Michigan asks residents to help house, settle migrants amid crisis at border

Yea but do they still hire illegals? Probably not.

If you do it enough, employers wouldn't dare hire illegals.

Oh, and notice how every time I mention illegal employers, you cons come running to their defense and tell us how that won't stop it?

Notice Canada doesn't have the same problem? Because their employers wouldn't dare.

Last thing. When we suggest putting the business owner in prison or shutting their business down, you cry in their defense. Stop doing it. They are your problem not the workers. Truth be told if they need the help we should let more immigrants in. They should lobby the government and stop voting GOP
bobo how come you always have to make up shit about those you are posting with?...were have i ever defended those who hire illegals?...if you got that out of our conversation here then you must be pretty stupid or just being a good little democrat....you aint that stupid so it must be the latter........
bobo how come you always have to make up shit about those you are posting with?...were have i ever defended those who hire illegals?...if you got that out of our conversation here then you must be pretty stupid or just being a good little democrat....you aint that stupid so it must be the latter........

You aren't a hard core usmb righty who always eventually defends the illegal employer.

Michigan is asking residents to help house migrants in their homes and help resettle them into society as the crisis at the southern border continues.

The state Department of Labor and Economic Development said volunteers who wish to participate must commit for at least 90 days as part of the refugee support program.

"Programs like the Welcome Corps advance the Office of Global Michigan’s mission to make Michigan the home for opportunity for our immigrant, refugee and ethnic communities," said Poppy Hernandez, Global Michigan Director and Michigan’s Chief Equity and Inclusion Officer. "Expanded refugee resettlement pathways empower more Michiganders to support our state’s growing refugee population and build a more welcoming and inclusive Michigan for all."

Sponsors would be expected to support newly arrived refugees by greeting them at the airport, securing and preparing initial housing, enrolling children in school and helping adults find employment.

This will soon go from “can you please” to “you’re going to do it or else”......If the demo-commies are anything, they are laughably predictable.

Doesn't Stretchin' Gretchen have a big ol' house that's mostly empty and a summer house on the lake? I bet she could house a dozen or so families......Just sayin'.

They're only asking for now. Soon it won't be a request...
what is he running from bobo?....
Yea but do they still hire illegals? Probably not.

If you do it enough, employers wouldn't dare hire illegals.

Oh, and notice how every time I mention illegal employers, you cons come running to their defense and tell us how that won't stop it?

Notice Canada doesn't have the same problem? Because their employers wouldn't dare.

Last thing. When we suggest putting the business owner in prison or shutting their business down, you cry in their defense. Stop doing it. They are your problem not the workers. Truth be told if they need the help we should let more immigrants in. They should lobby the government and stop voting GOP
Of course...in many cases, the illegals check out. They HAVE valid ID. (It's just not theirs.) I worked with an illegal who had a valid ID, license, CDL, chauffer's license(!), school bus license(!!), and had even worked for a school district! But...he was an illegal alien.
well its wrong....i have never defended those guys....when you live 50 years around illegals you just assume they work everywhere.....all the ones around me worked....so someone was hiring them....i never really cared.....
Tell your con buddies here they don't come here for welfare. They come to work. We need immigrants right now.
i dont have any con buddies.....you make up a lot of shit bobo....

This weekend I drove up the Florida A1A on my Ebike. I dropped my nephew and his 5 buddies off there in my truck, drove home and decided I was going to ride all the way back on my Ebike. They couldn't believe it only took me 20 minutes by bike.

It sucks being old. All that 20 something poontang and none of it's for me. LOL.

Michigan is asking residents to help house migrants in their homes and help resettle them into society as the crisis at the southern border continues.

The state Department of Labor and Economic Development said volunteers who wish to participate must commit for at least 90 days as part of the refugee support program.

"Programs like the Welcome Corps advance the Office of Global Michigan’s mission to make Michigan the home for opportunity for our immigrant, refugee and ethnic communities," said Poppy Hernandez, Global Michigan Director and Michigan’s Chief Equity and Inclusion Officer. "Expanded refugee resettlement pathways empower more Michiganders to support our state’s growing refugee population and build a more welcoming and inclusive Michigan for all."

Sponsors would be expected to support newly arrived refugees by greeting them at the airport, securing and preparing initial housing, enrolling children in school and helping adults find employment.

This will soon go from “can you please” to “you’re going to do it or else”......If the demo-commies are anything, they are laughably predictable.

Doesn't Stretchin' Gretchen have a big ol' house that's mostly empty and a summer house on the lake? I bet she could house a dozen or so families......Just sayin'.

I wonder how many Lefties on here will be filling their houses up with these immigrants?

My guess is around 0.0000000000%. They're all mouth, but when the opportunity arises, silence.
I wonder how many Lefties on here will be filling their houses up with these immigrants?

My guess is around 0.0000000000%. They're all mouth, but when the opportunity arises, silence.
The Newcomer Rental Subsidy program provides Refugees and other Newcomer population-eligible households with rental assistance up to $500 per month for up to 12 months, with eligibility based on immigration status and household income.
Again, I am not at all certain any reputable business will let invalid paperwork (from an illegal) get past them? Never knew of one in CA? over decades. But there are many service or landscaping companies that might? Companies also out-source a lot of work.

Once you accept an offer of employment and complete Form I-9, the employer takes the information from your Form I-9 and enters it into E-Verify. E-Verify compares your information against records available to DHS and SSA and provides the employer with a case result within 3 to 5 seconds.

Michigan is asking residents to help house migrants in their homes and help resettle them into society as the crisis at the southern border continues.

The state Department of Labor and Economic Development said volunteers who wish to participate must commit for at least 90 days as part of the refugee support program.

"Programs like the Welcome Corps advance the Office of Global Michigan’s mission to make Michigan the home for opportunity for our immigrant, refugee and ethnic communities," said Poppy Hernandez, Global Michigan Director and Michigan’s Chief Equity and Inclusion Officer. "Expanded refugee resettlement pathways empower more Michiganders to support our state’s growing refugee population and build a more welcoming and inclusive Michigan for all."

Sponsors would be expected to support newly arrived refugees by greeting them at the airport, securing and preparing initial housing, enrolling children in school and helping adults find employment.

This will soon go from “can you please” to “you’re going to do it or else”......If the demo-commies are anything, they are laughably predictable.

Doesn't Stretchin' Gretchen have a big ol' house that's mostly empty and a summer house on the lake? I bet she could house a dozen or so families......Just sayin'.

They are ruining my beautiful home state with these illegals and muslims!
bobo how come you always have to make up shit about those you are posting with?...were have i ever defended those who hire illegals?...if you got that out of our conversation here then you must be pretty stupid or just being a good little democrat....you aint that stupid so it must be the latter........
Oh, he can be that stupid.

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