Leftist loon Bill Kristol pre-emptively denies the 2024 election

marvin martian

Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2020
Texas Hill Country
He knows.

I only hope someone is kind enough to confiscate his belt and shoelaces on the night of the election.

Actually, I don't...lol

Remember, Putin waited until Biden was in the White House to invade Ukraine.

He knows.

I only hope someone is kind enough to confiscate his belt and shoelaces on the night of the election.

Actually, I don't...lol

Remember, Putin waited until Biden was in the White House to invade Ukraine.

I love how Republicans try to re write history

William Kristol is an American neoconservative writer. A frequent commentator on several networks including CNN, he was the founder and editor-at-large of the political magazine The Weekly Standard. Kristol is now editor-at-large of the center-right publication The Bulwark and has been the host of Conversations with Bill Kristol, an interview web program, since 2014.

Kristol played a leading role in the defeat of the Clinton health care plan of 1993,[6] and for advocating the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

Republicans have called CNN liberal so much that CNN is starting to cave and having guys like this on. Or hosting a town hall for Trump. All so they don't seem bias or liberal.

This is Chaney and Bush's boy. PNAC. They plotted to steal the 2000 election and lie us into Iraq back in the 90's.
I love how Republicans try to re write history

William Kristol is an American neoconservative writer. A frequent commentator on several networks including CNN, he was the founder and editor-at-large of the political magazine The Weekly Standard. Kristol is now editor-at-large of the center-right publication The Bulwark and has been the host of Conversations with Bill Kristol, an interview web program, since 2014.

Kristol played a leading role in the defeat of the Clinton health care plan of 1993,[6] and for advocating the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

Republicans have called CNN liberal so much that CNN is starting to cave and having guys like this on. Or hosting a town hall for Trump. All so they don't seem bias or liberal.

This is Chaney and Bush's boy. PNAC. They plotted to steal the 2000 election and lie us into Iraq back in the 90's.
Yeah, you can usually tell when they get really hurt by something; they start throwing their own under the bus.
Yeah, you can usually tell when they get really hurt by something; they start throwing their own under the bus.

That reminds me of Jeff Sessions. Imagine Biden asking his attorney general Merrick Garland to stop investigating him. In fact Merrick Garland appointed a Republican to investigate Biden and that Asian Republican wrote in his report that Biden has a bad memory. What a dick. But luckily the guy also wrote that Biden has a photographic memory or something like that. So which is it? Also, how many times did Trump say in court that he couldn't recall? What about his memory? Either he has no memory or he's lying.

President Donald Trump called Wednesday for his attorney general, Jeff Sessions, to end special counsel Robert Mueller's probe of Russia's election intervention, a day after Trump's former campaign chairman went on trial.

Taking to Twitter to complain about the federal Russia investigation, which focuses on the 2016 presidential campaign, Trump said Sessions "should stop this Rigged Witch Hunt right now, before it to stain our country any further."
He knows.

I only hope someone is kind enough to confiscate his belt and shoelaces on the night of the election.

Actually, I don't...lol

Remember, Putin waited until Biden was in the White House to invade Ukraine.

Nothing worse than being known for being the second best known Billy Kristol and your names aren't even spelled the same way. This guy is as unimpressive as they come.
That reminds me of Jeff Sessions. Imagine Biden asking his attorney general Merrick Garland to stop investigating him. In fact Merrick Garland appointed a Republican to investigate Biden and that Asian Republican wrote in his report that Biden has a bad memory. What a dick. But luckily the guy also wrote that Biden has a photographic memory or something like that. So which is it? Also, how many times did Trump say in court that he couldn't recall? What about his memory? Either he has no memory or he's lying.

President Donald Trump called Wednesday for his attorney general, Jeff Sessions, to end special counsel Robert Mueller's probe of Russia's election intervention, a day after Trump's former campaign chairman went on trial.

Taking to Twitter to complain about the federal Russia investigation, which focuses on the 2016 presidential campaign, Trump said Sessions "should stop this Rigged Witch Hunt right now, before it to stain our country any further."
I'm comfortably sure that Donald Trump has never read the Constitution much less thought much about the limitations of Article II on executive power. I'm sure he'll be amused.

It wouldn't surprise me if we end up with a showdown between the Court and Trump much like Andrew Jackson had with Marshall where Trump challenges Roberts to basically "do something about it" when he eventually violates a court order.
I love how Republicans try to re write history

William Kristol is an American neoconservative writer. A frequent commentator on several networks including CNN, he was the founder and editor-at-large of the political magazine The Weekly Standard. Kristol is now editor-at-large of the center-right publication The Bulwark and has been the host of Conversations with Bill Kristol, an interview web program, since 2014.

Kristol played a leading role in the defeat of the Clinton health care plan of 1993,[6] and for advocating the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

Republicans have called CNN liberal so much that CNN is starting to cave and having guys like this on. Or hosting a town hall for Trump. All so they don't seem bias or liberal.

This is Chaney and Bush's boy. PNAC. They plotted to steal the 2000 election and lie us into Iraq back in the 90's.

And we know how much you people love the Cheneys now. Liz is like your Aimee Semple McPherson.

Yeah, you can usually tell when they get really hurt by something; they start throwing their own under the bus.
Really? the NY Slimes, Boston Herald, and LA Times think differently.
Putin brought Russia's potential power to bear against US/Nato aggression.

The only measures Trump could have taken would be nuclear war!

Sadly the extreme right and American Christians will say, "What a good idea!"
Really? the NY Slimes, Boston Herald, and LA Times think differently.
If I was a democrat, that would really upset me. LOL
And we know how much you people love the Cheneys now. Liz is like your Aimee Semple McPherson.

She's at least patriotic. Probably like me, doesn't mind the idea that every once in awhile Democrats are going to be in charge. Think of it like a pendulum. Like abortion. Republicans wanted to stop people from getting abortion, even rape or incest. So we compromised and shortened the weeks a woman could get one. But you guys swung too far right so it's good we swing back left.

You guys want there to be one type of government official. A politician who is loyal to Trump. Then you'll even rig elections with him. Hell, McCarthy and Mike Pence both went along. Pence and Chaney didn't. So I prefer non treasonist Republicans like them and Mitt Romney. Even Mitch McConnell would go along with a take over of our government. Make Trump more like Putin.
He knows.

I only hope someone is kind enough to confiscate his belt and shoelaces on the night of the election.

Actually, I don't...lol

Remember, Putin waited until Biden was in the White House to invade Ukraine.

Bill Kristol is no "leftist loon." I can't fathom how you could say such a thing about him, unless you're to the right Genghis Khan.
He knows.

I only hope someone is kind enough to confiscate his belt and shoelaces on the night of the election.

Actually, I don't...lol

Remember, Putin waited until Biden was in the White House to invade Ukraine.

Damn, someone should look into Trump/Russian collusion.
He knows.

I only hope someone is kind enough to confiscate his belt and shoelaces on the night of the election.

Actually, I don't...lol

Remember, Putin waited until Biden was in the White House to invade Ukraine.

He is currently editor-at-large of the Bulwark, a conservative news and opinion outlet. He was previously the founder of the influential Washington-based political magazine, The Weekly Standard, which he edited for over two decades.

Before starting The Weekly Standard in 1995, Mr. Kristol led the Project for the Republican Future, where he helped shape the strategy that produced the 1994 Republican congressional victory. Prior to that, Mr. Kristol served as chief of staff to Vice President Dan Quayle during the George H.W. Bush administration and to Secretary of Education William Bennett under President Reagan.

He was also involved in PNAC (invading Iraq and stealing Florida in 2000)

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