Majority Of Workers At Alabama Mercedes Plant Sign Union Cards In Major Breakthrough For UAW

A group of workers chooses to band together. It's not an issue at all. It's called the american way.

Sort of.

Its closer to accurate that unionists came into the workplace in Alabama and are trying to become established. If a representation election is held and the union succeeds in getting ensconced , it will be out of the workers' control entirely. If they are ordered to pay dues,march the picket line for months for virtually no money, or follow union work rules that can bring down their whole livelihood, it will be something they will have to accept
Alabama is a Right to Work state.

You know, where you have the right to work for less.
If You're Not a Union Man, You're Not a Man at All. You Are a Manservant.

Practically all the Southern players originally opposed the Major League Baseball Players Union. At the time, players made only about 3 times as much as the average American worker. Most had to work off-season jobs. They produced an incredible percentage more than their petty salaries for their owners.

Jim Bouton, as a 20-game winner, only got paid $18,000 by the Yankees, and he had to beg for that. After unionization, today he would have easily made $18 million without begging at all.
A serious milestone was reached Tuesday when a majority of workers at a Mercedes-Benz plant in Vance, Alabama, signed union cards. It was the result of a recently launched organizing drive by the United Auto Workers in nonunion plants, particularly in the South.

In November, fresh after winning a historic contract victory following a strike against the Big Three automakers, UAW President Shawn Fain announced that the union would launch one of the largest organizing drives in its history, targeting nonunion U.S. plants owned by large foreign automakers as well as Elon Musk’s Tesla electric vehicle manufacturer.

And the plan rolls along.
What fools like you don't realize is that these people are already making $30 per hour with great benefits so when their unions get them $40 per hour with even more benefits, it hurts everyone. Not only themselves through having to pay higher prices but from the middle class all the way down to the poor who don't get raises and yet still have to pay higher prices for everything, contributing to wealth inequality and social injustice.
Nobody puts any blame on the management. It's always the people actually doing any work to build the vehicle that get blamed.

In a unionized workplace, the union bosses are largely in control and can stop innovation by the imposition of "union work rules".

Management is certainly at fault when scab employers go down, because they are in control of the work flow.

Not very true when they have to answer to business agents and organizers who don't know shit from shinola about the widget manufacturing racket.
Interesting how some actually think a few floor workers want to stick together is bad. It's what america was founded on.
Unions were an industrial revolution thing. They weren't around when the Founding Fathers created America.
What fools like you don't realize is that these people are already making $30 per hour with great benefits so when their unions get them $40 per hour with even more benefits, it hurts everyone. Not only themselves through having to pay higher prices but from the middle class all the way down to the poor who don't get raises and yet still have to pay higher prices for everything, contributing to wealth inequality and social injustice.
So they should shut the fuck up and accept lower wages and benefits and crappy working conditions all for the good of the country?

How about on Monday morning you go see your boss and tell him that you want a cut in pay and benefits all for the good of the country.

I’m sure he’ll be more than accommodating for your needs.
You can stand for the average working man or for the aristocracy. You've obviously made your choice. Unions are the american way.
The vast majority of Americans are Scabs, something like 94% of us.

Unionism peaked in 1953 and has been on the decline since, its more of a Sicilian thing than an American one.

"Aristocrats" are rulers, not people who are wealthy and own places of employment. The "aristocrats" in America are Biden and his cadres, who BTW, are pro-union.
The vast majority of Americans are Scabs, something like 94% of us.

Unionism peaked in 1953 and has been on the decline since, its more of a Sicilian thing than an American one.

"Aristocrats" are rulers, not people who are wealthy and own places of employment. The "aristocrats" in America are Biden and his cadres, who BTW, are pro-union.
I see your piunt but the nation runs better when employers struggle to find people because they frankly should not have an easy time finding g good workers
But right now employers have never in the history of this nation had an easier time finding workers.
I see your piunt but the nation runs better when employers struggle to find people because they frankly should not have an easy time finding g good workers
But right now employers have never in the history of this nation had an easier time finding workers.

I don't see it that way, because new enterprises are arising all of the time. It shouldn't be too much of a burden for a go-getter to find staff to manufacture or distribute new ground breaking products or services. A lot of guys might say "the heck with it" and just continue with the status quo.

Labor unions go for the status quo. They chisel "union work rules" into granite, making technology changes a lot more burdensome. Not only that, they reward longevity, christened as "seniority lists" to encourage people to stay with their employer forever often in dead end jobs. This is a discouragement to individual innovation.

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