Majority of Voters Say Donald Trump Was a Success, Joe Biden Is a Failure

Youre an idiot if you believe one word of that ^ horseshit. :cuckoo:
Nope, you are just nutbag detached from facts. Republicans admitted Trump's culpability in both impeachments.

In first impeachment their excuse was that it should be left up to the voters (who then kicked Trump out) and in second impeachment their excuse was that Trump is no longer the President so convicting him is moot.

Thats very different from saying that Trump did nothing wrong.
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By: Aaron Kliegman

Tax cuts signed into law in 2017 by then-President Donald Trump have raised revenues for the federal government over the last five years, despite concerns among Democrats and other critics that the cuts would be a fiscal nightmare only benefiting the rich.

The government collected a record $4.9 trillion in revenue last year, according to the latest report from the Congressional Budget Office, a nonpartisan federal agency. That's nearly $500 billion higher than what the CBO had projected.

Receipts from corporate income taxes, meanwhile, were $425 billion, exceeding CBO's projection by 25%, while receipts from individual income taxes were $2.6 trillion, exceeding CBO's projection by 11%.

Federal revenues are now up about $1.5 trillion, or roughly 40%, since the Trump tax cuts went into effect at the beginning of 2018. By comparison, the cuts were initially estimated to cost the government $1 trillion, according to the Joint Committee on Taxation.

"We have higher tax revenue right now than we've ever had in the history of the country," Rep. Austin Scott (R-Ga.) told the John Solomon Reports podcast. "Think about that: Everything we've been through — COVID, inflation, all of the challenges of the last 36 months that our country has had — we have higher tax revenues than we have ever had in the history of the country."

Trump signed the Republican-backed Tax Cuts and Jobs Act into law in December 2017. The legislation simplified tax filing for many families and lowered the tax rates paid by most filers. It also cut business taxes, including lowering the corporate income tax rate from 35% to 21%.

Maga: Tax revenue has gone up under the Biden's administration. We must credit Trump! LOL. Of course, none of this has a thing to do with the middle class getting stiffed on the so called Trump tax cuts. Poor deflection but I'll respond to it anyway.

Tax revenue goes up and down every year. During the last 2 years of Obama's run it was in the low 4 trillions. During Trump it was in the very low 4s. Then it jumped to just over 5 trillion during 2022 but now it's back down to lower mid 4s again. Would foxnews be crediting Biden if the reverse were true and we were currently in the Trump era right now? I doubt it, why on earth would Trump get credit for a one year jump in tax revenue? How does a one year jump in 2022 but not in 2023 relate to tax cuts for the rich Trump proposed in 2017? It likely doesn't and this article by a hyper partisan network that protects Trump and pushes his conspiracy theories is beyond worthless.

Total federal revenue for the following years

2015 4.19T
2016 4.15T
2017 4.12T
2018 4.04T
2019 4.14T
2020 4.03T

Just a wild guess here, but could it wait for it, that Biden's American Rescue Plan bill passed in 2021 was what was responsible for the gains in revenue seen in 2022? Would this not be a more natural conclusion? i'm not saying it is btw, but if you're going to bring up tax revenue for 2022, that bill is way more significant than tax cuts in 2017/2018.
Maga: Tax revenue has gone up under the Biden's administration. We must credit Trump! LOL. Of course, none of this has a thing to do with the middle class getting stiffed on the so called Trump tax cuts. Poor deflection but I'll respond to it anyway.

Tax revenue goes up and down every year. During the last 2 years of Obama's run it was in the low 4 trillions. During Trump it was in the very low 4s. Then it jumped to just over 5 trillion during 2022 but now it's back down to lower mid 4s again. Would foxnews be crediting Biden if the reverse were true and we were currently in the Trump era right now? I doubt it, why on earth would Trump get credit for a one year jump in tax revenue? How does a one year jump in 2022 but not in 2023 relate to tax cuts for the rich Trump proposed in 2017? It likely doesn't and this article by a hyper partisan network that protects Trump and pushes his conspiracy theories is beyond worthless.

Total federal revenue for the following years

2015 4.19T
2016 4.15T
2017 4.12T
2018 4.04T
2019 4.14T
2020 4.03T

Just a wild guess here, but could it wait for it, that Biden's American Rescue Plan bill passed in 2021 was what was responsible for the gains in revenue seen in 2022? Would this not be a more natural conclusion? i'm not saying it is btw, but if you're going to bring up tax revenue for 2022, that bill is way more significant than tax cuts in 2017/2018.
Are you devoted to the Feds milking the public to that maximum extent? A lot of the gains made by Biden came due to what Trump had done. Why get upset?
I was asking for source of your assertion that C-SPAN survery of historians is a "biased left wing presidential lists". Republicans in that survey Placed Trump as 5th worst president.

