Missouri bill to ban all child marriages runs into resistance from House Republicans

Yet you are the one that suggested it.

Sorry you do not enjoy sex, but there is nothing I can do to help you there.

Sort of cute to see a Trump sycophant speak of morality, but it is what it is.

Happy, well adjusted adult understand the beauty and pleasure that is sex.
Happy, well adjusted adult understand the beauty and pleasure that is sex.

Ok, I guess thats your story and you’re stickin’ with it, huh?

Good luck with that

Tell me, are all the creatures swimming in your libertine swamp of anything-goes sex happy well adjusted adults?

Do any of them regret things they may have done as teenagers that libs like you told them was ok but now dont seem so great?

Maybe they are a girl who dropped out of school to have a baby

Or had an abortion that they now have feelings of guilt over

Maybe they have an STD that never goes away but can only be managed with drugs

And those are just the most obvious repercussions of immorality

There are deeper wounds for some people that arent so obvious

Sex was meant to be enjoyed

But only in the proper context
This is what you said....It would be more productive ban teenage sex that leads to unwanted pregnancy, STDs, and iliteracy

Banning something implies laws making it illegal.
It was not a proposal for a new law

I’m just trying to point libs in the right direction

Reread post #262
science says its between 15-17 not me,,

I dont need the government to deal with old perverts,,

and you seem to obey the government, so if the government says its ok is that good with you??
it seems so since you worship government,,

How to tell us you're an idiot without saying the words.

What you need is irrelevant. It's what the children need that matters, and young children need protection from guys like Roy Moore, Jeffrey Epstein, and others.

Why do Cult members always talk about government and government figures as objects of worship???? You kept referring to Obama as a "Messiah". Truly, you're projecting. I consider Justin Trudeau our elected leader - and we can and will just as quickly unelect him if he screws us over, or fucks up as badly as Trump did throughout his tenure.

Trump screws over the American worker and you line up to talk about how great he is for the country. By what measure? 1 million people dead, and the nation on the verge of a civil war, and you call that a great man????
It was not a proposal for a new law

I’m just trying to point libs in the right direction

Reread post #262
It’s not just a poverty thing. Social deviance in general emanates from lack of family structure. My middle class county has a depleted family structure issue though the median income is 30% higher than the national average. The school performance and crime issues are disastrous. Have been for decades. Morons like Okfine have no clue and essentially help to perpetuate the problem with their ignorance.
It is a fact that children are far more likely to not be abused sexually or any other way when they have traditionally married parents and their biological father is in the home. And the poverty thing is not insignificant. Children with two biological parents in the home are far more likely not to be raised in poverty even if they start out that way when they are born. They are far less likely to get involved in illegal substances and activities, are more likely to do better in school and far less likely to have behavioral or relationship problems.

And neighborhoods/communities made up of traditional families will be more prosperous, more stable, will have more opportunity for the kids, and will have less crime.
I didn’t say it was insignificant. It’s just not restricted to poverty. Financially well-off kids in neighborhoods where fathers are missing have many of the same problems the poor fatherless locales have.
I agree that two responsible biological parents in the home are more important to the child than financial wealth.

Marriage is a life long commitment ,or it at least should be. Teens are not prepared to make that sort of decision and also people tend to change a lot between the age of 15 and 25.

Sex brings with it no such commitment.
Yes peculiar.
Happy, well adjusted adult understand the beauty and pleasure that is sex.

Ok, I guess thats your story and you’re stickin’ with it, huh?

Good luck with that

Tell me, are all the creatures swimming in your libertine swamp of anything-goes sex happy well adjusted adults?

Do any of them regret things they may have done as teenagers that libs like you told them was ok but now dont seem so great?

Maybe they are a girl who dropped out of school to have a baby

Or had an abortion that they now have feelings of guilt over

Maybe they have an STD that never goes away but can only be managed with drugs

And those are just the most obvious repercussions of immorality

There are deeper wounds for some people that arent so obvious

Sex was meant to be enjoyed

But only in the proper context

What, pray tell, is the "proper context" for sex.

I consider the exchange of hormones which enhances the physical health, and well being of the parties involved a proper context too, given that it's been found that adults with a healthy sex life, live longer, happier and healthier lives.

Going by the Bible, the only "context" which is forbidden is "adultery". It is the ONLY sexual act listed in the 10 Commandments. The Bible condones incest, non-consenual sex, and makes no mention of sex before marriage, and almost no mention of homosexuality at all.

Given that 20% of all convicted pedophiles are members of the clergy or church youth leadership, don't try to sell me that bullshit that lack of church attendance is leading to immorality. How many evangelical leaders have been caught in motel rooms with hookers? The Southern Methodists just fractured over allegations Church leadership sexually abused parishoners.

So by all means, tell the rest of us what "context" matters to you.
Really?? I have never met anyone in my entire life who has gotten married twice in a 12 month period.

Try reading the thread, the person I responded to said she was married at 15 and again at 16

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