Leftist Backfire: Women’s Tech Career Fair Swamped by Men Claiming to Be ‘Non-Binary’

Votar Roja

Diamond Member
Sep 11, 2023
Leftist Backfire: Women’s Tech Career Fair Swamped by Men Claiming to Be ‘Non-Binary’

QUOTE: The Grace Hopper Celebration, which bills itself as a the world’s largest conference for women in computing, was recently swamped by men. The influential career fair for women opened itself to disaster by welcoming “non-binary” attendees to be inclusive of the LGBT community — an invitation men accepted in large numbers. Event organizers became frustrated by the sea of men, accusing male attendees of “lying” about their gender identities, with the event’s chief impact officer complaining, “Unfortunately — some of you are taking interview slots right now, from women who need them. Some of you are standing in line, talking to recruiters, instead of letting women speak. All of those are limited resources to which you have no right.”

OP COMMENT: Liberalism and Leftism is a filthy disease that corrupts all good things. This is just another in a long line of examples
Leftist Backfire: Women’s Tech Career Fair Swamped by Men Claiming to Be ‘Non-Binary’

QUOTE: The Grace Hopper Celebration, which bills itself as a the world’s largest conference for women in computing, was recently swamped by men. The influential career fair for women opened itself to disaster by welcoming “non-binary” attendees to be inclusive of the LGBT community — an invitation men accepted in large numbers. Event organizers became frustrated by the sea of men, accusing male attendees of “lying” about their gender identities, with the event’s chief impact officer complaining, “Unfortunately — some of you are taking interview slots right now, from women who need them. Some of you are standing in line, talking to recruiters, instead of letting women speak. All of those are limited resources to which you have no right.”

OP COMMENT: Liberalism and Leftism is a filthy disease that corrupts all good things. This is just another in a long line of examples

This is great!
All kinds of thoughts are rising to the surface with this. First, it is discriminatory by opening to only women. Second, why would a man want to vie for a job that only pays 79 cents for the same job he could fulfill as a man? Third, Does a man have to pose as a woman in order to get a job in this market? And finally, women are going to have to stand up for themselves against these imposters the way they stood against the "man's world" of the 50's, 60's and 70's. Dems are morons.
Leftist Backfire: Women’s Tech Career Fair Swamped by Men Claiming to Be ‘Non-Binary’

QUOTE: The Grace Hopper Celebration, which bills itself as a the world’s largest conference for women in computing, was recently swamped by men. The influential career fair for women opened itself to disaster by welcoming “non-binary” attendees to be inclusive of the LGBT community — an invitation men accepted in large numbers. Event organizers became frustrated by the sea of men, accusing male attendees of “lying” about their gender identities, with the event’s chief impact officer complaining, “Unfortunately — some of you are taking interview slots right now, from women who need them. Some of you are standing in line, talking to recruiters, instead of letting women speak. All of those are limited resources to which you have no right.”

OP COMMENT: Liberalism and Leftism is a filthy disease that corrupts all good things. This is just another in a long line of examples
Probably 4chan anons lol

Pol was off the charts the other night with the ai generated Indian diarrhea everywhere posts
I like this part

women are going to have to stand up for themselves against these imposters the way they stood against the "man's world" of the 50's, 60's and 70's. Dems are morons.

Not so sure about this part

First, it is discriminatory by opening to only women. Second, why would a man want to vie for a job that only pays 79 cents for the same job he could fulfill as a man?

Unequal pay is democrat propaganda,
and while I generally agree about discrimination, I am in favor of things for men only and women only. Men's clubs, women's clubs, Father son day, Mother daughter day . . . . that stuff is ok.
One of the single most poignant instances of irony is feminists allowing men to usurp all the rights and privileges they worked so hard to carve out for women
All kinds of thoughts are rising to the surface with this. First, it is discriminatory by opening to only women. Second, why would a man want to vie for a job that only pays 79 cents for the same job he could fulfill as a man? Third, Does a man have to pose as a woman in order to get a job in this market? And finally, women are going to have to stand up for themselves against these imposters the way they stood against the "man's world" of the 50's, 60's and 70's. Dems are morons.
/----/ "why would a man want to vie for a job that only pays 79 cents for the same job he could fulfill as a man"
Because that is a bald face lie. Women are paid on the same scale as men for similar jobs with the same skills, sometimes even more.
QUOTE: The Grace Hopper Celebration, which bills itself as a the world’s largest conference for women in computing, was recently swamped by men. The influential career fair for women opened itself to disaster by welcoming “non-binary” attendees to be inclusive of the LGBT community — an invitation men accepted in large numbers. Event organizers became frustrated by the sea of men, accusing male attendees of “lying” about their gender identities, with the event’s chief impact officer complaining, “Unfortunately — some of you are taking interview slots right now, from women who need them. Some of you are standing in line, talking to recruiters, instead of letting women speak. All of those are limited resources to which you have no right.”

OP COMMENT: Liberalism and Leftism is a filthy disease that corrupts all good things. This is just another in a long line of examples
Great post!

The part I put in red brings up a point I've been trying to get an answer from Dems on here for months: How "trans" does a biological male person have to be to enjoy all these extra benefits of transhood, like playing on girls' and women's teams, standing around in female lockers rooms watching them undress and scratching themselves, and getting women's affirmative action?

Do they have to "look" trans? What does that look like? Can they do like Lia Thomas and only be "trans" when it's time to put on the tuckable swimsuit, but be dudes all other times? Do they even have to do that for a career event? Can they just be a woman who wears brooks brothers suits?

Unfortunately, these are the kind of threads that Democrats avoid like welfare dolees running from a job fair, so I don't expect an answer.
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All kinds of thoughts are rising to the surface with this. First, it is discriminatory by opening to only women. Second, why would a man want to vie for a job that only pays 79 cents for the same job he could fulfill as a man? Third, Does a man have to pose as a woman in order to get a job in this market? And finally, women are going to have to stand up for themselves against these imposters the way they stood against the "man's world" of the 50's, 60's and 70's. Dems are morons.
There should be no men's sports and no women's sports. No men's rally's and no women's. No men's room and no woman's room.

Simply change the names to make it real.

If you have a penis, you compete in sports against others with a penis. If you have a penis and there is a rally for those with a penis, You rally with others that have a penis. If you have a penis, You use the bathroom designated for those with a penis.

And the same goes for those with a vagina.

It is not homophobia. Who you love is your choice.

It is just basic logic.
Good. Hiring discrimination against men needs to stop.

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