And here you go:

Biden tops Trump by 4 points among likely voters in new survey

Voters may give Biden low aproval, but they feel worse about Trump.

What the numbnuts cannot see is that 5% of a million is $50,000
12% of $100,000 is $12,000.
20% of $70,000 is $14,000

So in dollar amount, most 1 percenters had more money in their pockets. But those people also have more money in the bank for others to borrow, invest a lot more in other businesses, hire and pay more people, and otherwise contribute to the economy individually far more than those making modest incomes are able to do. And their tax advantage is incentive for them to do that right here in the USA.

If Biden is successful confiscating much more wealth from those 1 percenters, a lot of that money goes away because the uber rich will just move their wealth off shore where they can better shelter it.

A person who makes 35k a year, spends every last cent they earn every year. How much money does a person who makes 350k a year spend? Do they spend all 350k? What about someone who makes a million a year? What about 10 million? Do they spend all 10 million they make every year? This becomes even more pronounced when talking about billionaires. The poor and middle class drive the economy. Every single economist will tell you that.
Are you devoted to the Feds milking the public to that maximum extent? A lot of the gains made by Biden came due to what Trump had done. Why get upset?

Milking? What on earth are you even talking about?

Trump did nothing, but give back to his rich donors and gave whatever tiny crumbs that was left for the poor folk, then prayed the rubes wouldn't notice.
Biden is encouraging millions of illegals to pour through our southern border and you call Trump the "villain"?
You are gaslighting, as Leftists always do. Blame those of us you hate for precisely what you and your leaders are doing - destroying America. Biden's approval ratings are far below those of Trump for very valid reasons which you are blind to.
You can't admit that you were dead wrong. That's your biggest problem.

Who gave Mike Johnson orders to ignore any border bill that comes in front of the house? Trump is for open borders way more than Biden. :auiqs.jpg:
A person who makes 35k a year, spends every last cent they earn every year. How much money does a person who makes 350k a year spend? Do they spend all 350k? What about someone who makes a million a year? What about 10 million? Do they spend all 10 million they make every year? This becomes even more pronounced when talking about billionaires. The poor and middle class drive the economy. Every single economist will tell you that.
But the millionaire, the multi-millionaire, the billionaire do more with their money than just not spend it all. They endow hospitals and museums and schools and places of worship and community centers and scholarship funds and research and charities. They run businesses and invest it in others businesses that allows those businesses to expand and grow and hire more people thus giving them an opportunity to become wealthier. They store a lot of cash in banks that then have more money to lend to those who need to buy homes and cars and RVs and boats. And they buy a lot of stuff too thus making it possible for more people to work and prosper.

Take all the wealth away from few truly wealthy people and you make thousands or even millions of people a lot poorer.
Who gave Mike Johnson orders to ignore any border bill that comes in front of the house? Trump is for open borders way more than Biden. :auiqs.jpg:
Your gaslighting is repulsive in the extreme. Trump was building an impassible wall and Biden stopped it completely and welcomed the drug dealers, criminals, murderers, rapists, poor, ignorant, communist Chinese, and terrorists by the thousands and you lie through your yellow teeth.
But the millionaire, the multi-millionaire, the billionaire do more with their money than just not spend it all. They endow hospitals and museums and schools and places of worship and community centers and scholarship funds and research and charities. They run businesses and invest it in others businesses that allows those businesses to expand and grow and hire more people thus giving them an opportunity to become wealthier. They store a lot of cash in banks that then have more money to lend to those who need to buy homes and cars and RVs and boats. And they buy a lot of stuff too thus making it possible for more people to work and prosper.

Take all the wealth away from few truly wealthy people and you make thousands or even millions of people a lot poorer.

Consumer spending drives an economy, and that comes from the poor and middle class. Every cent they earn goes right back into the economy. What percentage of a multi millionaire or billionaires income do they spend each year on the things you're talking about? How many hospitals do they endow? How many museums? Do they own 50 yachts, 500 luxury cars and 100 mansions? Those people hoard their money in off shore accounts. Federal taxes aren't even paid by most of them. Jobs created by these same people aren't even in the United States. These ppl make more money then they give back!

The right wing in this country continually laud the good old days, namely the mid 20th century. During the mid 20th century we had maybe 1 billionaire and they barely made it into that category. We had no multinational corporations, no enormous conglomerates. Large companies for sure, but nothing remotely like what we have now. The middle class was thriving without endless billionaires and multi millionaires.
Your gaslighting is repulsive in the extreme. Trump was building an impassible wall and Biden stopped it completely and welcomed the drug dealers, criminals, murderers, rapists, poor, ignorant, communist Chinese, and terrorists by the thousands and you lie through your yellow teeth.

