many things.

My parents: married 57 years, happily
My hubby's parents: married 40+ years, happily
My sister: married 25+ years, happily
My brother in law: married 20+ years, happily
Me and hubby: married 30 years this summer, happily

Plus, a decent rom com has not been made in a very, very long time. This seems like sour grapes to me, sorry.
This is an example of anecdotal evidence. You must realize that your family is the exception to the rule in modern America. Look around. My son had a whole bunch of young men in his social circle. Of these, he was the only one with a father involved in his life.
This is an example of anecdotal evidence. You must realize that your family is the exception to the rule in modern America. Look around. My son had a whole bunch of young men in his social circle. Of these, he was the only one with a father involved in his life.

Sure it's anecdotal. But you realize divorce rates are DOWN, not up, right? Also, is this thread about absent fathers or how terrible white women are?
What a pitty. They should face the reality: Men are pigs - dirty stupid pigs. From time to time an example of this foreign species is perhaps a little useful and may be able to be educated.

Either some of you don't know good men or are attracting the entirely wrong sort of man. "dirty stupid pigs".....what?
Any Meg Ryan movie shows what I'm talking about. She starts the movie in a relationship with a man with many good qualities but not quite perfect, so she goes after another man.
Movies are only a small part of the issue. The overwhelming problem is 60% of young men are single, and the financial time estimates soon that 40% of women in their 40s will be childless and more prone to depression and drug use.

I see how left wingers react to us they act like it doesn’t exist or they say it’s fine. We’re dangerous territory here in the USA. We already have marijuana legalizing all over the place. Traditional family values have been attacked the media and Hollywood have popularized anti-Americanism they’re making white Christian men out to be evil. It’s all Nonsense as Black people, Jews, Indians you name it were all a part of the slave trade throughout history.

I don’t know what will happen with the future… eventually we might see 80% of young men being single. And I wonder how far left wingers will react to this stuff will they continue to make jokes about it or post gifs ?? who knows.
Sure it's anecdotal. But you realize divorce rates are DOWN, not up, right? Also, is this thread about absent fathers or how terrible white women are?
Women instigate 70% of divorces. If the man isn't around for his children, it's often because the woman pushed the man away from the family.
Women instigate 70% of divorces. If the man isn't around for his children, it's often because the woman pushed the man away from the family.
This does happen. There is only so many times women can tell a man how much they don't need him before he allows them to live by their decree
Marriage in American is on the rocks. Men haven't changed so it must be the women who have changed. Women used to expect men to take the lead in the family. Now, men who want to lead are called "toxic" as in "toxic masculinity." But women don't respect beta men either, so basically, men are damned if they do and damned if they don't.
Women instigate 70% of divorces. If the man isn't around for his children, it's often because the woman pushed the man away from the family.

This days a judge in Germany took away the child of a divorced mother and gave the child to the divorced father - but this "father" is very probally a child molester.

After the laws in the past had changed to make men and women "more equal" I spoke with a friend who had been a therapist. He told me this story: "I always thought I'm an honorful man - but I am only a shame for all mankind." What had happened? A judge decided to give a child to the father - who had been a child molestor. My friend had been a therapist of this child. He was desperated because he knew the truth. Then he on his own got the order to bring this child to this "father" who had been a child molester. Although he and others knew this no one had any forensic proof. He said to me: "I always thought I will kill a child molester before I let be any child a victim of such a monster. But what did I really do? I gave him the child. I was not able to kill this man and I was not able to ignore the decision of this judge. Otherwise I had ruined my own life and the life of my family."
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This days a judge in Germany took away the child of a divorced mother and gave the child to the divorced father - but this "father" is very probally a child molestor.

After the laws in the past had changed to make men and women "more equal" I spoke with a friend who had been a therapist. He told me this story: "I always thought I'm an honorful man - but I am only a shame for all mankind." What had happened? A judge decided to give a child to the father - who had been a child molestor. My friend had been a therapist of this child. He was desperated becaue he knew the truth. The he git the roder to bring this child to this "father" who had been a child molestor. Although he and others knew this no one had any forensic proof. He said to me: "I always thought I will kill a child molestor before I let be any child a victim of such a monster. But what did I really do? I gave him the child. I was not able to ignore the decision of this judge. Otherwise I had ruined my own life and the life of my own family."
There's no point to this story other than to imply that men are all child molesters who should never get custody of their children. Is that the message you're trying to convey?
Never heard the word "stupidity"? Never thought about this could have to do something with you on your own? We men made a scientific research by giving scientists the order to find out to make a bed is lost time and it is more sane not to make a bed. And what a wonder: They really found out this. What a luck that we are always right.
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There's no point to this story other than to imply that men are all child molesters who should never get custody of their children. Is that the message you're trying to convey?

The point is that in the lex baiuvariorum - about 1500 years old - a man had to pay twice the money for a bodily injuriy if they had hurted a woman. They knew - much more than thousand years ago - very well: "Equal" means to make a difference. In the middle ages for example a pregnant woman was not punishable at all.

Female child molestors are extremely seldom - and the unability of men to educate children is normally much higher than the unability of women to do so. What today is called from men "e-man-cipation" seems to mean women will have to be one day the same criminal idiots like men. What we could need would be a "wo-man-cipation". Example: 5 public toilets for women per one public toilet for men. This 5:1 relation means "equal". And toilets only for women and their children - and not for men who say "I am a woman".
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This days a judge in Germany took away the child of a divorced mother and gave the child to the divorced father - but this "father" is very probally a child molester.

After the laws in the past had changed to make men and women "more equal" I spoke with a friend who had been a therapist. He told me this story: "I always thought I'm an honorful man - but I am only a shame for all mankind." What had happened? A judge decided to give a child to the father - who had been a child molestor. My friend had been a therapist of this child. He was desperated because he knew the truth. Then he on his own got the order to bring this child to this "father" who had been a child molester. Although he and others knew this no one had any forensic proof. He said to me: "I always thought I will kill a child molester before I let be any child a victim of such a monster. But what did I really do? I gave him the child. I was not able to kill this man and I was not able to ignore the decision of this judge. Otherwise I had ruined my own life and the life of my family."

Like you , Bangabangwa , your friend was a good Germ Nazi and followed orders .
His personal feelings should never be considered when matters of the Fourth Reich are involved .

You should know that Obergefreiter Bangabangwa .
Like you , Bangabangwa , your friend was a good Germ Nazi and followed orders .
His personal feelings should never be considered when matters of the Fourth Reich are involved .

You should know that Obergefreiter Bangabangwa .

Russian, leave the Ukraine with all of your soldiers. Yesterday.

But "Obergefreiter" was indeed my last rank when I was not in the army, if I remember well. ... Well - a blind hen sometimes finds a grain of corn (="Schnapps"). Or was I "Hauptgefreiter" (=Lance Corporal)? Whatever. Be happy if I will not become a Russian nightmare.
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People are trying to derail the thread by pointing out that Rom-Coms are make believe, as if I didn't know that.

The problem is that women are affected by the make believe to the point that they are no longer satisfied with real men who can't be "perfect."

This thread seems to be a cry for help for someone that cannot even get a date, let alone married.

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