MASSIVE Voter Discrepancy Found in 2022 Midterm Elections in Arizona

Show the actual evidence instead of some RWI saying "we have proof."

It's ALL bullshit dude,

You are 1 Million Times more used than Russia, Russia, Russia.
Same Bullshit story with no evidence.
That is all you say when you have no proof other than the words of the corrupt or intimidated.
You libs here can look away but the rest of the nation is worried about our election system....

a lot less worried since the supremes have ruled that state legislators cannot over rule the will of the people with election outcomes. & threw in a few rulings on gerrymandering that made (R)s mad & sad.
a lot less worried since the supremes have ruled that state legislators cannot over rule the will of the people with election outcomes. & threw in a few rulings on gerrymandering that made (R)s mad & sad.
That does not have a thing to do with this. Start another thread if it worries your stupid ass.
a lot less worried since the supremes have ruled that state legislators cannot over rule the will of the people with election outcomes. & threw in a few rulings on gerrymandering that made (R)s mad & sad.
That applies to blue states too you know....
That does not have a thing to do with this. Start another thread if it worries your stupid ass.

well - since kari is just grifting & auditioning for VP by doing the same thing donny does - i thought i'd throw that in.
How much more is needed to prove the AZ. election had 0 integrity? This, again, is not conspiracy. It is a factual report.


The vote tally always depends on who is counting the ballots. Just human nature.

The Liberty Daily​

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Hold a one day election do over in AZ... its the only fare thing to do at this point... No one in AZ thinks the election was honest.... Maricopa county should be put on notice that every ballot they receive needs to be verified by both party officials from here on out....
They can not be trusted....
"the only fare thing to do"

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