I thought Mexico was paying for that "impassing wall." LOL. Where is it? :auiqs.jpg: :blahblah:
Consumer spending drives an economy, and that comes from the poor and middle class. Every cent they earn goes right back into the economy.

How few cents that is compared to:
government spending
wealthy people spending

What percentage of a multi millionaire or billionaires income do they spend each year on the things you're talking about?

When there is any tax cut, you squeal like a pig about all the millions they get, which is always a smaller percentage than the lower income workers get. But now you're trying to reverse yourself and instead of talking about the millions of dollars, you reduce it to "percentage," unlike your squealing.
How many hospitals do they endow? How many museums? Do they own 50 yachts, 500 luxury cars and 100 mansions?
How many people do the wealthy employ?
How many do they put to work building yachts, expensive homes, luxury cars and private jets? You Marxists never get anything right. Marxism fails and yet you cling to it like you cling to Hamas.
Those people hoard their money in off shore (sic) accounts. Federal taxes aren't even paid by most of them. Jobs created by these same people aren't even in the United States. These ppl make more money then (sic) they give back!
Karl, move to North Korea. You'll love it there.
The right wing in this country continually laud the good old days, namely the mid 20th century. During the mid 20th century we had maybe 1 billionaire and they barely made it into that category. We had no multinational corporations, no enormous conglomerates. Large companies for sure, but nothing remotely like what we have now. The middle class was thriving without endless billionaires and multi millionaires.

We laud the good old days before you radicals drove America off the rails, with Woke insanity, homosexual predation which you support and promote, transsexual insanity, and open borders which have allowed 10 million poor and criminals and drug dealers and rapists to come in and suck taxpayer dollars away so they can vote with you.
Power is all you want. The hell with America.
Consumer spending drives an economy, and that comes from the poor and middle class. Every cent they earn goes right back into the economy. What percentage of a multi millionaire or billionaires income do they spend each year on the things you're talking about? How many hospitals do they endow? How many museums? Do they own 50 yachts, 500 luxury cars and 100 mansions? Those people hoard their money in off shore accounts. Federal taxes aren't even paid by most of them. Jobs created by these same people aren't even in the United States. These ppl make more money then they give back!

The right wing in this country continually laud the good old days, namely the mid 20th century. During the mid 20th century we had maybe 1 billionaire and they barely made it into that category. We had no multinational corporations, no enormous conglomerates. Large companies for sure, but nothing remotely like what we have now. The middle class was thriving without endless billionaires and multi millionaires.
If the jobs aren't in this country, who is hiring the poorer and middle class people? I've had lots of different jobs, but I've never ever been offered a job by a poor person.

Who will provide the products and services bought by the poorer and middle class people if you do away with the owners of grocery chains, restaurants, clothing stores, auto makers, And a lot of those overseas jobs come back to America when the economic climate makes it profitable for them to do so. We saw that evidenced during the Trump administration.

The 1 percenters are 1% of the population but they pay almost 46% of the federal income taxes paid. "The top 1 percent’s income share rose from 22.2 percent in 2020 to 26.3 percent in 2021 and its share of federal income taxes paid rose from 42.3 percent to 45.8 percent."

If you confiscated ALL the wealth of that 1%, it would run the country at the current rate of spending at the most six months or so. And then that 46% of taxes they currently pay goes away, mega millions will be living in abject poverty which will eliminate most of the taxes paid by everybody else, and the government will be effectively pretty much shut down.

You cannot punish the wealthy because they are wealthy without hurting the less wealthy more.
Consumer spending drives an economy, and that comes from the poor and middle class. Every cent they earn goes right back into the economy. What percentage of a multi millionaire or billionaires income do they spend each year on the things you're talking about? How many hospitals do they endow? How many museums? Do they own 50 yachts, 500 luxury cars and 100 mansions? Those people hoard their money in off shore accounts. Federal taxes aren't even paid by most of them. Jobs created by these same people aren't even in the United States. These ppl make more money then they give back!

The right wing in this country continually laud the good old days, namely the mid 20th century. During the mid 20th century we had maybe 1 billionaire and they barely made it into that category. We had no multinational corporations, no enormous conglomerates. Large companies for sure, but nothing remotely like what we have now. The middle class was thriving without endless billionaires and multi millionaires.

This is so funny.

It shows a complete lack of understanding.
Those mic cut switches were first used in the 2nd trump/Biden debate last time because of the "Will you shut up man?" first debate.

They had never even been considered before that because of debaters with respect, decorum, and decency.

Then the orange blob stumbled in.

less than two weeks away


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