Leaked Transcript of Recent Obama - Biden Meeting at White House

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023
What follows is a leaked transcript of a recent meeting between Joe Biden and Barack Obama that occurred at the White House. The purpose of the meeting appears to be how to strategize going into the 2024 reelection campaign. Here is what we have received from reliable anonymous sources.

OBAMA: Hey there, Joe! How ya doinā€™, ma bro from anotha ho?!?

BIDEN: Oh, hey!! Gee, I was not expecting the GOAT to come see me today!

OBAMA: Oh, come on now, Joe! We both know that Abe Lincoln was the GOAT.

BIDEN: Who? Man, you hold the record for rebounds in a single season!! Man, I remember back when I played basketball. I looked up to you. In fact, there was this time I was playing for the Harlem Globe Trotters and ā€¦

OBAMA: No, Joe. That was not me you are thinking of. Itā€™s me. Barack. Remember? You used to call me your ā€œLil N****rā€.

BIDEN: Oh!! My little n****r!! Hey man, whatā€™s happening?!? You still married to that huge tranny?

OBAMA: Ok, Joe. Thatā€™s enough. We need to get down to business. Do you know why I called this meeting?

BIDEN: What meeting?

OBAMA: This meeting. Right now.

BIDEN: Well, uhhā€¦ Do you want to take a selfie with the president, boy?

OBAMA: I called this meeting to advise you about your upcoming campaign for reelection. Joe, Trump is a serious threat.

BIDEN: Oh, donā€™t worry about Trump. I beat him last time, I will beat him again.

OBAMA: But Joe, times have changed. You need to fight back harder.

BIDEN: Uhā€¦Could you bring me a coffee, boy?

OBAMA: Could someone please get Joe a coffee, and some Ritalin or some shit?!?

BIDEN: Hey! Remember that time you and I bootlegged a truck load of Coors from Texas to Atlanta? You were driving the Freightliner, and I was running blocker in that black Trans Am? Man, those were good times!

OBAMA: Joe, you got to get tough with Trump.

BIDEN: Oh, I can get tough alright. Here is a story I have never told anyone. I used to be a lifeguard at a public pool back when I was younger. It was a n****r pool, and I used to let all the young chilluns rub my hairy legs. And there was this bad dude named Corn Pop, and ā€¦

OBAMA: Joe, you told me that same story at least once each day for 8 years when I was president.

BIDEN: Oh, were you president? I am president now.

OBAMA: Yes, Joe. I know. That is why I am here today.

BIDEN: Why you are here today? I donā€™t have a clue, unless it is to clean the bathrooms in this place. Sometimes the toilets back up because I get them confused with the trash compactor.

OBAMA: Joe, for Allahā€™s sake, listen to me!!! If you do not get serious about the threat Trump poses to democracy, this may be the last election to ever take place in America. Do you want THAT to happen?

BIDEN: No, I donā€™t guess so.

OBAMA: Ok, then play up Trumpā€™s faults. Keep calling the J6 thing an insurrection. Call MAGA a terrorist organization like Al Qaida.

BIDEN: What about calling them those fellas you helped get their start. What are they called? Ice..Ice..Iceā€¦

OBAMA: ISIS. But no. we do not want to call them ISIS. Call them Al Qaida. And keep calling Trump ā€˜Hitlerā€™.

BIDEN: But, Bubba, that is dumber than hell. Nobody is going to buy that stupid shit.

OBAMA: Oh yes they will, Joe. They are already buying into it. Democrat voters are stupid. How else do you think you and I ever got elected?

BIDEN: Because they like and trust us to do the right thing?


BIDEN: If you think that is funny, then listen to this. (leans to one side and passes gas loudly).

OBAMA: Oh, Jesus Christ, Joe!! You gross motherfucker!!

BIDEN: Heh heh heh ā€¦ Sounds like someone stepped on a duck!

OBAMA: This meeting is fucking over with!!!! (storms out door)

BIDEN: Well, it was nice seeing him. Hey, who was that again?

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