Zone1 Let's Get Real


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
Every year blacks are the number one group who suffers hate crime attacks. Not Jews, not Asians, BLACKS. And so there is no sane comparison between the amount of anti black hate and anti semitism. This is not a conversation about the past. It is one about the very much present time we live in. People should not complain about Anti Semitism when Jews are doing this:

Prager U. Founder Claims The South Had 'Many Nice Slaveholders'​

And here is more Jewish style racism.

And we aint taking about 1924 either. These are recent videos from Dennis Prager, who is Jewish.

Oh, but there is more

Ben Shapiro on slavery reparations and 2020 Democrats

Ben Shapiro on racism and income inequality

I'll stop here because an entire forum could be created about this.

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The attack against Black Americans is non-stop.

It's been non-stop since we first stepped foot on this soil.

We have a lot of work to do.
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The attack against Black Americans is non-stop.

It's been non-stop since we first stepped foot on this soil.

We have a lot of work to do.
That's a fact these guys deny while they do it. And yet they think we are so stupid that we can't see it.
Evry year blacks arethe number one group who suffers hate crime attacks. Not Jews, not Asians, BLACKS. And so there is no sane comparison between the amount of anti black hate and anti semitism. This is not a conversation about the past. It is one about the very much present time we live in. People should not complain about Anti Semitism when Jews are doing this:

Prager U. Founder Claims The South Had 'Many Nice Slaveholders'​

And here is more Jewish style racism.

And we aint taking about 1924 either. These are recent videos from Dennis Prager, who is Jewish.

Oh, but there is more

Ben Shapiro on slavery reparations and 2020 Democrats

Ben Shapiro on racism and income inequality

I'll stop here because an entire forum could be created about this.

View attachment 941315

Are you Daft?? Ok i listened only to the first video clip ..The Prager U guy.

You are misunderstanding the point he was making. He called Slavery a vicious system, and his point was that even outwardly nice... or otherwise nice people can do terrible things.
Its about how human beings have this ability to compartmentalize and excuse themselves for wrongs. I really dont see what he said wrong with that.
I'm sure that Slave holders THOUGHT THEY were nice people because they went to church on sunday...even as they were partaking in slavery of other human beings.

Of course, prager went on to bash the Democrats, so of course i can see then how its not liked by some here.
Are you Daft?? Ok i listened only to the first video clip ..The Prager U guy.

You are misunderstanding the point he was making. He called Slavery a vicious system, and his point was that even outwardly nice... or otherwise nice people can do terrible things.
Its about how human beings have this ability to compartmentalize and excuse themselves for wrongs. I really dont see what he said wrong with that.
I'm sure that Slave holders THOUGHT THEY were nice people because they went to church on sunday...even as they were partaking in slavery of other human beings.

Of course, prager went on to bash the Democrats, so of course i can see then how its not liked by some here.
No, I'm not missing anything.
Are you Daft?? Ok i listened only to the first video clip ..The Prager U guy.

You are misunderstanding the point he was making. He called Slavery a vicious system, and his point was that even outwardly nice... or otherwise nice people can do terrible things.
Its about how human beings have this ability to compartmentalize and excuse themselves for wrongs. I really dont see what he said wrong with that.
I'm sure that Slave holders THOUGHT THEY were nice people because they went to church on sunday...even as they were partaking in slavery of other human beings.

Of course, prager went on to bash the Democrats, so of course i can see then how its not liked by some here.
And Ted Bundy thought it was fine to kill people. Just because they didn't think they were doing evil things doesn't mean it wasn't evil, and the evil that they did at least needs to be acknowledged.
And Ted Bundy thought it was fine to kill people. Just because they didn't think they were doing evil things doesn't mean it wasn't evil, and the evil that they did at least needs to be acknowledged.

Exactly! I didnt ssee that Prager was saying anything different. He was ssaying that Good people can do bad things. Or in the case of Ted Bundy he was a psycho who may have been outwardly NICE... yet was able to compartmentalise.
Slavery was wrong, slavery is evil, yet slavery was practiced throught the history of the world. You cant say there was ever good slavery. You have to say it was all evil. leaves a question about every civilization that has practiced slavery
Exactly! I didnt ssee that Prager was saying anything different. He was ssaying that Good people can do bad things. Or in the case of Ted Bundy he was a psycho who may have been outwardly NICE... yet was able to compartmentalise.
Slavery was wrong, slavery is evil, yet slavery was practiced throught the history of the world. You cant say there was ever good slavery. You have to say it was all evil. leaves a question about every civilization that has practiced slavery
I don't see a question. Civilizations may be great, but the evil they do is still evil, and they should acknowledge that. Trying to say it wasn't so bad because those responsible also did some good stuff is dishonest, and an insult to what I believe our country stands for.
Yes. Let's get real.

