Meanwhile in Argentina

The part you don't get is that the uniparty isn't against him.

Knowing that it's not going to make a difference vs hoping for change..... Do you get it now?

If he was going to expose the deep state, he wouldn't have reauthorized FISA when he was president. He knew it was unconstitutional when he reauthorized it. FFS, he said Obama used it to spy on his campaign. But after being president, he didn't even care. He signed the reauthorization without delay. He didn't even request the unconstitutional parts be stricken.

Hard to get drunk when I don't drink.

I've brought a lot of facts to this thread and others. You and no one else has been able to refute anything I've said so far. Why? Because I'm not one of those stupid democrats who just make up stuff.
Your problem is you're stuck on Trump, so you're not about to research anything I said because it'll prove you wrong. If you did, you damn sure wouldn't be man enough to admit it.
That's what loyalist do. This is why you got personal with me.
there you go back to being nothing more than a drunk on the corner yelling at passing cars,,
yeah having other people provide your security and you pay little to nothing is great,,

I thought you libertarians were against intervention in other countries affairs???
And against entangling military alliances.

This board has some of the daffiest reputed "libertarians" I've ever encountered.
Argentine Miley, libertarian eagle. He came to power with the slogan to curb inflation. The inflation forecast for 2024 is 200%, 3 times higher than the price increase in Venezuela, which the world parasites are destroying in every possible way
Dollar parasites brainwashed Miley: Сut expenses to a minimum, cut all social and government expenses, sell everything to us for pennies - and inflation will disappear. Such idiots destroy the economies of entire countries.
Miley, the main cause of inflation is the greed of the parasites, your curators
Argentine Miley, libertarian eagle. He came to power with the slogan to curb inflation. The inflation forecast for 2024 is 200%, 3 times higher than the price increase in Venezuela, which the world parasites are destroying in every possible way
Dollar parasites brainwashed Miley: Сut expenses to a minimum, cut all social and government expenses, sell everything to us for pennies - and inflation will disappear. Such idiots destroy the economies of entire countries.
Miley, the main cause of inflation is the greed of the parasites, your curators

He said when he was elected that things will get worse before they get better. The people who've depended on the government have remained poor, are still going to be poor. But there will be no one there for the hand out. So they'll have to do something to survive. In that climate, they'll figure out ways to not only make money, but even better money that they got from the government in "assistance."
And with the government out of their way, they'll have a real chance at success. Even if it's moving up to the middle class.
Argentina doesn't have much of a middle class. But they will start having one in the next 5 years.

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