The Indian Ocean Slave Trade was Likely Bigger than the Atlantic Trade | Smithsonian Channel​

81,822 views Mar 17, 2022 #SmithsonianChannel
"In the 17th century, the Indian ocean slave trade was arguably on a bigger scale than the Atlantic slave trade. The hub of this vile industry was in modern-day Tanzania, an area that specialized in three things: ivory, spices, and slaves."

The Arab Slave Trade of East Africa Exposed​

38,377 views Feb 10, 2023 #HistoryVille
"About 17 million East Africans are thought to have been sold into slavery by the Arab slave traders. The so-called Transatlantic slave trade by Europeans into the Americas is still remembered by the majority of people. However, the Arab slave trade in East Africa was considerably worse. "

How Britain Used India To Replace Slave Labor​

610,851 views Jan 18, 2023
"After abolishing slavery, Britain looked to India to replace the labor on its plantations. The British Empire has since gone to great lengths for history to forget how it created the world’s largest diaspora."
Exactly! I didnt ssee that Prager was saying anything different. He was ssaying that Good people can do bad things. Or in the case of Ted Bundy he was a psycho who may have been outwardly NICE... yet was able to compartmentalise.
Slavery was wrong, slavery is evil, yet slavery was practiced throught the history of the world. You cant say there was ever good slavery. You have to say it was all evil. leaves a question about every civilization that has practiced slavery
Stop making excuses. You guys tell us that we don't derserve reparations for stuff that ended less than 200 years ago and try excusing yourself based on things that happened during the Paleozoic era. This is just another example of the arrogance you guys have and the refusal to accept what was done here. By whites. No one should be trying to excuse slavery as Prager did. Period.
The British did a ton of shit and they've never been called out for it.
So? Whatever the British did, it doesn't justify or minimize what we did here in the US. Did you ever tell the judge not to fine you because everybody else on the road was speeding too? Didn't work there either, did it?
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Stop making excuses. You guys tell us that we don't derserve reparations for stuff that ended less than 200 years ago and try excusing yourself based on things that happened during the Paleozoic era. This is just another example of the arrogance you guys have and the refusal to accept what was done here. By whites. No one should be trying to excuse slavery as Prager did. Period.

Sorry but you and the Video host got it wrong. Prager's point wasnt even about slavery.. it was the comaprison. He was talking about how the LEFT consists of good people, but their system makes slaves out of people.. right or wrong, THAT was his point. The speaker chose to twist words and say Prager wa smaking excuses for slavery. Bullshit.
Sorry but you and the Video host got it wrong. Prager's point wasnt even about slavery.. it was the comaprison. He was talking about how the LEFT consists of good people, but their system makes slaves out of people.. right or wrong, THAT was his point. The speaker chose to twist words and say Prager wa smaking excuses for slavery. Bullshit.
Prager was trying to minimize the horrific nature of slavery. You realize black folks were seen as property that they could sell or beat to death at will, don't you?
Sorry but you and the Video host got it wrong. Prager's point wasnt even about slavery.. it was the comaprison. He was talking about how the LEFT consists of good people, but their system makes slaves out of people.. right or wrong, THAT was his point. The speaker chose to twist words and say Prager wa smaking excuses for slavery. Bullshit.
No, you're just another white boy trying to make excuses or deny the racism spoken by another white person. Nobody has twisted anything but you.

Let me put it to you this way had someone black tried minimizing the holocaust like that, neither you nor Prager would accept any explanation of how that wasn't what was done.
Yarddog, you are full of ----. How many people have been ruined for saying that Hitler did some good things? But here we have an atrocity that lasted nearly 70 times longer than the Holocaust, killed way more people and yet we have to read some bullshit.
No, you're just another white boy trying to make excuses or deny the racism spoken by another wite person. Nobody has twisted anything but you.

You post here with th eexpectation that people are going to dissagree with you, then you love to use the old WHITE BOY monaker LOL... you do it constantly, but its simply the default of a closed mind. If you expect everyone to agree with your posts it would be quite a boring converstaion wouldnt it? But of course that isnt what you want... but then your still not happy. You cant take an alternative view point without feeling that you're fighting a battle with a racist KKK member. Sometimes I feel like its worth responding to your threads... but then you remind me how, old stale and predictible all this is.

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